ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. Where the employer has an annual shut-down period (for example, around the Christmas and New Year period), the employee may be directed to take accrued annual leave during the period of the close down. The employer will provide the employee with 14 days’ notice regarding the annual shut-down dates.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. 61.1 The first working day following the gazetted Christmas/Boxing Day public holidays, except where an officer is on leave without pay, long service leave or paid maternity leave, shall be observed as a holiday by CSIRO officers. Officers observing the holiday shall be paid in accordance with their ordinary hours of work and there will be no deduction from leave credits for this day. Officers who work on this day and who meet the eligibility criteria at clause 23.3 shall be paid at double time for the hours worked, in addition to payment for the holiday.
61.2 Except where specified at clause 61.1, any site where CSIRO determines that it shall observe a shut down which includes the period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, officers may be directed to take leave, paid or unpaid depending on the officer’s accrued leave balance, for that period. Officers so directed are to use accrued recreation, flex, or miscellaneous leave subject to clause 62.6 of this Agreement. Officers who fail to apply for leave for the period, will not be paid salary for the period, instead the officer will be provided with paid miscellaneous leave, subject to available credits, during the period. Where an officer has exhausted their miscellaneous leave and recreation leave credits and they are unlikely to clear any excess flex debit as required by clause 61.3, the officer will take unpaid leave.
61.3 Officers with insufficient leave credits at the time of shut down may exceed the normal 10 hour maximum flex debit, provided that the excess debit is cleared within three months of the shut down.
61.4 Decisions on implementing shut down will be communicated no less than three months before the shut down period. Where officers are likely to have genuine work demands during the shut down period, CSIRO shall organise appropriate alternative working arrangements in the event it wishes to proceed with the shut down.
61.5 In order to meet essential operating requirements at a site, CSIRO may direct an officer to attend work during the annual shut down. An officer who is directed to work shall be permitted to access an equivalent period of miscellaneous leave during the following two months in recognition of the requirement to work during the shut down period.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. The closure of the organisation between Christmas and the New Year without employees having to use their annual leave (up to a maximum of three days) will continue under this Agreement. This clause will not apply to Physical/Community Service Employees except for Community Care Workers, or Early Childhood Teachers (Kindergarten teachers).
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. 40.1 The Company may conduct a shutdown of the site for a period of up to 2 weeks each year. Employees will be provided notice of the shutdown time and period at least one month in advance of the shutdown.
40.2 Affected Employees will be required to take up to 2 weeks of their accrued annual leave. Employees with insufficient leave accruals may take leave without pay or long service leave (if applicable). The Company may offer Employees the opportunity to continue to work during the shutdown period on alternate duties.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. The provisions of this clause will apply in accordance with clause 24.9 of the Award.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. 22.19.1 The Company may apply a system of annual close down with respect to all or the bulk of employees in a section of the business or part thereof for operational requirements, provided that;
(a) The Company will give two months’ notice of its intention to do so
(b) An employee who has sufficient accrued leave to cover the period of the close down is granted paid leave;
(c) An employee who has not sufficient accrued leave to cover part or all of the close down period, is granted paid leave for the period for which they have accrued sufficient leave and an agreement is reached between the Company and the employee as to whether the employee will be authorised to take annual leave in advance of accrual or granted unpaid leave for the balance of the period;,
(d) Any leave taken by an employee as a result of a close down pursuant to this Clause also counts as service by the employee with their employer; and
(e) The Company may maintain a skeleton crew during the period of close-down to ensure the operational needs of the Company are met.
(f) The max period of shut down will be two weeks. This period of shut down will fall between 20th December to 10th January each year.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. 62.1 The first working day following the gazetted Christmas/Boxing Day public holidays, except where an officer is on leave without pay or long service leave shall be observed as a holiday by CSIRO officers. Officers observing the holiday shall be paid in accordance with their ordinary hours of work and there will be no deduction from leave credits for this day. Officers who work on this day and who meet the eligibility criteria at clause 23.3 shall be paid at double time for the hours worked, in addition to payment for the holiday.
62.2 Except where specified at clause 62.1, any site where CSIRO determines that it shall observe a shut down which includes the period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, officers will be provided with time off in accordance with their ordinary hours of work and there will be no deduction from leave credits for these days. Decisions on implementing shut down will be communicated no less than three months before the shut down period. Where officers are likely to have genuine work demands during the shut down period, CSIRO shall organise appropriate alternative working arrangements in the event it wishes to proceed with the shut down.
62.3 In order to meet essential operating requirements at a site, CSIRO may direct an officer to attend work during the annual shut down. An officer who is directed to work shall be permitted to access an equivalent period of time off during the following two months in recognition of the requirement to work during the shut down period.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. (a) Where at any site CSIRO determines that it shall observe a shut down which includes the period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, officers may be directed to take leave for that period. Officers so directed may elect to use accrued recreation, flex or miscellaneous leave subject to clause 61(f) for this purpose.
(b) Officers with insufficient leave credits at the time of shutdown may exceed the normal 10 hour maximum flex debit, provided that the excess debit is cleared within 3 months of the shutdown.
(c) Consistent with clause 54, decisions on implementing shut down of a particular site shall be subject to consultation with affected officers and where they choose, their representatives, commencing no less than 3 months before the proposed shut down period. Where officers are likely to have bona fide work demands during the proposed shut down period, CSIRO shall organise appropriate alternative working arrangements in the event it wishes to proceed with the shut down.
64.1 CDSCC will observe an annual shut down between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Employees, who would ordinarily work on these shut down days, will be provided with time off in accordance with their ordinary hours of work and there will be no deduction from leave credits for these days.
64.2 However, to meet essential operating requirements at CDSCC, CSIRO may direct, or roster, an employee or employees, to attend work during the shut down and those employees will be provided with an equivalent period of time off to be taken within two months of the shut down.
64.3 Decisions on essential operational requirements for the shut down will be communicated to employees no less than six weeks before the shut down occurs.
ANNUAL SHUT DOWN. In order to better meet its food safety and production requirements, the Company may schedule an annual shutdown for a period of one week. The Company will post the temporary jobs required during the shutdown and fill the positions by seniority, provided the employee has the demonstrated ability to perform the required work. Employees will have an opportunity to use any outstanding vacation during shut- down. Alternatively, employees will have the choice between excused or lay-off for the duration of the shutdown. Employees choosing lay-off will be informed of article 17.4. XXXXXXXXX EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE OFFICERS PRESIDENT XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX (000) 000-0000 EXT. 7296 VICE PRESIDENT XXX XXXXXXX (000) 000-0000 EXT. 7735 TREASURER/BENEFITS XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX (000) 000-0000 EXT. 7734 SECRETARY XXX XXXXXXXXX (000) 000-0000 EXT. 7169