Retention of Status An employee on approved paid or unpaid leave will retain her/his employment status for the duration of the leave.
Accreditation of Public Schools and Adoption and Implementation of School Plans The District will implement a system of accrediting all of its schools, as described in section 22-11- 307, C.R.S., which may include measures specifically for those schools that have been designated as Alternative Education Campuses, in accordance with the provisions of 1 CCR 301-57. The District will ensure that plans are implemented for each school in compliance with the requirements of the State Board pursuant to 1 CCR 301-1.
Duration of stay (Indicate as applicable) Long Stay Short Stay (fixed period, normally of no more than 28 days. Complete below)
Implementation of Strategic Plan Goals The recommended Agreement will further the County’s Strategic Plan of Operational Effectiveness/Fiscal Sustainability (Goal 1) by maximizing the effectiveness of processes, structure, operations, and strong fiscal management to support timely delivery of customer-oriented and efficient public service.