BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. 29.01 Should a bereavement occur in a regular employee’s immediate family (members of his household including same sex partner, parents, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren) he may request a bereavement leave, and he shall be granted such time off with pay as is reasonable under the circumstances to enable him to look after funeral arrangements or to attend the funeral. The extent of such leave shall be at the discretion of the Company, depending upon the time of the bereavement in relation to his regular time off, the distance to be travelled, etc. The general standard of bereavement time off shall be three (3) consecutive days.
29.02 Providing prior permission is received, in the event an employee attends the funeral of other in-laws not listed above or of a grandparent or grandchild on a regular scheduled work day, time off with pay shall be granted.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. (a) The employer agrees to allow employees leave of absence, without loss of pay for five consecutive regular working days (calculated at straight time at the base hourly rate) in the event of the death of a parent, spouse or child, provided the time is required to look after funeral arrangements or family needs.
(b) The employer agrees to allow employees leave of absence, without loss of pay for three consecutive regular working days (calculated at straight time at the base hourly rate) in the event of a death in the immediate family (father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister, brother) provided the time is required to look after funeral arrangements or family needs.
16.02 The employer agrees to allow employees leave of absence, without loss of pay, for one (1) working day in the event of the death of an employee’s sister-in-law, brother-in-law, or grandparents.
16.03 It is understood that such allowance with pay will apply only to days on which the employee would normally be required to work. Payment will be made at the employee’s basic rate of pay which would have been earned, had a normal straight time shift been worked, provided the employee attends the funeral.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. (a) Upon notification of a bereavement in the immediate family of an active employee, the employee will be granted the next three (3) scheduled working days off, following notification, excluding Saturday and Sunday, and be paid his straight time hourly rate. In all cases, the time off and the paid time off must be completed within five (5) calendar days of notification. For the purpose of clause 22.01(a) immediate family will mean: current spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandparent and grandchild.
(b) When a bereavement occurs in the non-immediate family of an active employee, the employee will be allowed such time as may reasonably be needed for the purpose of attending the funeral, and will be paid his basic straight time hourly rate up to three (3) regularly scheduled work days, excluding Saturday and Sunday, during the period beginning with the day of death and ending with the day of such funeral. For the purpose of this clause 22.01 (b), the term "non-immediate family" will mean: current mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law and daughter-in-law.
(c) If an active employee is unable to attend the funeral of his current mother-in-law, father-in- law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law, he will be granted one day off with pay provided that: (i) the day is taken on or before the day of the funeral; (ii) the employee would otherwise have worked that day.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. SECTION 22.01 If requested by the employee, a leave of absence with pay shall be granted to a maximum of three (3) working days, where death, or deaths, occur in the employee’s immediate family and where the employee is attending the funeral. Immediate family, for the provisions of this Agreement, shall be limited to the employee’s mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, children, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, step parents, step children, grandparents and grandchildren.
SECTION 22.02 Pay for such leave shall be limited to eight (8) hours in each calendar day, at the employee’s straight time job rate.
SECTION 22.03 The days of the leave of absence for which the employee shall receive pay shall be limited to those days on which the employee was scheduled to work and does not work. Neither time off nor pay granted under this provision shall be used in computing overtime of any description.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. 23.1 Effective January 1, 2019, any employee will be allowed six (6) working days off with pay for the death of an employee's: Mother Father Spouse Common-law Spouse Same Sex Partner Stepmother Stepfather Child Step Child
23.1.1 If funeral services are scheduled at a later date, such entitlement shall not be consecutive, upon mutual agreement of both Parties. Certification of relationship and death will be presented, on request, to the appropriate Department Head.
23.2 Effective January 1, 2019, any employee will be allowed three (3) working days off with pay for the death of an employee's: Mother-in-law Father -in-law Sister Brother Grandmother Grandfather Grandchild Stepsister Stepbrother Step Grandchild
23.2.1 If funeral services are scheduled at a later date, such entitlement shall not be consecutive, upon mutual agreement by both Parties. Certification of relationship and death will be presented on request to the appropriate Department Head.
23.3 One (1) day off with pay will be allowed for any employee attending the funeral of their spouse's immediate family. "Immediate Family" will mean: Sister Brother Grandmother Grandfather
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. In the event of your death, your surviving relatives will be paid a bereavement allowance. The allowance is three times the monthly salary plus the monthly salary for the number of days remaining in the month in which you decease. The statutory payment in the event of death is included in this amount. Surviving relatives refers to: a the partner; b in the absence of the person referred to under a: the minor children with whom the deceased had a parental relationship; c in the absence of the persons referred to under a. and b: the person for whom the deceased largely bore the cost of living and with whom the decease cohabited. Expense reimbursements
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. 20.01 For each day that an employee is absent from work due solely to the death and funeral of his mother, father, mother‐in‐law, father‐in‐law, spouse, child, sister or brother, he shall be paid an allowance amounting to his full regular daily straight time pay up to a maximum of three (3) working days including the day of the funeral.
20.02 In the event of the death of an employee’s grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, brother‐in‐law, sister‐in‐law, son‐in‐law or daughter‐in‐law, the employee will be paid on the basis of his regular hours at his normal straight time rate for the day of the funeral, and one additional day being either the day immediately before or the day immediately after the funeral.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. If a death occurs during an employees approved vacation they must reschedule up to total days entitlement at maximum of five (5) working paid days of vacation at a later date, as agreed upon with the Company.
24.01 In the event of a death in the immediate family of a seniority employee, the Company will grant upon application made by the employee up to five (5) days leave of absence with pay at the regular rate of pay, provided these are regular working days upon which the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work, provided the employee does attend the funeral. Immediate family shall mean spouse, mother, father, sister, and brother, common-law spouse, sons or daughters, children of common-law.
24.02 In the event of a death of grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, the said leave with pay shall be three (3) days.
24.03 Should an employee request a leave of absence from the employer for up to two (2) additional working days in the event of a death as set out above, the employer agrees that such leave will be granted without pay.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. (a) When a bereavement occurs in the immediate family of an employee, the employee shall be allowed five (5) working days off with pay, which working days shall fall within the date of the bereavement and the day following the date of the funeral except that should an employee not attend the funeral the time allocated shall be reduced by two (2) working days. An employee's immediate family shall mean his/her spouse, father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter. Step relatives shall be treated the same as natural relatives for the purpose of this Article. However, no more than two allowances shall be paid for any combination of mother, father, step- father and step-mother. Note: Spouse is as defined under Federal Legislation.
(b) When bereaved of mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter or grandson, an employee shall be allowed three (3) days off with pay except that when an employee shows proof that he/she was the person responsible for all arrangements, the allowance shall be increased by two (2) days in accordance with the conditions of Article 23.02
(a) herein.
(c) In the event of a bereavement for a spouse the employee shall be allowed five (5) working days off with pay.
(d) A claim for bereavement allowance must be presented within two (2) weeks of return to work following the bereavement.
BEREAVEMENT ALLOWANCE. (a) Upon notification of a bereavement in the immediate family of an active employee, the employee will be granted the next three (3) scheduled working days off, following notification, excluding Saturday and Sunday, and be paid his straight time hourly rate. In all cases, the time off and the paid time off must be completed within five (5) calendar days of notification. For the purpose of clause 22.01(a) immediate family will mean: current spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, and grandchild.
(b) When a bereavement occurs in the non-immediate family of an active employee, the employee will be allowed such time as may reasonably be needed for the purpose of attending the funeral, and will be paid his basic straight time hourly rate up to three (3) regularly scheduled work days, excluding Saturday and Sunday, during the period beginning with the day of death and ending with the day of such funeral. For the purpose of this clause 22.01 (b), the term "non-immediate family" will mean: current mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law and daughter-in-law.
(c) One day off with pay will be granted to an active employee who attends the funeral of his grandparent if the employee would, except for attending the funeral, have worked that day.
(d) If an active employee is unable to attend the funeral of his current mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law, he will be granted one day off with pay provided that: (i) the day is taken on or before the day of the funeral; (ii) the employee would otherwise have worked that day.