Canceled Trips. In the event a field trip is canceled, the driver and transportation aide scheduled for the trip shall be paid a minimum of two (2) hours reporting time, unless notified one (1) hour before the trip. “
Canceled Trips. Canceled travel requests shall be documented as such and routed through Travel Services. The traveler shall be responsible for requesting refunds for any registration fees, etc., which were expended prior to the required cancellation. Forms: Form 430.02.01, Authorized Representative for Travel Services Form 430.02.02, Request For Pre-Approval To Travel In Business Class TO: Chief Executive Officer FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Travel to Dates of Travel Pursuant to Operational Procedure 430.02, Authorized Travel Expense and Subsistence, Section 4.3, Planning and Approving, I request authorization to book the following travel arrangements for the specific travel described above: I understand that this authorization does not serve as approval of the requested travel. I certify that this procurement will be in accordance with Authority Policy 430.02. I understand that noncompliance will be addressed in accordance with Policy 204.02, Allegations of Misconduct. All documentation, including Most Economical Method of Travel will be attached to this authorization and forwarded to Travel Services within 3 business days of procurement. Traveler Date Department Director Date Senior Director Date Chief Executive Officer February 2018 Date Form 430.02.01 TO: Chief Executive Officer FROM: Ext. DATE: Dates of Travel SUBJECT: Travel to Pursuant to Policy 430.02, Authorized Travel Expense and Subsistence, Section 7.2(a), International Airfare, I request authorization for Travel Services to book business class fare for the specific travel described above. Following is the reason/need: I understand that this authorization does not serve as approval of the requested travel in business class. All documentation evidencing the reason/need will be attached to this authorization. I certify that this procurement will be in accordance with Policy 430.02, Authorized Travel Expense and Subsistence, and will be approved in advance of booking and coordinated with Travel Services. I understand that noncompliance will be addressed in accordance with Authority Policy 204.02, Allegations of Misconduct. Traveler Date_ Department Director Date_ Senior Director Date_ Chief Executive Officer Date_ *In accordance with Policy 430.02, Section 7, business class shall mean a class of travel for which the fare is greater than tourist, coach, or premium economy class, but which is less than first class. February 2018 Form 430.02.02 Orlando International and Executive Airports Continuing Civil Engineering Servic...
Canceled Trips. Once a driver has been given a trip off the trip board, if said trip is canceled during the school day, the trip will not be paid. However, the driver assigned to that trip will receive a green dot and receive credit toward "worked hours" for benefit eligibility. If driver shows up at the site on a non-scheduled day and the trip is canceled, driver will be paid posted time of trip plus pre-trip. Driver may not take another work assignment during the time that he/she is being paid for a canceled trip. Driver is considered to be on the clock at those times . (Refer to Bus driver Employee Handbook for procedures and employee work rules). In the event of a trip cancellation while a trip is in progress, due to an "act of God," the driver will be paid for time driven. The trip will be driven by the same driver at the rescheduled date (if rescheduling for a later date is accomplished within forty-eight (48) hours) or the driver has the option of following the handbook trip cancellation procedures.
Canceled Trips. It is mutually recognized that a trip may be canceled by the Board. If the date and/or time of an assigned trip is changed, the driver may keep the trip only if it continues to meet the requirements of this Article.
Canceled Trips. A. In the event a field trip that requires more than one driver and bus has to be cut, the driver with the least seniority will be cut first unless any driver on the trip volunteers for the cut. The driver who is cut will be paid 1 ¾ hours at the driver’s current hourly rate and be noted as C = date.
B. If a field trip is canceled on a non-work day with less than twenty-four (24) hours notice and it is not due to a situation beyond the control of the school, the driver shall be paid ½ the trip time, but not less than four (4) hours pay. In the event of a situation beyond the control of the school, the driver will receive one and three-quarter (1 ¾) hours at their regular rate of pay.
C. If a field trip is canceled with less than two (2) hours notice on a regular work day, bus drivers and bus assistants shall be paid one and three-quarter (1 ¾) hours at their regular rate of pay.
Canceled Trips. If a special assignment is canceled after the assigned driver has left for the pick-up/departure point, the driver shall receive compensation in accordance with Article 12, Section I., Minimum Call-In Time.
Canceled Trips. If a regular or substitute driver has reported to work and readied the vehicle, the employee shall receive one (1) hour of compensation if the trip is subsequently canceled. If a trip is scheduled on a regular school day and is subsequently canceled after a substitute driver is en route on the regular route, the regular driver shall receive compensation for the portion of his/her run that he/she has foregone.
Canceled Trips. If a trip is canceled and a driver is not personally contacted ninety (90) minutes prior to the field trip clock time, the driver will have the option of working two hours or not working and receiving thirty (30) minutes total pay for travel time. If a trip is canceled more than 90 minutes before the driver's package run, that driver shall be given the option to drive his/her own package.
Canceled Trips. When a special run or extra trip is canceled and the driver is not notified within one (1) hour of scheduled time of leaving the following will apply:
1. The driver will receive two (2) hours pay.
2. If a regular driver is to make a special trip and it is canceled before it is time for their regular run to be made, the regular driver will be allowed to make their regular run.
Canceled Trips. In the event a trip from either trip board (as set forth in Article 4B) is canceled, the driver’s name shall be placed on the top of the trip board in order of cancellations by date and time and seniority. Any trip off of the regular trip board canceled prior to 9:00 a.m., Wednesday’s posting (also set forth in Article 4B) allows the driver’s name to be put on top of board, in order of cancellation, and bid in rotation for that week’s bid session. Canceled Trips (1 bus)- A trip selected off either the blue or red board that is canceled and the driver does not take the trip. When a multiple bus trip for the same destination is posted and awarded, if one or more buses are canceled without a 24 hour notice, the senior driver has the option of taking the trip or being compensated either the length of the trip or a maximum of four (4) hours whichever is greater or the senior driver can choose to be moved to the top of the Trip board but will not be paid the four