Healthcare Committee. Due to the cost and complexity of healthcare and its implications for the entire College community, the College agrees to create the College Healthcare Committee. The purpose and charge of this committee is to study and research different facets of healthcare to advise the College as to its choice in healthcare plans. Responsibilities of this committee will include but are not limited to the following:
1. Monitor the operations, service, and any problems with the current vendor.
2. Review benefit options from current and competitive vendors.
3. Study and propose methods to reduce the experience rate of the College.
4. Review bids of the vendors.
5. Promote wellness campus-wide.
6. Gather and analyze healthcare data. The Committee may have two members representing the Staff, two Administrators and two members from the Lodge. The Committee shall meet no less than once per quarter and may consult with others who have the expertise needed for the work of the Committee.
Healthcare Committee. Due to the cost and complexity of healthcare and its implications for the entire College community, the College has created the College Healthcare Committee. The purpose and charge of this Committee is to study and research different facets of healthcare to advise the College as to its choice in healthcare plans. Responsibilities of this Committee include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Monitor the operations, service, and any problems with the current vendor;
2. Review benefit options from current and competitive vendors;
3. Study and propose methods to reduce the experience rate of the College;
4. Review bids of the vendors;
5. Promote wellness campus-wide;
6. Gather and analyze healthcare data; and
7. Develop a consensus among the Committee members and make a recommendation to the President for consideration. The Committee may have two (2) members representing the Staff, two (2) Administrators and two
Healthcare Committee. 1. The Healthcare Committee shall include two (2) representatives designated by the Union and two (2) representatives designated by the Library. The Library will provide release time for mutually scheduled meetings, and if an employee was scheduled to work during such meetings, the employee will be compensated for such released time. Union participation in the Healthcare Committee shall not be construed to be a waiver of the Union’s right to negotiate with respect to changes, if any, in healthcare benefits as provided in this Agreement.
2. The Healthcare Committee shall meet at mutually agreed times to explore group health insurance plan alternatives and coverage options for full-time and part-time regular employees and to explore vision coverage options. The Healthcare Committee shall make recommendations regarding healthcare to the Director or designee of the Director, with a copy to the SEIU District 1199 Executive Board Member(s).
Healthcare Committee. The Employer agrees to participate in a CTU-ACTS healthcare committee that shall meet no less than two times a year to explore possibilities to secure healthcare savings.
Healthcare Committee. 1. The Lakeland Faculty Association and the College recognize the need to provide top quality healthcare to its employees at a reasonable cost. In an effort to continue to provide top quality healthcare and at the same time control costs, a Healthcare Committee shall be established consisting of four members appointed by the LFA Executive Committee and four members appointed by the college.
Healthcare Committee. A joint committee of OAPSE, CFEA and administration will serve as Healthcare Committee, consisting of an equal number of members of OAPSE, CFEA and administration. In addition, up to two (2) members of the Board of Education may serve on the Committee. The Treasurer shall serve as chairperson.
A. The Committee’s work will include, but not be limited to:
1. Developing a better understanding of the healthcare program;
2. Identifying various options to reduce the costs associated with the healthcare program;
3. Developing strategies, which, if implemented, will reduce the costs within the healthcare program;
4. Developing and implementing strategies for educating employees regarding employee benefits. The Committee shall be provided with all relevant documentation and shall be authorized to require the carriers to furnish data and required reports concerning cost trends and funding levels.
B. The Committee shall be assembled at the call of the Chair on an ongoing basis for the purpose of maintaining an overview of the insurance program.
Healthcare Committee. A. Establishment of Committee
1) A healthcare committee from all stakeholders shall be established. An equal number of representatives from all stakeholders will be invited to participate.
B. Purpose of the Healthcare Committee
1) Investigate options that maximize employee benefits and promote fiscal responsibility
2) Educate members on healthcare benefits and associate costs, potential methods of cost control and health living choices.
C. Charge of the Healthcare Committee
1) The committee will review proposals that are secured from providers, interview carriers and analyze data.
2) The committee shall develop a report with their findings.
Healthcare Committee. A. The Library and the Union shall maintain a Healthcare Committee composed of three (3) bargaining unit members appointed by the Union and three (3) management employees.
B. The Committee will meet periodically to review insurance plans and costs; to explore group health insurance plan alternatives, changes in coverage; employee assistance programs; wellness initiatives; and cost containment measures (e.g. changes in plan design). However, the Committee will not have authority to implement changes that are subject to bargaining between the parties. At a minimum of once per year, the Healthcare Committee will have the opportunity to meet with the Library’s health insurance broker to review the Library’s overall insurance programs, industry trends, etc. and to raise questions and concerns.
C. The Library agrees to provide utilization information to the Healthcare Committee consistent with the requirements for confidentiality under HIPAA and other applicable laws and regulations.
D. In anticipation of negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement, the Healthcare Committee shall submit its recommendations, if any, on insurance matters to the Library and the Union not later than September 1 prior to expiration of the current agreement. Should the Healthcare Committee make recommendations regarding healthcare issues that require negotiation between the Union and the Library, both parties will give due regard to the recommendations of the Healthcare Committee when negotiating that issue.
Healthcare Committee. Should insurance rates change more than acceptable. The district and the union shall reserve the right to discuss insurance options and plan design should either party invoke this right. Insurance premiums required by employees will be spread out among all pays available.
(A) Employees electing out of insurance coverage shall receive, in lieu of, $3,000, to be paid in June each year.
(A) Employees hired prior to (date of ratification): Employees working less than eight (8) hours shall be offered the above benefits but on a pro- rata basis; i.e., eight (8) hours…fully paid; seven (7) hours…7/8 Board paid; 1/8 Individual; six (6) hours…3/4 Board paid; 1/4 Individual; five (5) hours…5/8 Board paid; 3/8 Individual. Less than five hours…no benefits.
Healthcare Committee. Starting in March 2022, the parties will establish a Labor Management Healthcare Subcommittee to review the available standard plans and make a recommendation on which standard plan(s) to adopt for the following plan year, with a goal of adopting the standard plans which are the closest to the current medical plans, unless the Labor Management Healthcare Subcommittee makes a decision to recommend a different plan design.