Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Sample Clauses
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. 1. Each Party shall endeavour to provide, upon request and on mutually agreed terms and conditions, assistance in capacity building and technical assistance in improving the enforcement of intellectual property rights to other Parties to this Agreement and, where appropriate, to prospective Parties. The capacity building and technical assistance may cover such areas as:
(a) enhancement of public awareness on intellectual property rights;
(b) development and implementation of national legislation related to the enforcement of intellectual property rights;
(c) training of officials on the enforcement of intellectual property rights; and
(d) coordinated operations conducted at the regional and multilateral levels.
2. Each Party shall endeavour to work closely with other Parties and, where appropriate, non-Parties to this Agreement for the purpose of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1.
3. A Party may undertake the activities described in this Article in conjunction with relevant private sector or international organizations. Each Party shall strive to avoid unnecessary duplication between the activities described in this Article and other international cooperation activities.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. 1. The Parties recognise the importance of cooperating in the areas of technical regulations, standards, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment in order to achieve the objectives of this Chapter.
2. The Parties agree that the following are priority areas for cooperation:
(a) the establishment of appropriate arrangements for the sharing of expertise, including appropriate training to ensure adequate and enduring technical competence of the relevant standardisation and conformity assessment bodies of the SADC EPA States and mutual understanding between such bodies in the territories of the Parties;
(b) the development of capacities of the SADC EPA States in the fields of technical regulations, metrology, standards, accreditation and conformity assessment including through the upgrading or setting up of laboratories and other equipment. In this regard, the Parties acknowledge the importance of strengthening regional cooperation and the need to take into account priority products and sectors;
(c) the development and adoption, within the SADC EPA States, of harmonised technical regulations, standards, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment procedures based on relevant international standards;
(d) the support for the participation of the SADC EPA States in international standardisation, accreditation and metrology activities; and
(e) the development of TBT enquiry and notification points within the SADC EPA States.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas inter alia:
(a) facilitating assistance with a view to strengthening regional integration, for example the implementation of the Treaty on the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests in Central Africa ("COMIFAC") and the Sub-regional Convergence Plan, and with a view to building capacity in order to fulfil the commitments set out in this Chapter;
(b) supporting public and private commercial initiatives, particularly in terms of exports to the UK market, for local processing of timber and forest products originating in Central Africa which come from objectively verifiable legal sources and help to achieve sustainable development.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. The Parties, recognizing the development and capacity gaps between the Parties and the importance of capacity building for expanding trade and investment, shall develop capacity building and technical assistance activities, as agreed upon by the Parties, to support the implementation of this Agreement and other areas as mutually agreed.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. 1. The Parties recognise the importance of cooperating in the areas of technical regulations, standards, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment in order to achieve the objectives of this Chapter.
2. The Parties agree that the following are priority areas for cooperation:
(a) the establishment of appropriate arrangements for the sharing of expertise, including appropriate training to ensure adequate and enduring technical competence of the relevant standardisation and conformity assessment bodies of the SACU Member States and Mozambique and mutual understanding between such bodies in the territories of the Parties;
(b) the development of capacities of the SACU Member States and Mozambique in the fields of technical regulations, metrology, standards, accreditation and conformity assessment including through the upgrading or setting up of laboratories and other equipment. In this regard, the Parties acknowledge the importance of strengthening regional cooperation and the need to take into account priority products and sectors;
(c) the development and adoption, within the SACU Member States and Mozambique, of harmonised technical regulations, standards, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment procedures based on relevant international standards;
(d) the support for the participation of the SACU Member States and Mozambique in international standardisation, accreditation and metrology activities; and
(e) the development of TBT enquiry and notification points within the SACU Member States and Mozambique.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, the Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas inter alia:
(a) For products referred to in Appendix IA, the Parties agree to cooperate with a view to strengthening both regional integration and control capacity in accordance with the objectives of this Agreement, and in such a manner as to facilitate trade between Cameroon and any other Central African Contracting States;
(b) For the products referred to in Appendix IB, the Parties agree to cooperate with a view to improving the competitiveness and quality of their products.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. 1. Each Party shall endeavor to provide, on request and on mutually agreed terms and conditions, assistance in capacity building and technical assistance in improving enforcement of intellectual property rights for Parties to this Agreement and, where appropriate, for prospective Parties to this Agreement. Such capacity building and technical assistance may cover such areas as:
(a) enhancement of public awareness on intellectual property rights;
(b) development and implementation of national legislation related to enforcement of intellectual property rights;
(c) training of officials on enforcement of intellectual property rights; and
(d) coordinated operations conducted at the regional and multilateral levels.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, each Party shall endeavor to work closely with other Parties and, where appropriate, countries or separate customs territories not a Party to this Agreement.
3. Each Party may undertake the activities described in this Article in conjunction with relevant private sector or international organizations. Each Party shall strive to avoid unnecessary duplication of the activities described in this Article with respect to other international efforts. CHAPTER FIVE INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS
1. The Parties hereby establish the ACTA Committee, and each Party shall be represented on that Committee.
2. The Committee shall:
(a) review the implementation and operation of this Agreement;
(b) consider matters concerning the development of this Agreement
(c) consider in accordance with Article 6.4 any proposed amendments to this Agreement;
(d) approve in accordance with Article 6.5.2 the terms of accession to this Agreement of any Member of the WTO seeking to become Party to this Agreement; and
(e) consider any other matter that may affect the implementation and operation of this Agreement.
3. The Committee may decide to:
(a) establish ad hoc committees or working groups to assist the Committee in carrying out its responsibilities under paragraph 2, as well as, upon request, to assist prospective parties in joining this Agreement;
(b) seek the advice of non-governmental persons or groups;
(c) make recommendations regarding implementation and operation of the Agreement, including endorsing best practice guidelines related thereto;
(d) share with third parties information and best practices on reducing intellectual property rights infringements, including techniques for identifying and monitoring pir...
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. Wuhan Urban Transport Strategy:
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. Strengthen institutional systems and capacity of DPHE, LGED, RHD, and BPDB to deliver and operate resilient infrastructure, essential basic services, and disaster and emergency response and preparedness through: (a) agency-specific capacity building activities; (b) agency and sector- specific technical assistance and analytical studies; and (c) comprehensive environmental impact and damage assessment.
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance. The Contractor will be engaged to provide services to support and strengthen the organizational capacity and practices of USAID/Nigeria’s existing and potential IPs, and target entities in furtherance of the Mission’s localization plan. Support shall be extended to sub- recipients through the Prime Recipients. This category of services covers supporting and strengthening accounting, internal controls, procurement, and other administrative and technical systems of selected entities, including technical capacity to plan, implement, and monitor activities contributing to the accomplishment of the entity’s goals and objectives. This could require helping organizations develop their vision, strengthen their institutional and staff competencies, build the networks required to improve their fiduciary performance, incorporate a strong internal control system, implement risk mitigation measures, and provide technical assistance. Support under this engagement may include, but will not limited to the following: • Governance and management structures: The Contractor will be expected to identify and define institutional changes that need to be fully implemented across for the organization to succeed. Because effective structural implementation requires continued efforts to address institutional bottlenecks, including with respect to ownership and governance, the Contractor will equip the team with good and relevant skills to step toward a stronger and well governed institution.