Recruitment and Promotion. 49:01 When the Employer requires that a vacant or new full-time or part-time position be filled a bulletin shall be posted for a minimum of seven (7) calendar days.
49:02 The bulletin shall state the closing date for applications, the location of the position, the classification, the duties and responsibilities of the position, the qualifications required and the salary range. The Union will be provided with a copy of all bulletins as they are issued.
(a) The selection of employees for vacant or new positions shall be bulletined and selection based on qualifications, seniority and individuals not having active discipline on file as per Article 14:09 or being at Step Two (2) or higher of the Attendance Management Program. Seniority shall be the determining factor where qualifications are relatively equal. For the purpose of this Article, qualifications shall refer to education, knowledge, training skills, experience, aptitude and the ability to meet the Employer’s core competencies.
(b) The selection of employees for vacant, temporary assignment or new full-time or part-time Inspector positions shall be bulletined. The selection will be based on qualifications and a formal interview process, and individuals not having active discipline on file as per Article 14:09 or being at Step Two (2) or higher of the Attendance Management Program. Seniority shall be the determining factor where qualifications are relatively equal. For the purposes of this Article, qualifications shall refer to education, knowledge, training, skills, experience, aptitude and the ability to meet The Employers core competencies.
(c) Vacant, temporary assignment or new full-time or part-time Housekeeping Attendant, Housekeeping Attendant (Industrial), and Customer Service Representative opportunities will be posted and awarded by seniority and individuals not having active discipline on file as per Article 14:09 or being at Step Two (2) or higher of the Attendance Management Program. Employees are able to utilize their seniority through the process outlined in subsection (c) once per classification, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.
49:04 An employee who is notified that he or she is an unsuccessful applicant for a vacant position shall be supplied with the reasons for non-acceptance within ten (10) days of making a written request to Human Resources. Such a request shall be made within ten (10) days of receipt of the notification that the employee was an unsuccessful applicant.
Recruitment and Promotion. New or vacant positions within the organisational structure at City of Newcastle will be advertised in a manner to attract suitably qualified people to apply for the position. This may include advertising the position internally prior to any external advertisement where it can be determined that a sufficient pool of suitably qualified employees could apply. This applies to any appointment within the organisational structure where the term of employment is for more than 12 months in any period of 2 years. When the decision is being made to appoint a person to a position: Merit based appointment will take into account: If you are an internal unsuccessful applicant you may: All new permanent and temporary employees are required to satisfactorily complete a 3 month probationary period. A longer period (up to 6 months) may be set out in your offer of employment, depending on the nature and circumstances of your employment. You will be given feedback about your performance throughout the probationary period. A probationary period may be extended for a further 3 months (up to a maximum of 6 months) where performance concerns exist and/or further time is required to determine suitability. Your probationary period may only be extended if specified in your offer of employment. You will be notified in writing of the extension of your probationary period, including reasons.
Recruitment and Promotion. SENIORITY
Recruitment and Promotion.
12:01 Vacancies for permanent positions shall be filled with present qualified employees who make application. The successful applicant would move to their new position within three (3) weeks. Where there is operational requirement that the successful applicant will not be moved within three (3) weeks, and where the employee’s new position is a promotion, the employee shall be paid at the higher rate commencing on the first Monday following the three (3) week period.
12:02 All postings shall be posted for a period of at least five (5) full working days on electronic bulletin board.
12:03 Late applications due to sickness, vacation, or other authorized leave of absence will be accepted, provided such application is received prior to the successful applicant being advised.
12:04 When the Corporation does not post a position which has become vacant within a reasonable time from the occurrence of the vacancy, the Corporation shall advise the Union of the reason therefore in writing.
12:05 The Corporation agrees to invite employees to apply for any vacancies not within the scope of this Agreement.
12:06 No posting will be required when persons employed in trainee positions are qualified for advancement to the higher position, or for Clerk I vacancies.
12:07 The Corporation shall supply a copy of all postings to the Union.
(a) Employees with a minimum of five (5) years northern service shall be given preference, by way of a transfer to a position vacancy within the same classification or from one (1) position to another position where both positions have the same maximum salary. The most senior qualified aforementioned employee seeking transfer shall be selected. If there are no applicants seeking transfer then the Corporation shall fill the position vacancy from qualified applicants in accordance with Article 12:09.
(b) Employees accruing northern service prior to ratification of the 2012 Collective Agreement shall be given preference by way of a transfer to a position vacancy in the same classification if they have accrued a minimum of three (3) years of northern service. The most senior qualified aforementioned employee seeking transfer shall be selected. If there are no applicants seeking transfer then the Corporation shall fill the position vacancy from qualified applicants in accordance with Article 12:09.
(c) Should position vacancies occur by the application of the provisions of Article 12:08(a) or (b) of the Collective Agreement and the Corporation is...
Recruitment and Promotion. All available positions (whether temporary, permanent, full or part-time) shall first be posted on departmental bulletin boards for a minimum period of five (5) work days. The posting shall include position available, position description, salary range, minimum qualifications and shift assignments. Current employees are encouraged to apply for any position for which they may be qualified. When qualified, current employees shall be given consideration for the vacant positions.
Recruitment and Promotion. 23.1 Council will give preference to an internal applicant over an external applicant in recruitment and promotion where the applicants are otherwise equal in merit.
23.2 Before any position is advertised, a position description will be developed and the classification level assessed.
23.3 All new or vacant positions will be advertised among existing employees to provide them with the opportunity to apply, except in the following situations:
a. where the appointment of the incumbent of a fixed term contract position (at Level 5 or below) is made permanent and the incumbent has been appointed to that fixed term contract for a total period of 12 months or more; or
b. where an employee who has been appointed on a fixed term contract (at Level 5 or below) to a permanent position that has been temporarily vacated and that position subsequently becomes permanently vacant, provided that the incumbent has been appointed to that fixed term contract for a total period of 12 months or more. These exceptions are subject to the employee’s satisfactory performance in the position. Where it is believed that other extenuating circumstances exist that justify a particular position not being advertised internally, consultation with the Workplace Representatives shall occur at least 7 calendar days prior to the position being offered. If an objection is raised, the Workplace Representatives can request that the matter be taken to the next ECC meeting or seek to convene an extraordinary ECC meeting to discuss the matter. If agreement cannot be reached at the ECC, the parties have the right to invoke the grievance/dispute resolution procedure.
23.4 All internal applicants who meet the essential criteria shall be interviewed for the position.
23.5 Internal applicants shall, where requested, receive feedback regarding their application and interview performance.
Recruitment and Promotion. 2.1 The University agrees to provide training for all managers involved in shortlisting, recruitment and promotion panels in order to tackle cultural biases and practices that disadvantage women. The training will ensure that managers and recruiters have a clear understanding of equality and diversity issues including part-time and flexible working, and receive training in implicit bias. There is an expectation that all managers involved in these activities will attend training.
2.2 Currently, the University has a target of 100% for gender-balanced recruitment panels and 85% for gender-balanced shortlists. These targets and a suitable timeline will be reviewed and agreed in 2019/20 as part of the governance for this agreement. Progress towards these targets will be monitored annually as will the use of recruitment and retention ‘supplements’.
Recruitment and Promotion. New or vacant positions within t he organisational structure at City of Newcastle will be advert ised in a manner to attract suitably qualified people including those with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences to apply for t he position. This may include advert ising t he position internally prior to any external advert isement where it can be determined that a sufficient pool of suitably qualified employees could apply. This applies to any appointment within t he organisational structure where t he term of employment is for more than 12 months in any period of 2 years. When t he decision is being made to appoint a person to a position: Only a person who has applied for t he position may be selected; and The eligible applicant who has t he greatest merit will be appointed. Merit based appoint ment will take into account : The nature of t he duties and skill requirements of t he position; and The abilities, qualifications, experience and standard of work performance of those persons relevant to those duties. If you are an internal unsuccessful applicant you may: Request in writing t he reason(s) why you were not appointed, and on such request , we will provide t he reason(s) in writing; and Request a review of your individual education and training needs. If you are a veteran of t he Australian Defence Force and you are an unsuccessful applicant, we will provide you with feedback if you request it.
Recruitment and Promotion. 25.1 Council will give preference to internal applicants in recruitment and promotion.
Recruitment and Promotion. 15.8.1 Council will recruit and promote staff who clearly demonstrate a commitment to the constructive culture and associated characteristics described in this Agreement.
15.8.2 Council will ensure that the process of recruitment and selection is fair and equitable and based on good human resource management practice.
15.8.3 The Council will develop and maintain Recruitment and Selection Policies and Procedures.
15.8.4 The Council's recruitment and selection policy and procedures shall include: Principles of selection Advertising of positions Selection process Selection panel 15.8.5 Before any position is advertised, a position description will be developed and the