Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. The City shall not discharge, demote or suspend employees without just cause who have completed their probationary period as provided in section 1.
1.1. If, in any case, the City feels that there is just cause for discharge, demotion or suspension, the employee involved and the appropriate Union shall be provided with a written notice of proposed discipline seven (7) calendar days before the effective date. Such notification shall state the nature of the offense for which the employee is being discharged, demoted or suspended, in detail, specifying dates, locations, and the particular nature of the offense committed by the employee and the right to respond to the authority proposing such action either orally or in writing prior to the effective date of proposed discipline.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. The discharge, demotion or suspension of any employee shall be only for just and sufficient cause. An employee discharged for just and sufficient cause, other than gross misconduct, shall receive two (2) weeks’ pay in lieu of notice.
8.3.1 Where an employee has been discharged for gross misconduct, nothing in this Agreement confers on the employee a right to any length of notice of dismissal or to salary in lieu of notice. The term “gross misconduct” is limited to such action as would be an offense under the Criminal Code of Canada.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. Discharge, demotion or suspension of any employee may be entered as a grievance beginning at the first level of the grievance procedure.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. A. The Employer shall not discharge, demote or suspend any employee without just cause; just cause shall include, but not be limited to, immorality, incompetence, intemperance, cruelty, persistent negligence, mental derangement, willful violation of local, state or federal laws, or insubordination. An employee with or without his representative may appeal a discharge, demotion or suspension directly to the Superintendent; if the employee is not satisfied with the resolution of the appeal of the discharge, demotion or suspension by the Superintendent, such resolution may than be appealed to the Board of School Directors.
B. During the period of the appeal of a discharge, demotion or suspension without pay, the earnings of an employee shall accrue and should the charges against him be dismissed and/or the period of suspension without pay reduced, any accrued earnings shall be paid to said employee.
C. Every new employee shall be subject to a probationary period of 60 working days, and the provision of Article IV, Section A, shall not be applicable during this period.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. The City shall not discharge, demote or suspend any employee without just cause who has completed their probationary period as provided in section 1.1.1. If, in any case, the City feels that there is just cause for discharge, demotion or suspension, the employee involved and the Union shall be provided with a written notice of proposed discipline seven
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. 3 A. Discharge, demotion, suspension or any other disciplinary action applied to an Association 4 member shall be made only for reasonable and just cause and in accordance with the 5 policies and provisions of this Agreement. Transfer to a position of like job description and 6 pay shall not constitute demotion.
7 B. New employees shall be considered to be in a probationary period during their first ninety 8 (90) calendar days of employment. The probationary period may be extended to a 9 maximum of 180 calendar days only by mutual agreement. Upon completion of the 10 probationary period, the Board shall notify the employee and the Association. A 11 probationary employee shall not be granted the use of the grievance procedure if she/he is 12 discharged, demoted, or suspended.
13 C. When non-probationary employees are disciplined, they shall be notified in writing stating 14 the reason for such action. In the event the discipline or discharge of a non-probationary 15 Association member is found to be without just cause, the Board shall order reinstatement 16 and payment of lost wages.
17 D. An Association member shall be notified, in advance, in writing, of the purpose of a meeting 18 where an unsatisfactory rating and/or disciplinary action is contemplated and shall be 19 entitled to have an Association representative present.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. The City shall not discharge, demote or suspend any employee without just cause who has completed the probationary period as provided in Article 1.
1. If, in any case, the City feels that there is just cause for discharge, demotion or suspension, the employee involved and the Union shall be provided with a written notice of proposed discipline seven (7) calendar days before the effective date. Such notification shall state the nature of the offense for which the employee is being discharged, demoted or suspended, in detail, specifying dates, locations, and the particular nature of the offense committed by the employee and the right to respond to the authority proposing such action either orally or in writing prior to the effective date of proposed discipline. The employee, with the assistance of the Union, shall have the right to appeal such disciplinary action in accordance with Article 28.
4.1. Upon appeal of any discharge, demotion or suspension before the Civil Service Board, any grievance filed under this Section will be withdrawn.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension.
A. The employer, for just cause, may impose disciplinary action.
B. Disciplinary meetings will be conducted in private and the employee and the Union will be given advance notice in writing that such meeting is being scheduled, stating the reason. The employer shall schedule disciplinary meetings for the earliest possible date. If scheduling conflicts occur, such meetings will be rescheduled as soon as practicable. An affected employee, however, will have the right in all such instances to request the presence of a union representative at the meeting. When such a request is made, the meeting will not proceed until the representative is in attendance. The parties will strive to have equal numbers of representatives in attendance.
C. The employer will attempt to handle any disciplinary action in a manner that will not embarrass an employee.
1. An employee waiving union representation must sign a waiver indicating that it pertained to a hearing on a particular date, and the Union will be given a copy of the waiver.
2. The waiver will read: "I am waiving union representation for my hearing scheduled on (Date) ".
3. The employer will furnish the union a copy of any disciplinary letter.
4. Discipline, discharge, demotion, and suspension of an employee may be entered as a grievance beginning at the Second Step of the grievance procedure.
5. In a hearing pertaining to discipline, discharge, demotion, or suspension, an employee shall be entitled to one union representative upon his/her request. The administrator conducting the hearing shall be entitled to have another administrator in attendance.
6. The decision of the Board of Education to discharge a probationary employee shall be final and shall not form the basis for a grievance.
Discharge, Demotion and Suspension. A. Discharge, demotion, suspension or any other disciplinary action applied to an Association member shall be made only for reasonable and just cause and in accordance with the policies and provisions of this Agreement. Transfer to a position of like job description and pay shall not constitute demotion.
B. New employees shall be considered to be in a probationary period during their first ninety (90) days of work. Upon completion of the probationary period, the Board shall notify the employee and the Association. A probationary employee shall not be granted the use of the grievance procedure if she/he is discharged, demoted, or suspended.