Bullying and Personal Harassment Sample Clauses

Bullying and Personal HarassmentIn accordance with the University’s “Statement on Harass- ment and Violence in the Workplace”, the University will provide an environment where members of the bargaining unit are not subjected to bullying and personal harassment. In assessing whether bullying and personal harassment may have occurred, the definitions and standards set out in the University’s “Statement on Harassment and Violence in the Workplace”, although this statement does not form part of the collective agreement, shall be considered, including by an arbitrator in any arbitration pursuant to this section. An employee may file a grievance alleging a course of con- duct amounting to bullying and personal harassment if, after the University has exhausted any applicable internal steps to respond to the situation, the employee is dissatisfied with the outcome, or if, after 45 working days have elapsed from the date the written complaint was brought to the attention of the University, identifying the conduct alleged to consti- tute bullying and personal harassment, and the University has not provided the employee with a response to the complaint. Such grievance will be filed at Step Two of the grievance pro- cedure. If not resolved at Step Two, mediation or facilitation with an agreed-upon mediator or facilitator must occur before arbitration takes place. The mediation or facilitation will be confidential and without prejudice to the rights of either party. During any internal steps taken to resolve the situation, em- ployees shall have the right to be accompanied by a Union representative.
Bullying and Personal Harassment. ‌ The Employer and the Union recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from bullying and personal harassment. The Employer shall take such actions as are necessary to protect employees from bullying and personal harassment and agree that employees who engage in bullying and personal harassment may be disciplined.
Bullying and Personal Harassment. In recognition of the Employer’s and the Union’s shared commitment to the rights and dignity of all people, and their shared commitment to create a work environment of mutual respect, management employees and bargaining unit employees agree that bullying behavior exhibited by any employee(s) against (an)other employee(s) is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. This Article is included in this Agreement to clearly articulate the values of the Employer, the Union and ACLU of Maine employees. Bullying: Bullying includes any inappropriate conduct or comment towards an individual that the person knew, or a reasonable person should have known, would cause that individual to be humiliated or intimidated. Supervisors and/or Managers, and Directors, who receive complaints or have actual knowledge, shall promptly investigate and in coordination with the Executive Director or their designee and shall take appropriate prompt remedial steps to respond to interpersonal misconduct or allegations of bullying or harassment. The Employer and Union agree victims of bullying or harassment can be reluctant to confront their harasser or bully. It is further agreed that they may fear reprisals, lack of support from their work group, or disbelief by their supervisor or others. Therefore, it is agreed that the victim may seek assistance by reporting the incident directly to any manager or any Union member and will not be required to speak directly to the harasser or bully. Management will act upon the complaint without delay. Union Representation will not be denied if requested. There will be no retaliation or other adverse action taken by any party against an individual who makes a good-faith complaint, reports an incident of bullying or harassment, or who in good faith provides information in the course of the investigation of such a complaint or report. Both parties agree to encourage any employee who believes they have been subject to bullying or harassment in violation of this Article to utilize the internal review procedure established by ACLU of Maine. A bargaining unit employee may have Union assistance to help file and process such a complaint. If a bargaining unit employee chooses to utilize the internal review procedure, they shall not waive their right to use the grievance procedure and shall have the option of filing a grievance starting at Level Two within ten (10) calendar days of the decision resulting from the internal review procedure. This provision shall n...
Bullying and Personal Harassment. The University will provide an environment where members of the bargaining unit are not subjected to bullying and personal harassment. Bullying and personal harassment are defined as a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.
Bullying and Personal Harassment. The University will provide an environment where members of the bargaining unit are not subjected to bullying and personal harassment. In assessing whether bullying and personal harassment may have occurred, the definitions and standards set out in the University’s Civility Guidelines, although they do not form part of the collective agreement, shall be considered, including by an arbitrator in any arbitration pursuant to this section. An employee may file a grievance alleging a course of conduct amounting to bullying and personal harassment if, after the University has exhausted any applicable internal steps to respond to the situation, the employee is dissatisfied with the outcome or if, after 45 days have elapsed from the date the written complaint was brought to the attention of the University, identifying the conduct alleged to constitute bullying and personal harassment, the University has not provided the employee with a response to the complaint. Such grievance will be filed at step 3 of the grievance procedure. If not resolved at Step 3, the parties may agree to mediation or facilitation before an agreed-upon mediator or facilitator before arbitration takes place. The mediation or facilitation will be confidential and without prejudice to the rights of either party. During any internal steps taken to resolve the situation, employees shall have the right to be accompanied by a Union representative.
Bullying and Personal HarassmentThe University and the Union are committed to an environment where all members of the community are free from bullying and personal harassment. In assessing whether bullying and personal harassment may have occurred, the definitions and standards set out in the University’s Workplace Civility and Respect Policy and the Guide to Civility, although not forming part of the collective agreement, shall be considered, including by an arbitrator in any arbitration pursuant to this section. A bargaining unit member may file a grievance alleging a course of conduct amounting to bullying and personal harassment if, after the University has exhausted any applicable internal steps to respond to the situation, the employee is dissatisfied with the outcome or if the University has not provided the employee with a satisfactory response to the complaint within a reasonable time period from the date the written complaint was received.
Bullying and Personal Harassment. The University will provide an environment where members of the bargaining unit are not subjected to bullying and personal harassment. In assessing whether bullying and personal harassment may have occurred, the definitions and standards set out in the University’s Civility Guidelines, although they do not form part of the collective agreement, shall be considered, including by an arbitrator in any arbitration pursuant to this section. An employee may file a grievance alleging a course of conduct amounting to bullying and personal harassment if, after the University has exhausted any applicable internal steps to respond to the situation, the employee is dissatisfied with the outcome. Such grievance will be filed at step 3 of the grievance procedure. If not resolved at Step 3, mediation or facilitation before an agreed-upon mediator or facilitator must occur before arbitration takes place. The mediation or facilitation will be confidential and without prejudice to the rights of either party. During any internal steps taken to resolve the situation, employees shall have the right to be accompanied by a Union representative.

Related to Bullying and Personal Harassment

  • Sexual and Personal Harassment The Employer shall provide and the Union and Employees shall support a workplace free from personal or sexual harassment and any other harassment based on the protected characteristics set out in Article 2.

  • Personal Harassment Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Harassment can be either psychological or physical or it can be a combination of both. It is any behaviour, whether deliberate or negligent, which denies individuals their dignity and respect, is offensive, embarrassing or humiliating to the individual and adversely affects the working environment.

  • Bullying and Harassment Neither DFMC nor you will engage in behaviour that is, or may be reasonably considered to be, intimidating, bullying or harassing or commit any act or behaviour which is offensive or abusive in connection with this Contract. If you are in breach of this clause, DFMC may suspend the collection of your milk for a period of 5 days or until such time as DFMC determines (acting reasonably) that the behaviour has been rectified.

  • Sexual Harassment CONTRACTOR shall have a Sexual and Gender Identity harassment policy that clearly describes the kinds of conduct that constitutes sexual harassment and that is prohibited by the CONTRACTOR’s policy, as well as federal and state law. The policy should include procedures to make complaints without fear of retaliation, and for prompt and objective investigations of all sexual harassment complaints. CONTRACTOR further agrees to provide annual training to all employees regarding the laws concerning sexual harassment and related procedures pursuant to Government Code 12950.1.

  • Sick and Personal Leave The Assistant Principal shall annually be entitled to twelve (12) days of sick leave and two (2) days of personal leave. Unused personal leave days will accumulate as sick leave days. Earned sick leave may accumulate to a maximum of 340 days. Every sick day that is issued for the current school year and eventually not utilized during that school year will be multiplied by 1.5 at the end of the school year (e.g., 10 unused sick days on June 30, 2022 will be converted in a credit of 15 sick days for the Assistant Principal’s use.) This unused sick day multiplier will not be in effect during the four (4) years prior to retirement.

  • Personal Medical Leave 1. Accrued 100% sick leave may be used at the employee's discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation described in No. 3 below. 2. Accrued 75% sick leave may be used following use of all 100% sick leave at the employee’s discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation described in No. 3 below.

  • Paid Personal Leave A. During the first full pay period in each January, persons employed as of September 1, 2011 will be credited annually with paid personal leave credits at the following rate (including such employees laid off and subsequently recalled): Scheduled Hours per Week Personal Leave Credits 37.5 hours per week 37.500 hours 40.0 hours per week 40.000 hours B. During the first full pay period in each January, full-time employees hired after September 1, 2011 will be credited annually with paid personal leave credits at the following rate: Scheduled Hours per Week Personal Leave Credits 37.5 hours per week 22.500 hours 40.0 hours per week 24.000 hours Such personal leave may be taken during the following twelve (12) months at a time or times requested by the employee and approved by his/her Appointing Authority. Full- time employees hired or promoted into the bargaining unit after the first full pay period in January of each year will be credited with personal leave days in accordance with the following schedule: Date of Hire or Promotion Scheduled Hours per Week Personal Leave Credited January 1-March 31 37.5 22.500 hours 40.0 24.000 hours April 1-June 30 37.5 15.000 hours 40.0 16.000 hours July 1-September 30 37.5 7.500 hours 40.0 8.000 hours October 1-December 31 37.5 0.000 hours 40.0 0.000 hours Any paid personal leave not taken by the last Saturday to the first full pay period in January will be forfeited by the employee. Personal leave days for regular part-time employees will be granted on a pro-rata basis. Personal leave may be used in half-hour increments and may be used in conjunction with vacation leave. C. Nothing in this section shall be construed as giving more than three (3) personal days (to employees hired after September 1, 2011) in a given year, or more than five (5) personal days (to employees on the payroll as of September 1, 2011) in a given year. Any employee who has used one or more days leave while employed in state service shall have such time deducted from the formula contained herein

  • Discrimination and Harassment All members of the Appointments Committee shall be supplied with written information about the content and application of relevant federal and provincial legislation, and about University policies, relating to employment equity and federal immigration requirements. In accord with the provisions of the Article Employment Equity, Members shall familiarize themselves with such information as a condition of serving on the Appointments Committee. Furthermore, the Employer shall ensure that the Committee is aware of the relevant legislation and University policies, and the University Librarian or Xxxx and the Members participating in the work of the Committee shall share responsibility for ensuring that the relevant legislation and University policies are followed throughout the deliberations of the Committee. The Committee may call upon the Office of Equity and Human Rights Services for assistance.

  • Workplace Harassment The Hospital and the Union are committed to ensuring a work environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as a “course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome”, that denies individual dignity and respect on the basis of the grounds such as gender, disability, race, colour, sexual orientation or other prohibited grounds, as stated in the Ontario Human Rights Code. All employees are expected to treat others with courtesy and consideration and to discourage harassment. ref. Ontario Human Rights Code, Sec. 10(1). Harassment may take many forms including verbal, physical or visual. It may involve a threat, an implied threat or be perceived as a condition of employment. The Parties agree that harassment is in no way to be construed as properly discharged supervisory responsibilities, including the delegation of work assignments and/or the assessment of discipline. If an employee believes that she/he has been harassed and/or discriminated against on the basis of any prohibited ground of discrimination, there are specific actions that may be undertaken. The employee should request the harasser to stop the unwanted behaviour by informing the harassing individual(s) that the behaviour is unwanted and unwelcome. Should the employee not feel comfortable addressing the harasser directly, she/he may request the assistance of the manager or a Union representative. If the unwelcome behaviour was to continue, the employee will consult the Hospital policy on harassment and will be free to pursue all avenues including the complaint investigation and resolution. The Parties agree that an employee may have a representative of the Union with her/him throughout the process, if requested.

  • Personal Illness Employees may use accumulated sick leave for hours off due to personal illness. The employee may be required to furnish a medical certificate from a qualified physician as evidence of illness or physical disability in order to qualify for paid sick leave as per District practice. Accumulated sick leave may also be granted for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc.