Union Participation Sample Clauses

Union Participation. The Employer agrees not to interfere with the rights of the employees to become members of the Union and there shall be no discrimination, interference, restraint, or coercion by the Employer or any Employer representative against any employee because of Union membership or because of any employee activity officially sanctioned by this contract on behalf of the Union.
Union Participation. No employee or applicant for employment covered by this Agreement shall be discriminated against because of membership in the Union or activities on behalf of the Union. As defined by applicable law, employees have the right to participate in or decline to participate in union activities. Neither the Union nor the Employer will coerce, intimidate, discriminate, or retaliate against an employee for participation or declination in union activities.
Union Participation. The Board and the Union agree not to interfere with the right of an employee to join and participate in the Union or not to join or participate in the Union.
Union Participation. The Enterprise recognize that the CEPU as the Legitimate representative of the employee/s and all prospective, future and current employees will be encouraged to join the CEPU. The employer will allow each employee to join and remain a financial member of the Union. and make provisions for the fees to be deducted from the employees weekly wages
Union Participation. Any member of any joint Committee as outlined in this Collective Agreement or through future mutually agreed to formation of committees that is in the employ of the Corporation shall have the right of attending scheduled meetings with the Corporation without loss of remuneration. It is understood and agreed by the Parties that notwithstanding the Corporation’s agreement to compensate committee members for time spent attending meetings, all time spent attending meetings by members of the bargaining unit outside of regular scheduled work hours shall be compensated for face- to-face time at the committee member’s straight time hourly rate.
Union Participation. Neither party shall discriminate against an employee on the basis of membership or non-membership or lawful activity in behalf of the exclusive bargaining agent. The Employer agrees not to interfere with the rights of employees to become members of the Union, and there shall be no discrimination, interference, restraint, or coercion by the Employer or any Employer representative against any employee because of any employee activity in an official capacity on behalf of the Union.
Union Participation. An employee has the right to hold Union office, seek Union assistance, file a grievance or use other benefits of this Agreement according to the terms set forth without reprisal, repression, intimidation, prejudice, or discrimination.
Union Participation. Prior to the submission of the preliminary budget to the City Council the Mayor or his/her authorized representative may meet with the Union at reasonable times each year to discuss fringe benefits and wage rates of members of the bargaining unit, in order to give full consideration to such items.
Union Participation. A. The grievant shall have the right to have a Union representative present at any of the steps of the grievance procedure. B. While an employee may discuss differences, controversies, or a claimed violation of the contract with their immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the matter, no formal or written grievance may be filed or processed unless such action is approved by the Union representative as provided for heretofore and no grievance shall proceed to Arbitration without the consent of the Union Representative.
Union Participation. The Union President will designate five National Safety and Health Representatives who will each be on 50% official time. They will work with the Department’s national-level safety and health officials in developing and implementing the Program. The National Safety and Health Representatives will represent the interests of the Union and the employees in the development and implementation of all aspects of the Department’s and Administrations’ occupational safety and health program. The National Safety and Health Representatives will be the points of contact for any safety and health initiatives at the Department, Administration, and/or System levels that impact employee safety and health. The parties will develop joint training programs and materials in safety and health for bargaining unit employees. The representatives will provide training and assistance to local unions in the performance of their responsibilities under the Program. The National Safety and Health Representatives may visit facilities within the bargaining unit to work with local unions on safety and health matters. Notice of such visits will be given to the Director of each facility. The Department recognizes that Union participation in its Occupational Safety and Health Program is essential for the success of that Program. The Union may designate representatives at the facility level, intermediate levels, and the National level who will represent the interests of the Union and the employees in the development and implementation of this Program. The parties agree that work on the Safety and Health Program is a part of the ongoing Partnership between the Department and the Union. Time spent serving as a Union representative during safety and health inspections, as a member of a Safety and Health Committee or its subcommittees, developing plans for abatement of materials, investigating accidents, and safety-related committee assignments will be considered duty time. The National Safety and Health Representatives will be given copies of all Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (XXXXX) letters and other national-level communications to the field on safety and health matters as well as all safety manuals and publications. The XXXXX written correspondence and reports will include the Department’s goals and objectives annually for reducing and eliminating occupational accidents, injuries, and illnesses. The report should include the plans and procedures for evaluating VBA, NCA, and VHA ...