Training Allowance Operators who are required by the Employer to provide training to a specified level and to certify to the competency of the employees so trained shall receive twelve dollars ($12) per day while training. In such cases, the most senior qualified operator with the capability to provide training in the required class of equipment shall be given the opportunity to provide such training.
Critical Illness Three (3) days per year, with pay, shall be granted in the case of a critical illness or accident to a member of the employee's immediate family as defined in Section 9.4.2. A statement by the physician verifying the need for the employee to be present with the immediate family member shall be attached to the absence form.
Education Allowance Provisions in existing Collective Agreements providing for educational allowances shall be continued in effect.
Isolation Allowance Employees in the following Communities shall receive an Isolation Allowance of $74.00 per month. Alert Bay Xxxxx Lake Chetwynd Xxxxxx Creek Xxxxx Lake Fort Xxxxxx Fort St. Xxxxx Fort St. Xxxx Xxxxxx Lake Gold River Hazelton Houston Hudson Hope Kitimat XxXxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Nakusp New Denver Port Xxxxx Port Hardy Port XxXxxxx Pouce Coupe Prince Xxxxxx Xxxxx Charlotte Islands Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Tahsis Terrace Tofino Tumbler Ridge Valemount Vanderhoof Waglisla
Overtime Work A. Overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of one and one- half (1½) times the basic hourly straight-time rate. B. Overtime shall be paid to employees for work performed only after eight (8) hours on duty in any one (1) service day or forty (40) hours in any one (1) service week. Nothing in this Section shall be construed by the parties or any reviewing authority to deny the payment of overtime to employees for time worked outside of their regularly scheduled work week at the request of the Employer. C. Penalty overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of two
Educational Allowance Special Preparation Bonuses Per Month Per Shift (Full-time) (Part-time) (1) A.C.L.S. Course (2) Special Courses or Introduction to Nursing Management or 6 months post-graduate O.R. $10.00 0.06 course $15.00 0.09 (3) One year University Diploma $40.00 0.25 (4) Bachelor's Degree $80.00 0.49 (5) Master's Degree $120.00 0.74 These bonuses shall be paid only when, in the judgement of the Hospital, the position of the nurse requires the educational qualifications set out above.
Separation Allowance 23.01 Should it become necessary to close the plant or a portion of the plant and it is not expected that those affected will be re-employed, a separation allowance will be paid to employees subject to the following: (a) They have one (1) or more years seniority. (b) They are actively employed with the Company and accumulating seniority. Employees on leave of absence up to one (1) year, and employees receiving Workers' Compensation or off sick will be eligible. (c) They have not been granted retirement pension. (d) The closing is not brought about by war, strike, walkout, work stoppage, slowdown or other cessation of work, fire, government action or Act of God. (e) In order to qualify for separation allowance employees will continue to work in a satisfactory manner as long as required. (f) Effective the date of ratification the Separation Allowance shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the individual's weekly pay, based on forty (40) hours per week multiplied by the number of years of service calculated to the nearest full calendar month. If Truck Drivers’ positions are eliminated during the term of this Agreement, impacted Truck Drivers will have the option to take their Severance Allowance payout or take another available position and retain their Truck Driver rate of pay as long as they maintain that position, or a second subsequent position. (g) In the event of a whole or partial plant reduction, all employees affected shall receive six (6) weeks notice or receive pay in lieu of notice. (h) Employees who have not completed four thousand, one hundred sixty (4,160) hours worked after their hire date will be eligible for a separation Allowance on termination of employment as set out in the Province of British Columbia Employment Standards Act. (a) Employees who accept separation pay under the provisions of this clause shall on doing so terminate their seniority and employment relationship with the Company and shall have no further rights under this Agreement or under any other Agreement between the signing parties. (b) Notwithstanding 2 (a) above, should the plant re-open the rehired employee(s) who have received separation pay shall be accredited with full seniority rights accrued during their employment upon returning such separation pay within a period not to exceed thirty (30) working days. 23.03 In the event that part of the plant remains open, employees eligible to receive separation allowance may elect to remain on the seniority list for possible recall. The Company will hold the separation allowance for such employees so long as they are eligible for recall, during which time the employee may request payment subject to the provisions of the above section. Those re-employed on this basis shall continue to accumulate seniority during the period of layoff. 23.04 In respect of those employees who are eligible for separation allowance under this Article, the Company will continue to contribute to the Group Life Insurance, Dental, Medical Surgical, Major Medical and Hospitalization Plans. Such contributions shall continue for a period up to five (5) months following the month in which the plant is closed and will be made on the basis existing at the time of closing. 23.05 Should the Company open a plant in British Columbia, or transfer any of its present operations covered by this Agreement and present employees are displaced because of this, the Company agrees that such employees will be the first to be employed, in order of seniority, at such new plant or operation. The selection of available jobs, under the provisions of this clause, shall be on the basis of seniority. Previous service with the Company shall be recognized for the purposes of wages, vacations, separation allowance and welfare plans.
- Separation Allowances (a) Where an employee resigns within 30 days after receiving notice of layoff pursuant to article 9.08(a)(ii) that his or her position will be eliminated, he or she shall be entitled to a separation allowance of two (2) weeks' salary for each year of continuous service to a maximum of twelve (12) weeks' pay, and, on production of receipts from an approved educational program, within twelve (12) months of resignation, may be reimbursed for tuition fees up to a maximum of three thousand ($3,000) dollars. (b) Where an employee resigns later than 30 days after receiving notice pursuant to Article 9.08(a)(ii) that his or her position will be eliminated, he or she shall be entitled to a separation allowance of four (4) weeks' salary, and, on production of receipts from an approved educational program, within twelve (12) months of resignation, may be reimbursed for tuition fees up to a maximum of one thousand two hundred and fifty ($1,250) dollars."
Service Core Allowance As of 1 March 2024 the Employer shall pay $1.75 per hour for all work carried out in the construction of service core where the Employee is physically isolated from the top deck and working in an enclosed space. This allowance will be adjusted annually in accordance with CPI (All Groups, Melbourne) movements measured in the twelve month period ending the previous December quarter effective as of 1 March 2025, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. For a period of up to five working days, when Employees working in the service core are required to walk beyond four levels and up to a maximum of six levels, they will be paid double the Service Core Allowance.
Critical Illness Leave (i) An Employee who has completed at least ninety (90) days of employment, and is a family member of a critically ill child or a critically ill qualified adult relative, is entitled to leave of absence without pay or benefits: • for a period of up to thirty-six (36) weeks to care for their critically ill child; or, • for a period of up to sixteen (16) weeks to care for a critically ill qualified adult relative.