Availability List Sample Clauses

Availability List. A non-exempt employee who is on a call list maintained by the employer for possible off duty contact but has not been Called Back (7.3. 1.) to work, is not in On-Call (7.3.2.) status nor is required to be available on Standby (7.3.3) shall be compensated for hours actually worked when responding and shall be guaranteed a minimum on one (1) hour of compensation per occurrence except for subsequent occurrences within the guaranteed one (1) hour minimum.
Availability List. When the notion of availability list is used, its definition is the one negotiated and agreed upon at the local level.
Availability List. A Research Associate who has two (2) or more years of continuous service may, up until the last day of their appointment (except if their employment was terminated for disciplinary reasons), inform their immediate supervisor with a copy to Human Resources (Employee Relations), that they would like to have their name placed on an Availability List (the “List”).Their name will remain on the List for a maximum period of six (6) months. Employees included on the List will keep and accumulate service for the duration of their inclusion on the List and: (i) May elect to maintain their benefit coverage by paying both the University and Employee benefit contributions; and/or (ii) May elect to continue to contribute to the University pension plan, in which case the Employee must pay both the University and Employee pension contributions. 02 1. The service used to calculate severance will exclude the six (6) month period during which the Research Associate was on the List. All postings for Research Associate positions shall be communicated to those on the List and Research Associates on appointment at the University, prior to the posting period, as per 14.01. Article 14.01 will not apply when an Employee on the List is rehired within the six (6) month period by the person who was the Employee’s Research Director when they placed their name on the List.
Availability List. A. Packages will be assigned on the basis of seniority. Hardship cases will be considered, but no consideration will be given to the requirements of a second job when runs are assigned. 1. If available on or before August 15, senior drivers will select the package of runs they desire. B. Any regular employee who is not to be re-employed for the next school year must be notified prior to June 1st. C. No driver will be assigned more than eight hours of regular daily work until all drivers have eight (8) hours of actual daily work. D. If any eight (8) hour employee is absent for more than five (5) consecutive work days, employees with less than eight hours of contracted work (excluding PTBC drivers) may exercise their seniority rights to temporarily bump up to this position until the regular driver returns to work. E. Any new positions will be posted in the drivers’ room. These runs will be assigned to the senior driver so long as they result in monetary gain. F. Employees covered by this Agreement will be used as substitutes whenever possible. This will not restrict the Board’s use of substitute drivers to cover runs for drivers who are absent or on assigned trips. G. Any new or extruded work will be placed in the most senior eight hour driver’s package in which it “fits”and is desired. If no eight hour driver desires this work, it will be placed in the least senior eight hour driver’s package that it “fits”. If this work will not fit into any existing eight hour package, it will be placed in the most senior driver’s package that is less than eight hours, resulting in a monetary gain. H. Drivers will be scheduled by seniority to pick their packages in the summer. I. Drivers will have a maximum of thirty (30) minutes to select their package components. Anyone exceeding this time allotment will immediately have his selection completed by the Association representative present. J. If a driver is assigned to a school run that does not conform to the Toms River calendar, they will be required to work on the days that the other school is open when Toms River is closed. They will be remunerated a minimum of four (4) hours per day at their salaried rate for this work.
Availability List. As job openings are filled, the remaining qualified in house job applicants who were not selected to fill the job opening shall be placed on an availability list in their order of qualification as determined by the recruitment selection process, and shall be considered for any future job opening which may occur within the same job classification for a period of six (6) months. If a future job opening occurs within a six (6) month period in the same job classification, and there are at least two (2) qualified individuals on the availability list for that job classification, the appointing authority (Assistant General Manager or General Manager) shall award the position to any qualified individual from the availability list under the same provisions provided in 19.2e., without reposting a job opening notice on designated bulletin boards. If only one (1) qualified individual exists on an availability list, the appointing authority, at their discretion, may choose to either fill the job vacancy with the one qualified individual from the availability list, or open a recruitment to fill the job vacancy.
Availability List. The worksite/classification specific volunteer availability list will be posted and maintained by employees in the school/worksite or the managing office, whichever is appropriate. Employees will be responsible to maintain the accuracy of their availability and desire to be considered for additional hours.
Availability List. A list that is posted on the Drivers' bulletin board that allows Drivers to indicate which days of the week that they are available to drive a field/athletic trip and/or a miscellaneous driving trip. This Availability List will be used for all unassigned field/athletic trips and unassigned miscellaneous driving trips. Availability List assignment considerations are based on seniority, hours worked, timeframe, and location of Drivers proximity to the field/athletic trip and/or miscellaneous driving trip location. The availability list will be used on a rotating basis beginning at the top of the list and proceeding downward until the trip is assigned. Once an Employee has selected a trip based on the information provided on the availability list, they will not be eligible for another trip until all Employees listed on the availability list have been given a chance to accept or decline a trip. In the event that a trip is rescheduled due to cancellation or postponement, the Employee awarded the trip shall have the opportunity to accept or decline the rescheduling of said trip, if within the same workweek.
Availability List. The list of persons who may be called in to work at the Center as replacement employees, as described in article 5-2-09. Also, this list may include permanent employees who have been laid off as well as temporary employees whose contract has been terminated. An example of the availability list appears in Appendix D.
Availability List. The Availability List will start at the top and move down utilizing seniority and hours to award work. Dispatch will use the list in a continuing rotation going back to the top only after exhausting all Drivers. Dispatch will attempt to contact Drivers who are not in attendance, if updated telephone numbers have been provided. Once all procedures have been followed, grievance pertaining to non-awarded/late call-ins will not be accepted. Any voicemail message left with a Driver to fill a route/trip shall require a three (3) minute waiting period before dispatch contacts the next person on the availability list, unless the trip is for the same day, in which case there will be a two (2) minute waiting period before the next person on the list is contacted.
Availability List i. The Employer shall maintain an availability list in order to ensure the replacement of absent employees. ii. Employees shall express availability, adapted to their needs, in writing on the Availability Form. The availability so expressed shall automatically be renewed if the employee makes no changes. Any changes must be provided, in writing, a minimum of one (1) week in advance of the posting of the schedule. iii. Employees scheduled for 75 bi-weekly hours shall not be obliged to express availability. iv. The availability form shall include the following information: - name of the employee; - date the employee filled out the form; - classification(s); - day(s) of the week; - shift(s)