Employment Relations and Security Sample Clauses

Employment Relations and Security. 11 4.1. Employment security...................................................................................11 4.2. Appointment and probation.........................................................................11 4.3. Casual employment ....................................................................................11 4.4. Part time employment/job sharing..............................................................12 4.5. Fixed term employment ..............................................................................14 4.6. Contracting out ............................................................................................15 4.7. Traineeship wage arrangements ................................................................15 4.8. Workers eligible for a supported wage.......................................................15 4.9. Notice of termination by an employee........................................................19 4.10. Continuous service......................................................................................19 4.11. Calculation of period of service ..................................................................20 4.12. Redundancy and redeployment .................................................................20 4.13. Notice of termination by employer..............................................................23 5. RATES OF PAY AND RELATED MATTERS...........................................................................................................................25 5.1. Classification and rates of pay....................................................................25 5.2. Payment of wages.......................................................................................25 Municipal Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2010 Table of contents 5.3. Higher duties ...............................................................................................25 5.4. Availability allowance ..................................................................................26 5.5. First aid allowance ......................................................................................27 5.6. Meal breaks and meal allowance ...............................................................27 5.7. Motor vehicle allowance..............................................................................28 5.8. Increase in allowances................................................................................2...
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Employment Relations and Security. 11 4.1 Employment security ........................................................................................ 11 4.2 Appointment and probation ............................................................................... 11 4.3 Casual employment ......................................................................................... 11 4.4 Part time employment/job sharing ...................................................................... 13 4.5 Fixed term employment .................................................................................... 14 4.6 Contracting out ................................................................................................ 15 4.7 Traineeship wage arrangements ........................................................................ 15 4.8 Workers eligible for a supported wage ................................................................ 16 4.9 Notice of termination by an employee ................................................................. 19 4.10
Employment Relations and Security. 10 4.1 Code of Conduct ...................................................................................................10 4.2
Employment Relations and Security. 4.1 Code of Conduct The Council recognises that its most valuable asset lies within its human resources. The human resources have a significant influence on the level and quality of service, the economics within which the services are provided and the viability of the organisation now and into the future. In recognition of their value and contribution to the Council, the following principles of conduct shall be afforded to all employees: Employment and promotion shall be based on the proper assessment of merit; Employees shall be treated fairly, consistently and with dignity and shall not be subjected to arbitrary or capricious acts or omissions; There shall be no discrimination against employees or persons seeking employment; Employees shall be afforded equal opportunities to secure promotion and advancement in their employment; Employees shall be employed in worthwhile and constructive employment and be afforded proper access to training and development; Employees shall be provided with safe, healthy and satisfying work environments which are free from harassment or intimidation; and Employees shall be remunerated at rates commensurate with their responsibilities. In return the following principles of conduct shall be observed by all employees: Employees shall comply with all statutes and legislation impacting on their employment in addition to Council’s policies and procedures; providing however that such policies and procedures are lawful and reasonable. Employees shall be conscientious in their performance and scrupulous in the use of official information, equipment and facilities; and Employees shall in their dealings with members of the Council, community, clients, and fellow employees, exercise proper courtesy, consideration and sensitivity.
Employment Relations and Security 

Related to Employment Relations and Security

  • EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS The ORGANIZATION, its employees, volunteers or agents performing under this Agreement are not deemed to be employees of the COUNTY, nor volunteers or agents of the COUNTY in any manner whatsoever. No officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the ORGANIZATION will hold themselves out as, or claim to be, an officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the COUNTY by reason hereof, nor will they make any claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer, employee volunteer or agent of the COUNTY. The parties agree that the COUNTY will not be responsible for the payment of any industrial insurance premiums or related claims or other benefits that may arise during the performance of services under this Agreement for any ORGANIZATION employee or volunteer, or for any consultant’s, contractor’s or subcontractor’s employee(s) or agent(s) that has been retained by the ORGANIZATION.

  • Employment Relationship Employment with the Company is for no specific period of time. Your employment with the Company will be “at will,” meaning that either you or the Company may terminate your employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause. Any contrary representations that may have been made to you are superseded by this letter agreement. This is the full and complete agreement between you and the Company on this term. Although your job duties, title, compensation and benefits, as well as the Company’s personnel policies and procedures, may change from time to time, the “at will” nature of your employment may only be changed in an express written agreement signed by you and a duly authorized officer of the Company (other than you).

  • Employment Relations Authority If the problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction, then you can apply to the Employment Relations Authority to have the problem investigated and a determination made. This decision can be appealed, by either party, to the Employment Court and then to the Court of Appeal.

  • EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS What is an Employment Relationship Problem? It is a problem between employee and employer. For example, it might be a personal grievance or a dispute about a provision in an employment agreement.

  • EMPLOYMENT REFERENCES D3.01 On application by an employee, the Employer shall provide personal references to the prospective employer of such employee, indicating length of service, principal duties and responsibilities, and performance of such duties.

  • Employment Relations Education Leave ‌ The Employer shall grant leave on pay for employees party to this MECA to attend courses authorised by NZNO to facilitate the employee’s education and training as employee representatives in the workplace. The numbers of days education leave granted is based on the formula of 35 days per annum for the first 280 full time equivalent employees (employees covered by this MECA who have authorised the NZNO to act on their behalf) and a further five days per annum for every 100 full time equivalent employees thereafter. For the purposes of this clause, calculating the number of full-time equivalent eligible employees employed by an employer –

  • SAFETY CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT A. The District and its employees shall be safety conscious in their conduct and actions and shall cooperate in the implementation of the District's safety program.

  • Employment Conditions Staff employed on the twilight shift shall be subject to the following employment conditions:

  • Resolving an Employment Relationship Problem The employee and employer should first make a reasonable effort to discuss the problem and settle it by mutual agreement. (If it’s a personal grievance, it must first be raised with the employer within 90 days - Personal Grievances are explained further below). An employee (or employer) has the right to be represented at any stage. When a problem arises, union members should contact their local NZEI Te Riu Roa field officer for advice and representation. Employers should contact NZSTA or other adviser/representative of choice.

  • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT 30 31 Section A - Fair Employment Practices

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