Inclement Weather Leave Sample Clauses
Inclement Weather Leave a. Any leave requested for days which are normally contracted but fall on days that school is not open due to inclement weather shall not be charged to the employee.
b. The SPS shall distribute a copy of its inclement weather/school closure policy to all employees on an annual basis.
c. After a decision has been made to close a building for the remainder of the day, the principal/program manager or his/her designee shall inform the employees.
d. Principals/program managers shall use a reasonable standard to release employees after students are dismissed.
e. Principals/program managers will initially request volunteers to meet the operational needs of the building before requesting employees to remain.
f. When schools are opened late, employees will report to work at least thirty (30) minutes prior to students.
Inclement Weather Leave. A. Leaves of absence not to exceed three total days per work year shall be allowed for school closures caused by inclement weather or other emergencies. Such leave time is with full pay for the employee’s normal work schedule and is nonaccumulative.
B. Members who have scheduled a paid leave option prior to an inclement weather day will have up until one-hour prior to their reporting time to cancel their leave request. If an individual does not cancel their scheduled leave, such leave will not be returned to the individual’s balance.
C. In the event the notification of an inclement weather closure is made less than an hour prior to an individual’s contractual starting time, members will be credited the paid leave day back to their individual leave balance.
Inclement Weather Leave. An employee required to work when said employee’s school is closed due to inclement weather shall not suffer a loss in pay for tardiness of one hour or less. Any employee arriving after the first hour shall suffer a prorated deduction in pay for each half hour of tardiness unless such employee makes up the missed time on a day(s) mutually agreed to by the employee and his/her immediate
Inclement Weather Leave. Up to 4 hours per year, noncumulative, will be granted for tardiness due to inclement weather. Any absence or tardiness over 4 hours due to inclement weather will be charged to unused vacation or compensatory time at the employee’s option.
Inclement Weather Leave. Inclement weather as determined by the Agency generally includes any intense adverse weather condition such as heavy snow, ice, rain, or fog, excessive heat, wind or other similar weather condition that creates significant risk to the health and safety of employees. Depending on the severity of the weather conditions, the Chief Executive Officer may authorize the closure of specific work locations. Employees are expected to report for work unless otherwise notified. All employees who were scheduled to work on a day when their specific work location has been closed due to inclement weather will be paid in full for the hours they were to work. The Supervisor has the discretionary authority to allow employees of the specific area to leave work early, with pay, due to deteriorating or adverse weather conditions, in order to ensure the employee’s ability to get home safely and at a reasonable time. Employees who come to work under adverse weather conditions will be paid in full for that day, even though they may be delayed by the conditions and arrive late. An employee who is unable to attend work because of weather-related conditions, even though the work location is open, may use vacation time as available, make up the work on an hour-for-hour basis (where possible) or elect to take the day without pay. An employee who is unable to attend work due to family responsibilities resulting from inclement weather(i.e. daycare, schools, and/or elder care facilities being closed) may also use vacation time as available, make up the work on a hour-for-hour basis (where possible) or elect to take the day without pay. An employee who is unable to attend work or will be delayed is expected to notify his/her supervisor immediately or as soon as practicable.
Inclement Weather Leave. Each time City offices are closed due to inclement weather, Employees who are not required to report to work or to continue working, will receive normal compensation for the hours they would have worked had City offices remained open. Leave under this Section 7.12 will not be charged to the Employee. Employees who are required to work when City offices are closed due to inclement weather will be compensated in accordance with Article 10 of this Agreement.
Inclement Weather Leave. Employees are expected to work regularly scheduled hours during inclement weather except in severe conditions. For employees in the Xxxxxxx Office, "severe conditions" is weather that causes the Xxxxxxx School District to close. In the Seattle Office, "severe conditions" is weather that causes the Seattle School District to close. For the Tacoma Office, "severe conditions" is weather that causes the Tacoma School District to close. For the Wenatchee Office, "severe conditions" is weather that causes the Wenatchee School District to close. When "severe conditions" close an office's corresponding school district, employees are paid for a normal working day whether or not they are able to work. When the offices do close, employees are expected to telecommute to the extent possible. When the offices are open but the school an employee’s child attends is closed or delayed due to inclement weather, that employee can request up to two (2) hours of inclement weather leave, if needed. When the offices are open, an employee who cannot come to work due to inclement weather, or who has childcare responsibilities arise due to inclement weather, may use accrued vacation leave or compensatory leave after notifying their supervisor, or may request their supervisor’s permission to telecommute. Employees who have no remaining accrued vacation or compensatory leave time may take unpaid leave, after notifying their supervisor. When inclement weather occurs at a time when the relevant school district is not in session, the directing attorney at each office (or another person designated by the Executive Director) will make the determination of whether the particular office will be closed.
Inclement Weather Leave. When school is closed due to inclement weather any employee required to work and not contacted by the Director of Transportation or designee prior to arriving at work shall be compensated two
Inclement Weather Leave. An employee required to work when said employee’s school is closed to students due to inclement weather shall not suffer a loss in pay for tardiness of one hour or less. Any employee arriving after the first hour shall suffer a prorated deduction in pay for each half hour of tardiness unless such employee makes up the missed time on a day(s) mutually agreed to by the employee and his/her immediate supervisor. Any employee who was not notified of the closing of school before arriving at work shall be entitled to two (2) hours of show-up pay, provided that such hours will not be treated as “hours worked” and shall not entitle the employee to overtime pay. Except for head custodians (or any custodian substituting in the head custodian’s absence), twelve (12) month employees who are unable to report to work on a day on which school is closed due to inclement weather may opt to use a vacation or personal day and shall not be subject to the advance notice requirement of Article XIV, Section 1 or Article XI, Section 2. All employees shall be required to report to work on any day on which school is closed due to inclement weather. After reporting to work, all employees shall be required to work a minimum of four (4) hours. After completing the required minimum work hours, the employee shall be free to end his or her work day, provided that there are no emergency conditions at the employee’s assigned work location that require his or her presence.
Inclement Weather Leave. If an announcement is made that there is a delay or cancellation of school, no member of the bargaining unit shall be required to report, and no deductions will be made.