ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. 5.01 The Board shall provide the Association by November 1st of each year with a list of the names, ranks, and departments of all members of the bargaining unit, and shall notify the Association of additions and deletions to this list within two weeks after such additions and deletions have been made.
5.02 While membership in the Association shall not be a condition of employment, Association dues shall be deducted by the Board from the monthly salary payment of all members of the bargaining unit. The Board shall remit the dues to the Association within thirty days of the end of the pay period, together with a statement listing the names and academic classifications or librarian rank of members from whose salaries the dues have been deducted and the amount deducted from each member.
5.03 The Treasurer of the Association shall notify in writing the Controller of the Board of any authorized change to the dues structure of the Association by no later than the first day of the month in which the change is to become effective. The dues structure shall not require deductions which are incompatible with the Board's payroll system, but reasonable effort will be made to accommodate requested changes.
5.04 The Board shall provide to each member, either on his/her T4 Income Tax slip or in other suitable written format, an annual statement of the Association dues which have been deducted from his/her salary during the calendar year.
5.05 The Association shall indemnify and save harmless the Board from any claim or liability made against it pursuant to the deduction or non-deduction of the Association dues, except where an error has been made by the Board.
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. (a) All Employees covered by this Agreement shall become and remain members of the Association as a condition of employment.
(b) The University agrees to deduct the Association's regular monthly membership dues from the pay of each member.
(c) The University shall remit to the Association dues deducted, by the first working day after the fifteenth (15th) calendar day in the month following the month in which the deduction was made. The remittance of deductions shall identify the Employee for whom the deduction was made and the period for which the deduction was made.
(d) The Association shall advise the University, in writing, of any change in the amount of the regular monthly membership dues or specified levies to be deducted from the Employees covered by this Agreement. Such notice shall be communicated to the University at least twenty (20) days prior to the effective date of the change.
(e) Members of the Association shall authorize deductions of dues. All such deductions shall remain in effect from year to year, unless the Employee no longer holds a MRSA position.
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. Section 1. All applications for Association membership shall be submitted by the employee to the Association. All applications for membership or dues cancellation that the Department receives shall be promptly forwarded to the Association.
Section 2. The Department shall deduct from the wages of employees in the bargaining unit who are members of the Association and who have authorized such deductions a sum equal to Association dues. The deduction shall begin on the first payroll period following such authorization. A listing of dues deducted by the Department for the previous month shall be forwarded to the Association by the third workday of each month with the dues check for the previous month. The listing shall include the employee's name (last, first, middle initial) and amount deducted.
Section 3. The Department shall continue to deduct dues from employees as long as the employee remains on the payroll, except when the employee requests cancellation of the Association membership dues deduction in writing.
Section 4. The Department shall reinstate the payroll deduction of Association dues upon return from leave without pay for those employees who were having dues deducted immediately before taking leave.
Section 5. Dues for part-time employees shall be prorated.
Section 6. The Association shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless from and against any claims, demands, suits, losses, costs and expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees, incurred by the Employer as a result of action taken by the Employer in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Article.
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. The Association shall determine its requirements for membership. Dues shall be as set by the Association from time to time for all members of the bargaining unit. The Association shall notify the Board in writing of its Dues structure and any changes thereto.
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. 3.01 As a condition of continued employment, each Regular, Probationary, Non-Regular, Artist/ Designer/Scholar in Residence, full-time or part-time Faculty Member or substitute whose contract of employment is in excess of thirty calendar days shall become a member in good standing of the Faculty Association, and shall maintain such membership while employed.
3.02 Prior to or on the date of commencement of employment with the University, each Faculty Member covered by the terms of this Agreement shall authorize the University, in writing, to deduct the Faculty Association monthly dues by signing the following authorization provision:
2.1 Except as specified below, it will be a condition of employment that each Member of the bargaining unit join, and pay membership dues to the Association.
2.2 An exception will be made to this provision for a person who affirms a religious objection to membership in the Association as per Section 17 of the British Columbia Labour Relations Code, in which case that employee will pay an amount equivalent to membership dues to a charitable organization, registered as such under the Income Tax Act and mutually agreed upon by the parties.
2.3 The University will honour a bargaining unit Member's written assignment of salary to this effect:
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. 55 A. Membership in the Association
3.01 As a condition of continued employment, each Regular, Probationary, Non-Regular, Artist/ Designer/Scholar in Residence, full-time or part-time Faculty Member or substitute whose contract of employment is in excess of thirty calendar days shall become a member in good standing of the Faculty Association, and shall maintain such membership while employed.
3.02 Prior to or on the date of commencement of employment with the University, each Faculty Member covered by the terms of this Agreement shall authorize the University, in writing, to deduct the Faculty Association monthly dues by signing the following authorization provision:
3.03 Pursuant to the above written authorization, the University shall deduct the monthly dues owing to the Faculty Association, on their behalf, from monthly pay cheques of the Faculty Members covered by this Agreement. Such dues shall be forwarded to the Association’s Treasurer by the fifteenth of the month following the month of deduction.
3.04 Within thirty calendar days following ratification of this Agreement, the Association will provide written notice to the University’s Vice President, Finance and Administration, of the amount of monthly dues to be deducted. It is also agreed that the Association’s Treasurer shall provide the University with at least thirty (30) days’ notice, in writing, of any proposed changes to the specified monthly dues, with the understanding that such changes shall not occur more than twice in any contract year.
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. 3.01 As a condition of continued employment, each Regular, Probationary, Non-Regular, Artist/ Designer/Scholar in Residence, full-time or part-time Faculty Member or substitute whose contract of employment is in excess of thirty calendar days shall become a member in good standing of the Faculty Association, and shall maintain such membership while employed.
3.02 Prior to or on the date of commencement of employment with the Institute, each Faculty Member covered by the terms of this Agreement shall authorize the Institute, in writing, to deduct the Faculty Association monthly dues by signing the following authorization provision:
3.03 Pursuant to the above written authorization, the Institute shall deduct the monthly dues owing to the Faculty Association, on their behalf, from monthly pay cheques of the Faculty Members covered by this Agreement. Such dues shall be forwarded to the Association’s Treasurer by the fifteenth of the month following the month of deduction.
3.04 Within thirty calendar days following ratification of this Agreement, the Association will provide written notice to the Institute’s Vice President, Finance and Administration, of the amount of monthly dues to be deducted. It is also agreed that the Association Treasurer shall notify the Institute in writing of any proposed changes to the specified monthly dues with thirty days of such changes, with the understanding that they shall not occur more than twice in any contract year.
ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. 1. The association shall certify to the city the amount of dues approved by the members of the association. The city agrees it will deduct from each employee's monthly wages an association member's dues. The monthly deductions shall be remitted monthly to the Treasurer of the association.
2. The association agrees to indemnify the city as provided by ORS 243.806.