Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). The CE may approve an allowance over and above the ADUs in exceptional circumstance i.e. where an employee is undertaking a higher-level position for a period of 3 months or more. ADU payment will not be made during a period of HDA payment.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). 13.1 An employee who is not qualified to Station Officer, will not be required to act up as a Station Officer during the life of this Agreement.
13.2 An employee, with the exception of an employee working in the area of operations, may act up more than one level or rank and be paid at that level or rank provided:
(a) they have the necessary competencies and qualifications;
(b) for vacancies of six months or more, there are no applications for the position from suitably qualified one rank below employees;
(c) the individual employee agrees.
13.3 For vacancies less than six months, expressions of interest will be sought, where practicable.
13.4 Acting up in the terms of this clause will not result in a change to the employee’s substantive rank.
13.5 Leading Firefighters stationed at Track Stations will perform higher duties as the Officer in Charge of the Station, as required.
13.6 An employee, who immediately before proceeding on approved recreational leave was in receipt of a HDA, will continue to be paid the allowance during recreation leave for the period the Director or their delegate certifies that the allowance would have been paid, but for the grant of the leave.
13.7 Any operational firefighter who performs the duties of a rank above will receive a HDA for the period.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). 12.1 When an employee is to undertake additional and higher level duties on a temporary basis for five (5) consecutive working days or more:
(a) in circumstances where the full duties of the higher position are to be performed, payment shall be at the minimum rate of pay of the substantive pay level of the higher position; and
(b) in circumstances where the employee will not be performing the full duties of the higher position, the employee shall be advised of the additional duties to be performed at the higher rate of pay.
12.2 Subject to subclause 1 of this clause, employees shall be paid the higher duties allowance for the entire period during which they are undertaking the higher level duties.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). 30.1. Where it is essential that duties of a higher level are carried out, a professional staff member may be paid a HDA.
30.2. HDA will be paid to a staff member performing higher duties in the following circumstances:
(a) where the maximum salary for the position in which the staff member acts is not in excess of the salary range for an ANU Officer level 7 and the staff member performs those higher duties for a period in excess of 2 consecutive working days;
(b) where the members of staff in the Grounds, Hospitality and Maintenance streams are required to act in positions where the salary does not exceed the maximum salary point of the current ANU Officer level 7 and the occupant of the higher level position is absent 2 working days or more; and
(c) where the maximum salary for the position in which the staff member acts exceeds the maximum of the salary range for an ANU Officer level 7 and the staff member performs those higher duties for a period in excess of one working week.
30.3. The HDA will be:
(a) the difference between the salary rate for the staff member’s substantive ANU Officer level and incremental step and the base salary rate of the ANU Officer level at which the higher duties are being undertaken; or
(b) a fixed amount approved by the delegate for the period of higher duties, provided that amount is not less than the amount to which the staff member would be entitled pursuant to clause 30.3 (a).
30.4. HDA will not be payable within a broadband.
30.5. Where a staff member performs higher duties for a period of between one half of a day and one full day, the period of higher duties will be regarded as a full day for the purposes of payment of the allowance.
30.6. Where a staff member performs only part of the duties of a more senior staff member HDA may be paid at an appropriate percentage of the allowance specified in clause 30.3 (a).
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). 20.1 The Director may at the request of an employee’s line manager, and in consultation with the employee, approve the performance of higher duties. An employee who is required to act in a position of higher classification than that which the employee occupies shall be paid an allowance computed in accordance with this agreement.
20.2 An employee is not entitled to receive a higher duties allowance unless the employee performs the duties of a higher designation for a period of not less than five working days if below A06/ACB and ten days if A06/ACB and above, and not more than 12 months for all staff depending on the circumstances related to the backfilling of the position. If an employee is required to undertake higher duties on a regular basis the Institute will negotiate a mutually acceptable arrangement.
20.3 Where an employee is asked to perform higher duties the employee shall initially be paid at the first increment of the higher grade unless otherwise agreed. If the employee has additional qualifications and/or experience and is asked to apply those, a higher pay step may be negotiated.
20.4 An employee who, immediately before proceeding on paid leave was receiving higher duties allowance, shall continue to be paid such a higher duties allowance at the same rate which would have applied otherwise.
20.5 The period of employment at a higher duty designation shall count for incremental purposes at a substantive designation; and service towards increments applicable to a higher duty designation will be recognised if the employee is subsequently permanently promoted to the relevant higher designation or to a designation which is higher than the employee's substantive designation.
20.6 An Employee directed to perform all or part of the duties of a higher classification will be paid an allowance equal to the difference between the Employee’s own salary and the salary the Employee would receive if promoted to the higher classification, or an alternative amount determined and authorised as a percentage of the duties performed where partial performance is directed.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). 33.1 Higher Duties Allowance (HDA) will be paid where an employee performs higher work value duties for a period of 10 continuous working days or longer.
33.2 Payment of HDA must not extend beyond 12 months, except where authorised by the Secretary.
33.3 The Secretary will determine the level of HDA payable and the period for which it is to be paid.
33.4 An employee who is temporarily reassigned to perform duties at the SES level will be eligible for HDA.
33.5 HDA will not be paid during unpaid leave periods.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA).
19.1 The Director may at the request of an employee’s line manager and in consultation with the employee approve the performance of higher duties. An employee who is required to act in a position of higher classification than that which the employee occupies shall be paid an allowance computed in accordance with this agreement.
19.2 An employee is not entitled to receive a higher duties allowance unless the employee performs the duties of a higher designation for a period of not less than 5 working days and not more than 12 months for all staff depending on the circumstances related to the backfilling of the position. If an employee is required to undertake higher duties on a regular basis the Institute will negotiate a mutually acceptable arrangement.
19.3 Where an employee is asked to perform higher duties the employee shall initially be paid at the first increment of the higher grade unless otherwise agreed. If the employee has additional qualifications and/or experience and is asked to apply those, a higher pay step may be negotiated.
19.4 An employee who, immediately before proceeding on paid leave was receiving higher duties allowance, shall continue to be paid such a higher duties allowance at the same rate which would have applied otherwise.
19.5 The period of employment at a higher duty designation shall count for incremental purposes at a substantive designation; and service towards increments applicable to a higher duty designation will be recognised if the employee is subsequently permanently promoted to the relevant higher designation or to a designation which is higher than the employee's substantive designation.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA) a. An employee, who temporarily performs duties typical of a position which is classified higher than their substantive position for a period of more than five consecutive working days, shall receive an HDA.
b. This allowance is the minimum classification salary of the higher position or, if the employee is already receiving a salary at or above that rate, five percent of the minimum classification salary of the higher position.
c. An employee, who temporarily performs duties typical of a position which is at the same classification as their substantive position, but in a different role, would receive an HDA of five percent of the minimum classification salary payable for that position.
d. An employee who temporarily performs duties typical of a lower classification job will not have their salary reduced.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). An employee who is required to act in a position of higher classification than that which the employee occupies shall be paid an allowance computed in accordance with this clause.
Higher Duties Allowance (HDA). (a) A higher duties allowance in accordance with the following table will be paid to an Employee who has not been appointed to the role of Lead Operator where the Employee:
(i) relieves a Lead Operator; and
(ii) only undertakes a limited range of higher duties. HDA (per hour) $2.75 $2.86
(b) The Employee will be given prior notice of the higher duties required before undertaking such duties.
(c) The Employee will receive the HDA for the time that they are required to perform the higher duties.
(d) Where the Employee is required to perform the higher duties for more than two hours in any one day, the Employee will be paid the HDA rate for the Employee’s Rostered Hours for that day.