PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. 1Unit members wishing to work a reduced contract for the school year or semester next 23 succeeding shall make their request in writing to the Division of Human Resources no 24 later than forty-five (45) days prior to the end of the year or semester preceding. Said 25 request must have the support of the unit member’s site or District administrator. 26
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PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. ‌ Section 15.01 Part-Time Employees‌ • To be considered part-time for purposes of this section, an employee must have a regularly scheduled tour of duty, set in advance, of at least sixteen (16) hours but not more than thirty-two (32) hours in an administrative workweek. When a holiday falls on a part-time employee's regularly scheduled workday, the employee will be paid for the number of hours he/she was scheduled for that day.
PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. Section 1. This Article deals with full-time employees who are participating in and transitioning to part-time schedules and job sharing. Part-time and job sharing are designed to provide career opportunities for individuals who cannot or do not want to work full-time and are an acceptable and welcome alternative to the traditional full-time 40-hour workweek. a. For employees, working part-time or job sharing can provide an opportunity to: (1) Work and spend more time with children; (2) Care for an aging or an ill family member; (3) Pursue educational opportunities; (4) Participate in volunteer or leisure activities; or (5) Continue to work when illness or physical limitations prevent the employee from working a full-time schedule. b. For the Agency, allowing part-time or job sharing can allow: (1) Retention of highly qualified employees not available for full- time employment; (2) Recruitment of employees with special skills who are unable or do not want to work a full-time schedule; (3) Meeting operational requirements during workload surges; and (4) Reduction of current human resource expenditures when employees voluntarily reduce their work hours. Denials of requests for part-time or job sharing will be discussed with the employees, and upon request, employees will be provided specific written reasons for denials. Section 2. While the Union recognizes the statutory rights of the Agency with respect to the establishment of permanent part-time positions, such positions have not previously existed. Should the Agency make the determination to establish part-time positions as a condition of employment, the Union reserves the right to mid-term negotiations. Any negotiations shall be in accordance with Article 7 of this Agreement. Nothing in this Article precludes a full-time employee from requesting permanent part-time employment as set forth in the Human Resource Personnel Manual (HRPM). Section 3. Except as provided in Section 4 below: a. the tour of duty for a part-time employee will be no less than sixteen (16) and no more than thirty-two (32) hours per week; and b. a part-time employee’s tour of duty will be documented on an SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action. Section 4. An increase of a part-time employee’s tour of duty above thirty- two (32) hours per week or sixty-four (64) hours per pay period will be in accordance with HRPM LWS-8.16. Section 5. If an employee working a temporary part-time schedule is directed by the Agency, or the employee req...
PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. 8.1 Unit members wishing to move from full time to part time/job share may request leave from full time status to take a part time/job share position. Leave may be granted for up to two (2) years. After this time the unit member must return to full time status or forfeit the right to a full time position in order to retain the part time/job share position.
PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. [AGREEMENT] 18.1 The employer and employees recognise there are significant advantages provided by part-time employment and job sharing. 18.2 All employees are entitled to apply to work on a part-time basis or job share a position. 18.3 Council will consider all applications on their merits, taking into account operational arrangements individual needs and practicalities. 18.4 No current permanent full-time employee will be forced to work in a part-time or job share position. 18.5 Where a part-time employee agrees, he/she may work up to 38 hours per week within the ordinary span of hours without attracting overtime (subject to 32 and 33.2 below). 18.6 Where a part-time employee is required to work outside of the ordinary span of hours the appropriate overtime rates will apply, subject to prior approval by Council and 32 and 33.2 below; 18.7 Subject to prior Council authorisation, all work performed in excess of 38 hours per week is to be paid at the appropriate overtime rate and work performed out of the specified ordinary span of hours to attract the appropriate penalty, subject to 32 and 33.2 below; 18.8 The employee shall be given a minimum of eight (8) hours notice of Council’s need for the working of additional hours. If the additional time falls on a day when the employee is working, the minimum additional time shall be one (1) hour or in case of a day when the employee is not working, a minimum of three (3) hours;
PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. 19.1 The employer and employees recognise there are significant advantages provided by part-time employment and job sharing. 19.2 All employees are entitled to apply to work on a part-time basis or job share a position. 19.3 Council will consider all applications on their merits, taking into account operational arrangements individual needs and practicalities. 19.4 No current permanent full-time employee will be forced to work in a part-time or job share position. Municipal Council of Roxby Downs Enterprise Agreement 2010
PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. 17.1. Part-time employees are those whose regular hours of work are less than 37.5 hours per week. 17.2. Job sharing is an arrangement initiated by two or more employees wishing to share one full time job, each working part-time on a regular, continuing basis. Job sharing can be adapted to a variety of circumstances, because arrangements are designed individually to suit the operational needs of ITSA, the job-sharers and the nature of the job. Employees working under job sharing arrangements will be considered to be part-time employees. 17.3. Remuneration, leave entitlements and other benefits will be calculated on a pro-rata basis, apart from those allowances of a reimbursement nature, where part-time employees receive the same amount as full-time employees. 17.4. Where the ITSA Holiday at clause 28 falls on a day, or days that are not regularly worked by a part-time employee, the employee will receive a substitute holiday immediately before or after the Christmas/New Year period. 17.5. A full-time employee may request, in writing, to work part-time, either for a finite period or on an ongoing basis. When considering such requests, regard will be given to operational requirements and any impact on the workgroup. However, access to part-time employment will be granted in circumstances where an employee is returning to work from parental leave. 17.6. Managers will respond to employee requests for part-time work, advising the outcome within four weeks of receipt. 17.7. If a request is approved, the manager and the employee will jointly develop a part-time work agreement that sets out the duration of the arrangements, regular hours of work and any other matters relevant to the particular part-time situation. The part-time work agreement can apply for a fixed term or an indefinite period. 17.8. For employee initiated part-time work arrangements, the following arrangements will apply in relation to reversion to full-time hours: • at the expiration of a fixed term part-time work agreement, the employee may request an extension of the part-time arrangements, or revert to full-time hours; • in the case of an ongoing part-time work agreement, an employee has the right to revert to full time hours as soon as practicable after advising their manager of their availability to return to full-time employment. 17.9. A part-time employee and their manager may agree to flextime arrangements, consistent with the arrangements for full-time employees and on the basis that the ...
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PART TIME EMPLOYMENT/JOB SHARING. 4.4.1. The employer and employees recognise there are significant advantages provided by part-time employment and job sharing. 4.4.2. All employees are entitled to apply to work on a part-time basis or job share a position. 4.4.3. Council will consider all applications on their merits taking into account operational arrangements, individual needs and practicalities. 4.4.4. No current permanent full-time employee will be forced to work in a part- time or job share position. 4.4.5. Additional hours that become available shall be offered to permanent part- time employees with relevant skills where possible before being offered to casual employees. 4.4.6. The normal working hours of a part-time employee may be changed by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer. This provision applies to meet the short-term requirements of either party or in respect of an increase or decrease in normal hours of duty. 4.4.7. Where a part-time employee agrees, they may work up to 38 hours per week within the ordinary span of hours without attracting overtime. 4.4.8. A part-time employee shall qualify for incremental progression within the classification level after completing 988 hours of work. A minimum period of 12 months will be required before an employee will progress to the next incremental step. 4.4.9. Where a part-time employee is required to work outside of the ordinary span of hours, the appropriate overtime rates will apply. 4.4.10. All work performed in excess of 38 hours per week is to be paid at the appropriate overtime rate and work performed out of the specified ordinary span of hours is to attract the appropriate penalty. 4.4.11. The employee shall, where possible, be given a minimum of 24 hours notice of Council’s need for the working of additional hours. If the additional time falls on a day when the employee is working, the minimum additional time shall be one (1) hour of work or in case of a day when the employee is not working or is recalled to work, a minimum of three (3) hours. 4.4.12. Adjustments to all entitlements are to be made proportionate to the additional hours worked over the employee’s contractual hours of duty. 4.4.13. Part-time employees who work additional hours beyond those specified in their contract of employment will access their accrued annual leave and sick leave hours in proportion to the hours actually worked, providing that each employee takes at least four (4) weeks annual leave per annum. 4.4.14. Part-time employees w...


  • Part-Time Employment Monthly compensation for part-time employment will be pro-rated based on the ratio of hours worked to hours required for full-time employment. In the alternative, part-time employees may be paid the appropriate hourly rate for all hours worked.

  • Part-Time Employee Part-time employee" means an employee who is normally scheduled to work fewer than 80 hours in a biweekly payroll period.

  • Part-Time Employees Employees who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per workweek.

  • Re-employment An employee who resigns their position and within 90 days is re-employed, will be granted a leave of absence without pay covering those days absent and will retain all previous rights in relation to seniority and benefits subject to any benefit plan eligibility requirements.

  • Continuing Employment (a) Continuing employment means full-time or fractional-time employment that does not have a fixed end date or a contingency upon which the employment contract will come to an end. (b) All employment other than fixed-term employment and casual employment will be continuing employment. (c) Notwithstanding subclause 16.0(b) above, the University may employ a person in Continuing (Contingent Funded Research) employment on a full-time or fractional-time basis in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.

  • TEACHER EMPLOYMENT 8.1. The Board agrees to employ only those teachers who hold at least a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university and are certifiable by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. This provision shall not apply in the instance where the availability of personnel is critical and an appropriate waiver is granted by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. 8.2 Teachers shall not be assigned outside the scope of their teacher certification and major or minor field of study except temporarily and for good cause. 8.3 For purposes of this Agreement, the period of service shall not be more than one hundred eighty-nine (189) days, including a maximum of 180 teaching days. Non- teaching days will include at least the following: Pre-School Year Faculty Meetings 1 Parent-Teacher Conferences 2 Teacher In-Service 3 Teacher Planning Days 2 Professional Development Day 1 Total Contract Days 9 The agenda for the Teacher Planning Days will be set by the teaching staff in each building, and shall be used for teachers to plan curriculum and/or curriculum development only. The Teacher Planning Days will be scheduled either immediately prior to the first day of school, during the school year, and/or after the last day of school, but no later than June 30. The Professional Development Day shall be scheduled in the fall and devoted to any activity that furthers the individual teacher’s Professional Growth Plan. Parent- Teacher Conferences will be scheduled to accommodate and meet the needs of parents. Two (2) weeks notice will be given for make-up days. Teachers new to the District may be required to report one extra day. 8.4 Teachers employed by the District will be given an individual contract (See Appendix C-1 and C-2 attached hereto) each year of their employment. The contract will include teaching assignment, years of service, continuing contract status and annual salary. Continuing contract status will be issued according to NH RSA 189:14-a. The notice of employment shall require that teachers certify they hold a valid New Hampshire certificate, license, or permit to teach. The Board agrees to reimburse for half of the State mandated recertification fee. The individual contract shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8.5 The workday shall begin for those teachers who have assigned duties at a time consistent with the individual schedules of each building. Those teachers who do not have duties before the start of the school day shall be required to report twenty (20) minutes prior to the first scheduled homeroom or class in their building each day. The workday for teachers will end at such time as necessary to carry out their professional duties including, but not limited to, faculty meetings, conferences with parents or students, extra help, open house, or conferences with administrators as required. Such meetings shall be of reasonable duration with end of day faculty meetings being no more than one (1) hour. Otherwise, the teacher workday shall end ten (10) minutes after the last period or class in their building each day, except for those teachers who have assigned duties consistent with the individual schedule of each building. In-service activities or workshops that are required of teachers by administrators will be conducted during the time regular classes are scheduled. Nurses shall not be assigned duties, such as bus duty or recess duty, before, during or after the school day. School counselors may be excused from such duties with the approval of the building administration. 8.6 The Board will make every effort to provide a thirty (30) minute duty-free uninterrupted lunch period. In the event that a thirty minute lunch is not available for all teachers, a committee made up of three teachers appointed by the Association and three persons appointed by the Board shall study the situation and issue a report with recommendations as to how the thirty minute lunch period might be implemented for all teachers prior to the next annual District meeting. However, in no instance shall it be less than twenty (20) minutes. When a thirty (30) minute time period is not scheduled, teachers of self-contained classrooms will be provided a fifteen (15) minute relief period each day. 8.7 The administration will make every effort to provide at least 3.5 hours per week as preparation time for teachers in grades Pre-K – 8. 8.8 Teachers will be notified of their employment status and teaching assignments on or before April 15th, and will return their contract signed, no later than May 1st; however, a teacher’s request for extension of the May 1 deadline may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the Superintendent’s discretion. In the event a teacher rejects a reassignment, the teacher shall be employed to fill any open position which may then be available, provided the Superintendent recommends to the Board that the teacher is qualified and certifiable. A teacher's refusal to accept the reassignment, or any open position which then may be available shall constitute a termination of contract without prejudice. Any change in assignment after April 15th shall be considered an involuntary transfer and shall be effected only for cause. 8.9 When involuntary transfers are effected for a necessary reduction in a school's staff allocation due to reduced student enrollments or the closing and/or consolidation of a building, resignations or leaves of absence, said transfers will be made on the basis of years of service in the District; that teachers in the affected building possessing the least amount of service and applicable certification being transferred first. Such transfer due to resignation or leave of absence shall be for a period not to exceed one (1) year. 8.10 Teachers actively engaged in credited coursework and/or matriculated in degree programs, should give notice by November 1 of their intent to pursue a salary lane change in the following year. All paperwork and formal grade documentation must be filed with the Superintendent’s office by August 1 in order for the salary adjustment to take effect for the upcoming contract year. Time requirements specified in this section may be extended by mutual agreement. 8.11 The Board agrees to submit to the Association for its consideration, suggestions for the school calendar on or before January fifteenth (15th) of the preceding year. The Board reserves the right to establish the school calendar and to make appropriate changes at any time.

  • Regular Part-Time Employee A regular part-time employee is an employee hired to fill a posted part-time position and is regularly pre-scheduled to work.

  • Employee Termination A) Regular employees other than those serving a probationary period, shall give twenty-eight (28) calendar days written notice of termination to a representative designated by the Employer with the authority to accept such written notice. B) In addition to the twenty-eight (28) calendar day notice, regular employees in positions above the level of general staff nurse shall inform the Employer of their intention to terminate as soon in advance as possible. C) The period of notice as set forth in (A) above must be for time scheduled to be worked and must not include accrued vacation, unless such vacation has been previously scheduled and approved in accordance with Article 45.03 -

  • Pre-Employment Testing Nothing in this Contract shall limit the right of the City to conduct any tests it may deem appropriate for persons seeking employment prior to their date of hire. The parties agree that the Lodge has no role or responsibility with regard to any such pre-employment testing.

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