High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP Sample Clauses
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. The parties agree to investigate the feasibility of adding by mutual agreement a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with or without Health Savings Account (HSA) or Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) as an option to current health plans.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. Each payday, except for the third payday in a month, each full-time regular employee who elects the HDHP plan shall contribute zero percent (0%) of the total medical and vision rates, and five percent (5%) of the dental rates adopted by City Council for the one party, two-party, or family enrollees (whichever applies).
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. Generally, an HDHP is a health plan that satisfies certain requirements with respect to deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. In the case of self-only coverage, the High Deductible Health Plan's annual deductible cannot be less than $1,600, adjusted for COLAs. In the case of any other coverage (family coverage), the annual deductible cannot be less than $3,200, adjusted for COLAs. The sum of the annual deductible and the other annual out-of-pocket expenses required to be paid under the plan (other than for premiums) for covered benefits may not exceed $8,050, adjusted for COLAs, for self-only coverage, and $16,100, adjusted for COLAs, for family coverage. In the case of family coverage, a plan is an HDHP only if, under the terms of the plan and without regard to which family member or members incur expenses, no amounts are payable from the HDHP until the family has incurred annual covered medical expenses in excess of the minimum annual deductible. A plan does not fail to be an HDHP merely because it does not have a deductible (or has a small deductible) for certain preventive care. Except for certain preventive care, a plan may not provide benefits for any year until the deductible for that year is met. A High Deductible Health Plan shall not include a plan where substantially all of the coverage is for accidents, disability, dental care, vision care, or long-term care. Also, a high deductible health plan shall not fail to be treated as an HDHP merely because the individual has coverage for any benefit provided by “permitted insurance”. Permitted insurance is insurance under which substantially all of the coverage provided relates to liabilities incurred under workers’ compensation laws, tort liabilities, liabilities relating to ownership or use of property (e.g., automobile insurance), insurance for a specified disease or illness, and insurance that pays a fixed amount per day (or other period) of hospitalization.
13.12 IRC: Refers to the Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
13.13 IRS: Refers to the Internal Revenue Service.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. The IUOE and the City shall allow employees to enroll in a HDHP if the City implements such a plan during the term of this Agreement, as an addition to the PPO plan offered to eligible employees. The HDHP may have a health savings or health reimbursement component.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. Participation in the HDHP described in Appendix C requires a 2% employee premium share contribution. The required employee contributions per pay period for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 are estimated as follows: Single: $7.48 ($14.96 per month) Double: $15.40 ($30.80 per month) Family: $16.96 ($33.92 per month) The HDHP premium share for subsequent years shall be 2% of the renewed premiums. The Employer pays the balance (98%) of the premium and all taxes and fees required by Federal and State regulations to the extent consistent with the state hard cap set forth in Public Act 152 of 2011. Participation in the Dental Plan requires no employee premium share contribution.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. Effective during the term of this Agreement, the Board will provide a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) to full-time employees that elect to participate. The program shall be offered on a contract year basis with open enrollment to be available in May. The HDHP shall have a $2,250.00 single and $4,500.00 two-person/family deductible for in network services. Prescription drugs are covered as part of the program and are subject to the deductible. Once the deductible is met there shall be no coinsurance in network for covered services, except for prescriptions. Upon satisfaction of the HDHP deductible, prescriptions are subject to a managed three tier drug rider with co-pays of $5 Generic/ $25 Brand Name/ $40 Non Formulary Brand Name co-pay (unlimited maximum) (2x retail co-payment for 90-day supply). Out of network services will be subject to a 70% plan/30% member coinsurance to a combined in-and-out-of-network coinsurance maximum of two thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,250.00) for the individual and four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) for the family, for a combined in-and-out-of-network out-of-pocket maximum of four thousand dollar ($4,000.00) for the individual and six thousand eight hundred fifty ($6,850.00) for the family. Enrollees in the HDHP shall have a Health Savings Account (HSA) to defray deductible expenses. In year one of the contract (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020) the Board agrees to contribute forty-five percent (45%) of the deductible. In year two of the contract (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021) the Board agrees to contribute forty-five percent (45%) of the deductible. In year three of the contract (July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022) the Board agrees to contribute forty-five percent (45%) of the deductible. In each year of the contract one-half (1/2) of the Board’s contribution toward the deductible shall be deposited in the HSA bank account of the employee on or about July 1st and the remaining one-half (1/2) of the Board’s contribution shall be deposited in the HSA bank account of the employee on or about January 1st. The employee’s contribution toward the deductible shall either be, at the employee’s option, via payroll deduction or contributed directly by the employee in his/her Health Savings Account (HSA) bank account. A HSA is not health insurance, it is a bank account. The parties acknowledge that the Board’s contribution toward funding the deductible is not an element of the underlying plan, but rather re...
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. The District will offer a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) that can function with a VEBA or a Health Savings Account. Employees indicating they intend to switch to a Health Savings Account will be contacted to confirm their transition from/to and HSA.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. For calendar year 2021, an HDHP for self-only coverage has a minimum annual deductible of $1,400 and an annual out-of-pocket maximum (deductibles, co-payments and other amounts, but not premiums) of $7,000. For calendar year 2021, an HDHP for family coverage has a minimum annual deductible of $2,800 and an annual out-of-pocket maximum of $14,000. These limits are subject to cost-of-living adjustments. Self-only coverage and family coverage under an HDHP. Family coverage means coverage that is not self-only coverage. Qualified medical expenses. Qualified medical expenses are amounts paid for medical care as defined in section 213(d) for the Account Owner, his or her spouse, or dependents (as defined in section 152) but only to the extent that such amounts are not compensated for by insurance or otherwise. With certain exceptions, health insurance premiums are not qualified medical expenses.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. Option. Employees may, at their sole option, voluntarily switch their medical coverage to the AWC Benefit Trust High Deductible Plan (subject to the rules that apply to the plan coverage documents). Effective January 1, 2020, The Employer will pay one-hundred percent (100%) of the premium for the AWC Benefit Trust HealthFirst HDHP Medical Plan for employees. Ninety-five percent (95.0%) of the monthly premiums for dependents AWC Benefit Trust HealthFirst 250 Medical Plan insurance shall be paid by the Employer and five percent (5.0%) shall be deducted from the employee’s monthly salary. // // The Employer shall make the following contributions to the HSA of an eligible employee for each month in which the employee is enrolled in the HDHP: First year on plan: Employee = $100; Employer = $100 Second consecutive year on plan: Employee = $75; Employer = $125 Third consecutive year on plan: Employee = $50; Employer = $200 First year on plan: Employee = $200; Employer = $200 Second consecutive year on plan: Employee = $150; Employer = $300 Third consecutive year on plan: Employee = $100; Employer = $400 HSA contributions will comply with IRS rules and, if necessary, will be reduced to prevent the combined premium and HSA from exceeding the Affordable Care Act excise tax threshold, if applicable. A “consecutive year on plan” shall mean each consecutive annual open enrollment period an employee has elected to remain on the HDHP. Employees who initially enroll in the HDHP mid-year (prior to the annual open enrollment period) shall be in the “first year on plan” and, if they remain on the plan after the open enrollment period for the following calendar year, shall be in the “second consecutive year on plan” in the calendar year following their initial enrollment. Employees who initially enroll in the HDHP during the annual open enrollment shall be in the “first year on plan” in the calendar year the enrollment takes effect and, if they remain on the HDHP after the open enrollment period for the following calendar year, shall be in the “second consecutive year on plan”.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP. Effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019, the Board will provide a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) to full-time employees that elect to participate. The program shall be offered on a contract year basis with open enrollment to be available in May. Effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018, The HDHP shall have a $2,000.00 single and $4,000.00 two-person/family deductible for in network services. Prescription drugs are covered as part of the program and are subject to the deductible. Once the deductible is met there shall be no coinsurance in network for covered services, except for prescriptions. Upon satisfaction of the HDHP deductible, prescriptions are subject to a managed three tier drug rider with co-pays of $5 Generic/ $25 Brand Name/ $40 Non Formulary Brand Name co-pay (unlimited maximum) (2x retail co-payment for 90-day supply). Out of network services will be subject to a 70% plan/30% member coinsurance to a combined in-and-out-of-network coinsurance maximum of $2,500.00 for the individual and $5,000.00 for the family, for a combined in-and-out-of-network out-of-pocket maximum of $5,000.00 for the individual and $10,000.00 for the family. Effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, The HDHP shall have a $2,250.00 single and $4,500.00 two-person/family deductible for in network services. Prescription drugs are covered as part of the program and are subject to the deductible. Once the deductible is met there shall be no coinsurance in network for covered services, except for prescriptions. Upon satisfaction of the HDHP deductible, prescriptions are subject to a managed three tier drug rider with co-pays of $5 Generic/ $25 Brand Name/ $40 Non Formulary Brand Name co-pay (unlimited maximum) (2x retail co-payment for 90-day supply). Out of network services will be subject to a 70% plan / 30% member coinsurance to a combined in-and-out-of-network coinsurance maximum of $2,500.00 for the individual and $5,000.00 for the family, for a combined in-and-out-of-network out-of-pocket maximum of $5,000.00 for the individual and $10,000.00 for the family. Enrollees in the HDHP shall have a Health Savings Account (HSA) to defray deductible expenses. In year one of the contract (July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017), the Board agrees to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the deductible. In year one of the contract one-half (1/2) of the Board’s contribution toward the deductible shall be deposited in the HSA bank account of the employee on or about July 1, ...