AND ITS LOCAL Sample Clauses
AND ITS LOCAL. This Agreement is intended to address circumstances where a new full-time position is created for special projects and unusual workload demands in the Corporation creating a secondment situation. This outlines the process for secondment to provide advancement and career development opportunities for regular full-time employees only. The Corporation will prepare a secondment posting for the position. This posting will indicate that the position is not a regular position, but is for a specific period of time. The posting solicits applications from regular full-time employees who wish to be considered for the position in a “secondment” capacity. The posting shall include: length of secondment, position title, Department and Branch, salary level, hours of work, summary of duties and qualifications. Selection criteria will be as provided in the Collective Agreement with the exception of for regular full-time employees only. If there are no internal reasonably qualified applicants, the Corporation may assign a temporary employee who meets the established qualifications for the position. Secondment positions are for a set period of time of up to twelve (12) months. The status of the position will be reviewed prior to its conclusion to determine if continuation is necessary. If it is determined by mutual agreement of the parties that continuation is necessary, the secondment may continue for a further period of up to six (6) months. Secondment positions will be evaluated by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee prior to the posting of the position. A temporary position title and salary level will be assigned, but will not be incorporated into Schedule “A. Time accrued in the position will be included for the purpose of wage rate progression. During the secondment period, the employee remains an incumbent of “home” position. As well, the employee retains the entitlement to make application for employment opportunities within the Corporation. The “home” position of the successful applicant and any subsequent vacancies will be filled using the same system as noted above until the conclusion of the initial secondment. Subsequent vacancies at salary level and below will not be posted, but interested regular full-time employees will be considered before hiring any temporary employee. Should there be no qualified internal applicants, the position will be filled by a temporary employee. When the secondment assignment concludes, all employees affected will revert to their hom...
AND ITS LOCAL. The parties agree to renew the following: (To be included in the terms of settlement, but not as part of the Collective Agreement). The parties agree that employees in the Maintenance and Traffic Operations interested in becoming Maintenance Operators in the Plants Division may apply in writing to the Plant Operations Manager. Applicants will be required to have regular entry qualifications (fourteen(1 years of formal education, etc.). Qualified applicants will be offered employment in the first available plant vacancy for Maintenance Operator It is agreed that management will attempt to see that plant operations staff are not required to work on two consecutive Christmas The Local will receive courtesy notice of any “first line” management job vacancy which involves supervision of Local members. In the matter of transfers (other than for temporary assignments) management will attempt to effect such transfer on the basis of seniority except where operational needs determine otherwise. The Region agrees to the reimbursement expenses for courses to a maximum of three hundred ($300) dollars which includes the registration fee for the course. There shall be no payment of overtime as a result of attendance at these courses. Employees who wish to seek lateral transfers to other geographic areas shall write to the Director of Operations, Works Department, stating the area or areas to which they wish to transfer, their current job classification and seniority date. The areas shall be as set out in Schedule of the Collective Agreement. A list of employees who have requested transfers will be posted quarterly and will indicate the name, geographic preference and the employees’ seniority date. When a vacancy occurs it will be offered, ability and qualifications being sufficient, to the employee with the most seniority who has applied for a transfer to that area and whose application was received to the date the the vacancy occurred. The remaining employees on the transfer list who have applied for a transfer to that same area will be advised of the transfer. In view of this procedure to provide for lateral transfers, Job will be available only to employees in job classifications different from that of the vacancy. DATED at Ontario this 19th day of January, Regional Municipality of Durham Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local Canadian Union of Public Employees MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM AND AND ITS LOCAL This letter sets ou...
AND ITS LOCAL. (Hereinafter Referred To As The ‘Union’) I ’ Intent and Purpose Recognition Management Rights Union Security Xxxxxxx Grievance Procedure Arbitration No Strikes, No Lockout Hours of Work and Overtime Rates of Pay Paid Holidays Vacations Bereavement Pay Seniority Job Associates Address Phone Numbers Leave of Absence Health and Safety Bulletin Board Jury or Witness Duty Temporary Assignments Call Back Allowance Safety Footwear Company Supplied Clothing General Benefit Program Wages and Classifications Duration or Agreement APPENDIX "A" APPENDIX
AND ITS LOCAL. Employees of Oshawa Transit Commission hereinafter referred to as the of the second part.
AND ITS LOCAL. (hereinafterreferred to as "the Union")
AND ITS LOCAL. Re: Job Posting
AND ITS LOCAL. The parties hereby agree that the following shall form part of the Collective Agreement between the parties, dated
AND ITS LOCAL. For Negotiating Team members, the parties agree that in the best interest of all concerned and in order to facilitate negotiations, the Hospital will cancel all night shifts immediately preceding and the evening and night shifts following negotiations held during business hours. SIGNED AT KINGSTON, ONTARIO,this FOR THE ONTARIO PUBLIC OF XXXXXX OF THE HOTEL OF KINGSTON Subject: "Continuation of Benefits"
AND ITS LOCAL. Re: Bulletin Boards Article
AND ITS LOCAL. The Hospital hereby agrees that it shall endeavour to schedule full-time employees off work two (2) weekends in every four (4). In the event the Hospital deems it necessary to schedule any employee in accordance with Clause of the Collective Agreement, the Hospital will meet with the Union to discuss the matter prior to implementation. SIGNED AT KINGSTON, ONTARIO, this day