Group RRSP Sample Clauses
Group RRSP. 24:01 The University agrees to provide a Group RRSP (GRRSP) with the following features:
Group RRSP. 14.17.1 Employees may authorize the College to deduct a specified amount from their wages each month to be deposited in individual RRSP accounts with a single designated financial institution.
14.17.2 Tax deductions at source will be adjusted to accommodate the deductions.
14.17.3 In authorizing these deductions, employees free the College of any responsibility for the funds following their deposit with the financial institution.
14.17.4 The College will remit the amounts deducted to the financial institution at the end of each month or not later than the 10th day of the following month.
14.17.5 It is the responsibility of the employees to direct the financial institution with respect to the investment of the funds.
Group RRSP. The Employer agrees to facilitate a Group RRSP by making arrangements with a financial institution and provide an opportunity for contributions to be made by payroll deduction.
Group RRSP. Employees who have completed their probationary period may opt into the Group RRSP as described in Appendix 5. Employers which do not have an RRSP, and implement one as a result of this Collective Agreement, will select a fund manager mutually agreed to by the Employer and the Union. Existing Employers which opt to change the current fund manager of their RRSP will select a new fund manager for the Plan with the mutual agreement of the Union, provided that this does not result in any additional cost to the Employer. Only a single fund manager for the RRSP will be utilized by an Employer at any one time. The Parties agree that the Union/Management Committee shall discuss, on an annual basis, any issues relating to the administration and performance of the Group RRSP.
Group RRSP. It is understood and agreed that all employees with six (6) or more months of service will be eligible to participate in the Company’s Group RRSP plan on a voluntary basis. The Company has sole discretion as to the availability and structure of any such plan. The Company will notify the Union in advance of any such changes to the plan.
Group RRSP. Effective October 1, 1999
1. All regular employees, upon successful completion of the probationary period, shall have a one-time option of enrolling in the plan. Participation in the plan is voluntary. The employee must exercise the option within ninety (90) days of the plan coming into effect or upon completion of the probationary period.
2. Employee contributions to the Plan through payroll deduction will be on one (1) of the following bases: • one percent (1%) of regular earnings; or • two percent (2%) of regular earnings; or • three percent (3%) of regular earnings.
3. The Employer will match the contributions made by each employee.
4. Employees may increase or decrease their contribution levels, as noted in (2) above, on January 1st of each year by providing at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Employer.
5. Employer and employee contributions will be locked in on the employee’s behalf.
6. Employers who currently have a Group RRSP in place, and who implement this Group RRSP pursuant to this Article, shall terminate the current Group RRSP and contributions shall be converted to the new Group RRSP.
7. In the event that an Employer currently participates in the Municipal Superannuation Plan (or is required to participate in the future), the Group RRSP will not be implemented (or will be terminated) for employees of that Employer.
8. Employers will ensure that all new employees are informed of the options available to them under this Group RRSP to this Appendix. If an Employer does not currently participate in a pension plan (e.g. the Municipal Superannuation Plan) then participation in the group RRSP for Employees will be mandatory. No employee shall be allowed to join both a pension plan and the group RRSP. In order to ensure the timely establishment and implementation of a group RRSP plan for the benefit of Employees in this sector, the Parties to this agreement agree that Manulife Financial will continue be the transitional plan administrator/fund manager for St. Xxxxx Daycare Society and its participating employees until the expiration of this Memorandum of Agreement. This Agreement is on a without prejudice basis as to the final decision of the Parties as to the jointly agreed to plan carrier. ECE I $ 14.24 $ 14.45 $ 15.00 $ 15.30 ECE II $ 18.02 $ 18.27 $ 18.77 $ 19.15 ECE III $ 19.09 $ 19.34 $ 19.84 $ 20.24 ECE Assistant $ 12.88 $ 14.45 $ 15.00 $ 15.30 Qualified Auxiliary $ 10.68 $ 13.00 $ 13.35 $ 13.62 Unqualified Auxiliary $ 9.95 $ 13.0...
Group RRSP. B-7.01 Each employee who has seniority rights under this Agreement will be eligible to participate in the Company’s Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (“the Group RRSP”). The Company agrees to match, to the maximums set forth in Appendix B- 7.02, employee contributions to the Group RRSP for those employees who contribute an amount no less than the amount which the Company is required to contribute pursuant to Appendix B-7.02. The Company will administer payroll deductions for participating employees. Contributions will be sent to the Group RRSP by the Company on the same dates that regular payroll is paid by the Company. The Company’s contribution and the employee’s contribution will be itemized on the employee’s pay stub.
B-7.02 The minimum Group RRSP contribution which may be made by a participating employee and the maximum Company matching contribution will be five percent (5%) of the employee’s regular straight time wages.
B-7.03 An employee who enrolls in the Group RRSP and withdraws any funds from the Group RRSP prior to termination or retirement will not be entitled to receive any matching contributions from the Company to the Group RRSP at any time thereafter. B-7.04 It is agreed that employees may opt to contribute more than the percentages set forth in Appendix B-7.02, but the Company is only obligated to contribute the percentages set forth in Appendix B-7.02. BETWEEN: AND hereinafter referred to as the "Company" chartered by the United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, hereinafter referred to as the "Union". The Company will, where determined by it to be necessary, replace up to one (1) microwave each year in each of the two (2) new lunch rooms and up to two (2) microwaves each year in the old lunchroom, for a maximum total of four (4) microwaves during the period July 1 to June 30 each year. The Employer will also maintain and provide hot water kettles for each lunchroom.
Group RRSP. Eligible to participate in the Corporation’s Group RRSP (Canada) under its standard terms and conditions
Group RRSP. The current pension plan is terminated with the effective date of the (acquisition date) new Collective Agreement between the parties. The union (C.A.W.) will not oppose or restrict the wind-up of the existing pension plan. The National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General Workers Union of Canada (C.A.W. Canada) and its Local 1987 and the Ventra Group Inc., agree that Ventra Group Inc. will not assume any liability for the former pension plan. Ventra Group Inc. agrees to establish a group RRSP based on the following contribution schedule: One dollar ($1.00) per hour paid of each year of the Collective Agreement. Payments shall be remitted monthly on behalf of each individual employee to a financial institution, to be selected by the C.A.W. leadership and shall serve as trust payments to individual registered retirement savings plan accounts for each employee. Compensated hours shall be defined for the purposes of this article, as hours paid, paid holidays, negotiated vacation, time off or any other days or hours for which the employee is paid, but shall exclude leave of absence, time spent on sickness or accident or Workplace Safety and Insurance Board benefits, which are not opposed by Canadian Labour Law. Persons on authorized union leave of absence shall be considered at work and shall have contributions made on the basis of eight hours for each full day of such leave. The administrative cost for the plan will be paid by Ventra Group Inc. Contributions for new hires (after the acquisition date) will commence with the first full pay period after the completion of his/her probationary period, and achieving seniority. Probation employees will then receive contributions to coincide with their date of hire.
Group RRSP. 19.01 (a) A Group R.R.S.P. established through the Association’s carrier - Atlas through Open Access will include the following: