Expenses Away From Home. A. Locomotive Engineers and Conductors who protect service away from home in accordance with Articles 42 will be allowed $20.00 per day for meals where cooking facilities are available and $35.00 per day where cooking facilities are not available. The allowance will be paid for each calendar day worked or is available for work at or out of the away from home location provided such point is not their normal place of residence. Note: In the application of this paragraph, the payment of the daily allowance shall also apply to Locomotive Engineers who are required to learn the road at the point where the shortage exists.
Expenses Away From Home. Locomotive engineer protecting temporary shortages will be entitled to a meal allowance of $16.00 per day where accommodations with cooking facilities are provided or $26.00 per day where accommodations without cooking facilities are provided. At the employee‟s option, the employee may be offered an all inclusive allowance of $72.00 per day be provided in lieu of any and all other expenses.
Expenses Away From Home. A. When CSXT ties up a road service engineer (except short turnaround passenger Engineers) at other than the designated home terminal for four (4) hours or more, the Engineer will receive a meal allowance of twenty dollars ($20.00) and an additional meal allowance in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) after being held an additional twenty (20) hours. Subsequent thereto, an additional ten dollars ($10.00) will be paid for every eight (8) hour period or fraction thereof, spent at the away from home terminal after the initial twenty-four (24) hours. All meal allowances shall be payable with a COLA adjustment. COLA payments shall be payable in a manner set forth in and subject to the provisions and on the basis of the “Consumer Price Index for urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Revised Series) (CPI-W) (1967=100%), U.S. Index, all items unadjusted, as provided, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor and hereafter referred to as the CPI. The first COLA adjustment of the meal allowance must occur in the first half of 2009.
B. Extra Engineers filling temporary vacancies at outlying points are covered under this Article, if the outlying point is thirty (30) miles or more from the terminal limits of the location where the extra board from which called is maintained.
C. Extra Engineers tied up at outlying points thirty (30) miles or more from the terminal limits of the location where the extra board that protects such assignment is maintained, may elect to receive a daily round trip automobile allowance at the prevailing IRS rate to and from his home in lieu of lodging with the concurrence of local supervision.
Expenses Away From Home. Effective January 1, 2010, the meal allowance provided for in Article 3 II, Section 2 of the June 25, 1964 National Agreement, as amended, shall be increased by $2.00.
Expenses Away From Home. Are the provisions of Rule 15 applicable to a Passenger Engineer who as a part of his assignment is under pay at other than the designated Crew Base of the assignment, e.g. at the layover point in turnaround service? A1. No. Agreed: 5/18/83
Expenses Away From Home. Section 1 - When the carrier ties up a road service crew (except short turnaround passenger crews), or individual members thereof, at a terminal (including tieup points named by assignment bulletins, or presently listed in schedule agree- ments, or observed by practice, as regular points for tying up crews) other than the designated home terminal of the crew assignment for four (4) hours or more, each member of the crew so tied up shall be provided suitable lodging at the carrier's expense or an equitable allowance in lieu thereof. Suitable lodging or an equitable allowance in lieu thereof shall be worked out on a local basis. The equitable allowance shall be provided only if it is not reasonably possible to provide lodging. If an allowance is being made in lieu of lodging as well as other considerations under provisions of existing agreements, the amount attributed only to lodging shall be removed if suitable lodging is supplied, or offset against an equivalent allowance. This shall be worked out on a local basis. The provisions of this Section shall be made effective at a date no later than 30 days following the effective date of this Agreement.
Section 2 - When the carrier ties up a road service crew (except short turnaround passenger crews), or individual members thereof, at a terminal (as defined in Section 1 of this Article II) other than the designated home terminal for four
Expenses Away From Home. Locomotive engineers who protect service in keeping with Articles 49.4 will be allowed $75.00 per day for meals and accommodations where such are not provided by the Corporation or at Corporation expense. The allowance will be paid for each calendar day such locomotive engineers work or are available for work at or out of the point where the shortage exists, provided such point is not their normal place of residence, and will be allowed to occupy, when it is available, rest house accommodation or other existing Corporation facilities which have been altered or upgraded to provide suitable accommodation. .
Expenses Away From Home. 1. Effective June 1, 1971 Article II (Expenses Away From Home) of the June 25, 1964 Agreement is amended to cover extra men filling temporary vacancies at outlying points subject to the following additional conditions:
(a) The outlying point must be either 30 miles or more from the terminal limits of the location where the extra list from which called is maintained, or 60 miles or more from the reporting point of the extra list from which called.
(b) Lodging or allowances in lieu thereof where applicable will be provided only when extra men are held at the outlying point for more than one tour of duty and will continue to be provided for the periods held for each subsequent tour of duty.
2. It is agreed that the parties signatory to this agreement will continue negotiations on the matter of further increasing expenses-away-from - home allowances. Any such increase agreed upon to become effective January 1, 1973.
Expenses Away From Home. 8(g)&(h) 107 Extra Lists: Augmenting............................. 32 4 30 4(c) 116 Guaranteed............................. 30 3(b) 100 Maintaining............................ 30 3(b) 100 One Man................................ 30 3(b) 100 Outside Points......................... 30 3(b) 100 Reducing............................... 32 4(c) 116 Regulated by Company................... 30 3(b) 100 Regulation of.......................... 32 6(e) 120 Restricted Engineers Working from...... 30 3(c) 101 Extra Service: Augmenting and Reducing Lists.......... 32 4(c) 116 Passenger.............................. 102 30 4(a) Facts - Statement of........................ 25 3 85 Five-Day Week in Yard Service............... 11-1/2 39 Fire Train Service........................... 9-1/2 21 Final Terminal Delay: Freight................................. 15 6(b 58 Passenger............................... 15 1&2(b) 49 Final Terminal Switching: Freight................................. 15 5 50 Passenger............................... 12 1,3&4 43 Freight Service: Basic Day............................... 3 1 Subject F Article Section Page (Freight Service) Excess Mileage......................... 3 4 Lapbacks............................... 6 3(a) 9 Local Differential..................... 3 4 5 Local Differential..................... 18 4&5 64 Mountain Districts..................... 3 3 5 Mountain District Rate................. Appendix "A" Over-100-Mile Differential........... 3 5 5 Overtime............................... 14 2 47 Short Turnaround....................... 6 3(a)&(b)& 6(a)to(d) 11 Used in Work Train Service............. 14 3 47 Valley District Rate...................
Expenses Away From Home. 1. Effective June 1, 1971 Article II (Expenses Away From Home) of the June 25, 1964 Agreement is amended to cover extra men filling temporary vacancies at outlying points subject to the following additional conditions:
(a) The outlying point must be either 30 miles or more from the terminal limits of the location where the extra list from which called is maintained, or 60 miles or more from the reporting point of the extra list from which called.
(b) Lodging or allowances in lieu thereof where applicable will be provided only when extra men are held at the outlying point for more than one tour of duty and will continue to be provided for the periods held for each subsequent tour of duty.
2. It is agreed that the parties signatory to this agreement will continue negotiations on the matter of further increasing expenses-away-from home allowances. Any such increase agreed upon to become effective January 1, 1973. ARTICLE VIII - INTERDIVISIONAL, INTERSENIORITY DISTRICT, INTRADIVISIONAL AND/OR INTRASENIORITY DISTRICT SERVICE (PREIGHT OR PASSENGER) Article 4 of the May 23, 1952 Agreement is amended to read as follows:
1. Where an individual carrier not now having the right to establish interdivisional, interseniority district, intradivisional or intraseniority district service, in freight or passenger service, considers it advisable to establish such service, the carrier shall give at least thirty days' written notice to the General Chairman or Chairmen of the committee(s) of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers involved, of its desire to establish service, specifying the service it proposes to establish and the conditions, if any, which it proposes shall govern the establishment of such service. The parties will negotiate in good faith on such proposal and shall recognize each others fundamental rights, and reasonable and fair arrangements shall be made in the interest of both parties. Such rights and arrangements shall include, but not be limited to the following:
(a) Runs shall be adequate for efficient operations and reasonable in regard to the miles run,hours on duty and in regard to other conditions of work.
(b) All miles run over one hundred (100) shall be paid for at the mileage rate established by the basic rate of pay for the first one hundred (100) miles or less.
(c) When an engine crew is required to report for duty or is relieved from duty at a point other than the on and off duty points fixed for the service established hereunder, the carrier sh...