Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. 19.01 (a) Following two (2) calendar weeks from the date of submission of the work injury report and upon request by an employee, the Company agrees to advance funds in the equivalent to the prevailing WSIB weekly maximum. This will be conditional upon the employee signing an agreement to repay the advance in full upon receipt of the WSIB benefit.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. The Corporation shall pay one hundred (100) percent of the premium cost for the Workplace Safety and Insurance coverage for all employees. Any employee injured while on duty shall receive their regular payroll cheque from the Corporation and any Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits with respect to salaries shall be paid directly to the Corporation.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. 36.1 A member who is absent from their duties as a result of work-related illness/injury arising from the execution of such duties shall:
a) Receive an amount equal to the member’s regular base salary (net pay) at the time the illness/injury occurred. The payment will be in the form of an advance equal to the anticipated WSIB award plus an additional top-up that retains net pay at the designated level;
b) Repay the advance from the member’s sick bank should the WSIB claim be disallowed. Member’s with insufficient sick bank credits will be required to repay the “payroll advance” in accordance with terms mutually acceptable to the member and the Chief of Police;
c) Continue to receive all rights and privileges of this collective agreement including benefits and payment of shared pension contributions;
d) In the event the member’s leave carries into the next calendar year, said vacation and statutory allowances earned shall be paid to the member on the last pay period in the existing calendar year.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. An Employee who is absent from duty as a result of a work-related illness or injury shall:
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. In order to compensate for the delay in payments to employees from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, employees applying to the Board for benefits will be eligible for bi-weekly pay advances, to a maximum of six (6) weeks of advances, beginning with the first full week of time missed.
i) The employee must have sick leave credits to cover the advance.
ii) Advances will be processed on a bi-weekly basis and will not exceed eligible WSIB.
iii) The employee must sign a waiver indicating the repayment of the advances will begin immediately upon receipt of WSIB benefits.
iv) If the WSIB claim is not approved, sick leave credits will be charged against the advances until they are repaid in full. The Company shall provide the Union with a copy of the Employer’s Report of Injury or Disease (Form 7) when submitting same to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) in order to give the Union an opportunity to discuss with the Company any errors or omissions which may exist, upon written consent of the employee.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. An Employee who is absent from duty as a result of a work-related illness or injury shall: Comply with all provisions set out in the NAPS Policy regarding procedures and with requirements as set out in legislation and directives If capable and qualified, and if sanctioned by the appropriate Official, participate in the NAPS Early and Safe Return to Work Program to perform any modified position that they are medically deemed capable of performing. In such instances, the Employer shall be able to place an injured or ill Employee into any position within the Bargaining Unit without having to post such position. It is further understood that the Employee shall not relinquish any rights granted under the Collective Agreement if non-unionizedwork is performed. Promptly comply with any reasonable request for a Functional Abilities Assessment requested by the Employer, provided the Employer pays for such assessment. Continue to receive the Employee’s regular salary for a period of not more than three (3) months or until the Employee begins to receive income replacement benefits, whichever is the lesser period of time. Provided, however, that if the Employee fails to reasonably cooperate with the Employer and the with respect to their requirements, then the Employer shall be entitled, after consultation with the Alliance, to terminate the salary payment referred to at an earlier date. Thereafter, an Employee may increase the monthly amount received from to one hundred (100%) percent of their regular rate of pay by using any, some, or all of their accumulated and earned overtime, statutory holiday time, lieu time, vacation time, and sick day banked credits; and Continue to receive full coverage under this Collective Agreement and the Employer shall continue to contribute one hundred (100%) percent of all benefits and pension contributions as required by the Act, as amended from time to time.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. 42.01 Upon written consent from the Teacher, the Board shall provide OECTA with a copy of the Employer’s Form 7 submitted to the WSIB.
42.02 A Teacher is entitled to draw upon his/her accumulated sick leave credits to the extent necessary such that the Teacher does not suffer a net loss of earnings while being absent due to an illness or injury compensable under the WSIB Act.
42.03 The Board will continue to pay its portion of benefits contributions for up to two years from the date of the compensable injury or illness if the Teacher continues to pay his/her contributions during the same period.
42.04 Where a Teacher receives WSIB benefits as determined by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, such payments shall be directed to the Board until the Teacher exhausts his/her sick leave credits.
42.05 Where appropriate, the Board, in consultation with OECTA and the injured Teacher, agrees to develop a return to work plan.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. 2.19.1 In the event of a work related injury or illness, the employee may receive payment of salary or earnings by the Employer to the maximum allowable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and the Employer will also pay to the Employee, where applicable, the difference between the maximum allowable under the Act and the actual amount equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the Employee’s salary or regular wage.
2.19.2 If the employee is able to perform modified duties or hours of work, the employee is required to accept this work when offered, provided such work is compatible with the employee’s medical restrictions .
2.19.3 Employees on WSIB, and those medical conditions prevents them from doing their own work, but permits them to do other available work within the Bargaining Unit, will be required to accept this work.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits. Whereas a result of injuries received by an employee while in the course of employment with the Employer, an employee is entitled to receive temporary total disability payments from Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario, the Employer shall pay to such employee an amount equal to ninety percent of their average weekly earnings minus the amount of total temporary disability payments from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, and such payment shall not be deducted from the employee’s accumulated sick leave. Average weekly earnings shall have the same meaning as it does from time to time under the provisions of the Workplace Safety Insurance Act and the regulations thereunder.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits shall be the responsibility of the Union. The Union and the President hold the Employer harmless of any Worker’s Compensation claims that occur during the noted period of elected.