In-Service Credit Sample Clauses
In-Service Credit. In-service credit may be used in determining eligibility for any reclassification on the salary schedule; however, no more than half of the total credits required may consist of such in-service credit. In-service credit is based on the "mini unit" system. Eight (8) mini units equal one (1) in-service hour of credit. Mini units earned during a contract year that do not total one in-service hour are not carried over to the next contract year. Filing the appropriate forms to receive in-service credit is the teacher's responsibility. Further information on in-service credit is contained in the professional growth committee guidelines, available in building offices.
In-Service Credit. A. Credit for salary advancement will be given to teachers who successfully complete North Clackamas University courses. Ten (10) hours of coursework equal one quarter credit.
B. Credit for specific professional improvement through selected vocational experience directly related to the teacher’s assignment and approved by the teacher’s supervisor will be given in the same manner as for NCU courses (i.e., one quarter credit per 10 hours of approved in-service activities).
In-Service Credit. 1. A teacher may be required by the building principal to undertake in- service study in areas which are deemed essential for full implementation of the teacher assignment.
2. The number of credits, if any, for salary purposes, for in-service course attendance shall be determined by the Superintendent of Schools after consultation with the Association President and the course instructor. Any teacher who takes in-service training shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of Article 22.A(5) or 22.B(8) of this Agreement. Any teacher required to take in-service training in accordance with paragraph 1 above, who is not entitled to additional salary credit under the salary schedule, shall be compensated for class time outside the teacher's regular hours at a rate established in Article 22 J.1.
3. The nature and schedule of in-service courses shall be announced at the beginning of each semester.
In-Service Credit. Credit shall be given for participation in in-service programs that have been previously approved by the Superintendent.
A. In-service shall mean those educational programs conducted outside the regular school day.
B. In-service programs must relate to the teacher’s classroom and/or academic area(s). Discussion of the relevancy of a given course, if needed, shall take place between the employee and the Superintendent prior to approval of the in-service program.
C. The employee shall fill out a form supplied by the District requesting such approval. This form shall be submitted to the Superintendent at least (5) school days prior to the start of the in-service program. The Superintendent will return this form to the employee indicating approval prior to the start of the in-service program.
D. Credit shall be given using the formula: 15 hours of class time equals one graduate credit. For the purpose of compensation, these credits shall be treated as regular graduate hours. {Section 13.02 (B)}
In-Service Credit. 1. Payment for voluntary in-service courses and other professional development which takes place outside of the workday shall be at the per credit hour paid for graduate hours. One credit hour equals fifteen (15) clock hours of in-service and other professional development work. Effective paydates for October 1st certification period will be September 1st and March 1st period will be February 1st. To qualify for payment, however, in-service and professional development must meet the following conditions:
a. The School District is not paying for course.
b. In-service and professional development credit hours will be for the purpose of improving or developing the quality of teaching and learning.
c. Have prior written approval of the building principal and Superintendent.
d. Present proof of satisfactory completion and participation.
e. Required in-service or professional development, such as Superintendent Conferences or workshops scheduled during the teaching day, and at a time when the staff member is on regular payroll, does not qualify for additional credits.
2. Association members who are voluntarily participating in a BOCES- sponsored in-service program during July and August will be compensated at the rate of $75.00 per day upon approval of conference request form.
In-Service Credit. Teachers who have received In-Service credit on the salary schedule prior to July 1, 2013 shall maintain such credit for salary schedule placement purposes.
In-Service Credit. 1) In-service courses or training shall be defined as courses of training other than approved college courses in which teacher participation is on a voluntary basis after school hours.
2) Unit Members shall be eligible to earn salary credit under Article XV, Section (B)(4)(c)(3) in one of two ways: upon a Unit Member’s completion of multiple pre-approved in-service courses that cumulatively total fifteen (15) clock hours, or upon a Unit Member’s completion of a single pre-approved fifteen (15) clock hour in-service course.
3) To be eligible for approval of in-service coursework and salary credit under Article XV, Section (B)(4)(c)(3), Unit Members must submit an application to the Superintendent for his approval/denial before the Unit Member enrolls in the programs(s) or course(s).
4) If a Unit Member, in earning a salary credit, completes a combination of pre- approved in-service courses or programs that exceed fifteen (15) clock hours, the clock hours completed in excess of fifteen (15) shall not be credited towards the completion of another fifteen (15) clock hours or used to earn another salary credit.
In-Service Credit a. In-service participants shall be awarded one (1) in-service credit for each fifteen (15) hours of instruction.
b. In-service programs with a duration from one and one-half hour (.1 credit) up to 45 hours (3 credits) may be scheduled.
c. In-service credit will be awarded only to those who attend all required sessions and participate in instructional activities, if any.
In-Service Credit earned before the granting of the MA degree may not be applied toward the hours beyond the MA.
In-Service Credit. Employees shall earn one (1) hour of salary credit for every sixteen (16) clock hours spent in District-approved in- service programs. In-service credits may be earned in half-units, (i.e., eight [8] clock hours equals one-half [1/2] credit.) If employees are required to participate in in-service programs, they may have the opportunity to evaluate the experience in writing and may receive a copy of the summary of the evaluations. Salary credit applies only to placement on the new salary schedules.