FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. For the purpose of this clause, the following are to be regarded as members of a person’s family: a spouse (including a defacto spouse or a former spouse); a child or step child; a parent or parent in-law; any other member of the person’s household; a grandparent or grandchild; any other person who is dependent on the person’s care.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. 6.3.1. An employee (other than a casual employee) with responsibilities in relation to a member of the employee’s family who needs the employees care and support due to personal injury or for the purposes of caring for a family member who is sick and requires the employee’s care and support or who requires care due to an unexpected emergency, is entitled to up to 10 days (or the equivalent in hours) of their accrued sick leave entitlement in any completed year of continuous service (payment is pro-rata for part time employees) to provide care and support for such persons when they are ill.
6.3.2. This access is available if the following conditions are satisfied: The employee must have responsibility for the primary care of the family member concerned; and The employee produces satisfactory evidence of requirement of care of the family member, if requested.
6.3.3. The ability to access this leave does not in any way limit an employee’s right to apply for special leave in accordance with arrangements provided elsewhere for this leave.
6.3.4. Carer’s leave provisions shall apply to employees required to care for a spouse upon birth of a child.
6.3.5. Xxxxx’s leave provisions shall also apply where family members are cared for by another person or facility and through illness or unforeseeable circumstances, that other person or facility is unable to care for the family member. In these circumstances the employer may request reasonable evidence of the nature of the circumstances that prevent the normal care of the family member.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. Employees may access their normal paid sick leave entitlement in any one year to provide support for a sick family member. The family member must be either a member of the employee’s household or a near relative of the employee as defined in the State Equal Opportunity Act 1984.
(a) The employee must have responsibility for the care of the family member concerned; and
(b) The employee produces satisfactory evidence of sickness of the family member, if requested. The ability to access this leave does not in any way limit an employee’s right to apply for special leave in accordance with arrangements provided elsewhere for this leave.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. 13.3.1 Employees may access up to five (5) days of their normal paid sick leave entitlement, in any year, to provide support for a sick family member. The family member must be either a member of the employee’s household or a near relative of the employee as defined in the Fair Work Xxx 0000.
13.3.2 This access is available if the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The employee must have responsibility for the care of the family member concerned;
b) The employee produces satisfactory evidence of sickness of the family member, if requested; and
c) The ability to access this leave does not in any way limit an employee’s right to apply for special leave in accordance with arrangements provided elsewhere for this leave.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. This clause has been updated to remove the cap of 10 days on the amount of Family Xxxxx’s Leave that can be accessed from an employee’s normal sick entitlement in any one (1) year, to provide support for a sick family member.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. 13 20. Paid Maternity/Adoption Leave .......................................................................
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. The parties to this Agreement agree that employees who have exhausted their entitlements with respect to Special Leave with Pay – Sick Child/Urgent or Pressing Necessity, may access up to five working days (40 working hours) of the employee’s paid Sick Leave entitlement in any one year to provide support for a family member.
22.1 The family member is either a member of the employee’s household or a near relative of the employee as defined in the State Equal Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxx, 0000;
22.2 the employee must have responsibility for the care of the family member;
22.3 the employee must declare that the period of absence was necessary and unavoidable; and
22.4 the employee must produce satisfactory evidence of sickness of family member, if requested.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. 24.1 An employee shall be entitled to use up to 5 days of their paid sick leave per calendar year to care for a dependant family member.
24.2 An employee will be required to produce satisfactory documentation in relation to the illness of the dependant family member.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE a) Leave will be deducted from the employee’s accrued sick leave for the purpose of caring for immediate family members. Part-time employees are entitled to family leave on a pro-rata basis.
b) A medical certificate or a statutory declaration may be required by the Company as proof of the illness or incapacity of the family member, prior to the employee being entitled to payment.
c) The entitlement to use family leave in accordance with this sub-clause is subject to the employee being responsible for the care of the person concerned; and the person concerned being either being a member of the employee's immediate family; or a member of the employee's household.
d) The term "immediate family" includes the employee's spouse, parent, sister, brother, child, step-child, grandparent, grandchild or parent-in-law. "Spouse" includes de-facto spouse and same gender partner. "Parent" includes xxxxxx parent.
e) The employee will, where practical, give the Company notice, prior to the absence, of the intention to take leave.
f) If it is not practicable for the employee to give prior notice of such absence, the employee will notify the employer by telephone of such absence as soon as possible but no later than one (1) hour after their scheduled start time;
g) The employee will notify their supervisor of the name of the person requiring care, their relationship to the employee, the reasons for taking such leave and the estimated length of absence.
h) Where the amount of paid family leave, as prescribed in [clause 15.4.1a) is exhausted in any year, and the employee needs to be absent from work for the purposes of family leave, then other forms of leave may be taken, such as annual leave or unpaid leave, subject to approval from the Company.
FAMILY CARER’S LEAVE. This clause has been updated to remove the cap of 10 days on the amount of Family Xxxxx’s Leave that can be accessed from an employee’s normal sick leave entitlement in any one (1) year, to provide support for a sick family member. This clause is similar to the current Agreement. It has been updated to increase Paid Partner Leave at clause 25.9 to two (2) calendar weeks (i.e., 10 working days) (pro rata for part time) from their accrued sick leave entitlement. The clause also now includes provisions for Employees who are Breastfeeding (clause 25.14-25.17). The title has also been updated to include surrogacy, which is already referenced in the body of the clause and is consistent with the similar provision at clause 12.6–12.9 in the SMOEA 22. Professional Development (PD) reimbursement entitlements have been increased consistent with the amount available to consultants under the SMOEA 22. The Proposed Agreement provides for an increase to reimbursement for professional development expenses from the first full pay period after approval to $22,000 per annum (inclusive of any applicable FBT). The time and reimbursement can be accumulated in any period of two (2) years, up to $44,000. To address the difference in PD entitlement between the SMOEA 2022 and the Proposed Agreement, an additional one-off entitlement of $13,200 for professional development expenses will be available for the 2024 PD year only and any unused component will be accessible until the end of the 2025 PD year (13 April 2026).