INVOCATION OF THE BCDR PLAN. In the event of a complete loss of service or in the event of a Disaster, the Supplier shall immediately invoke the BCDR Plan (and shall inform the Customer promptly of such invocation). In all other instances the Supplier shall invoke or test the BCDR Plan only with the prior consent of the Customer. 12/08/2013 In this Call Off Schedule 9, the following definitions shall apply:
INVOCATION OF THE BCDR PLAN. In the event of a complete loss of service or in the event of a Disaster, the Supplier shall immediately invoke the BCDR Plan (and shall inform the Customer promptly of such invocation). In all other instances the Supplier shall invoke or test the BCDR Plan only with the prior consent of the Customer. 12/08/2013 [Guidance Note: Consider the guidance note on Exit Management in the Template Order Form and Clause 49.5 of the Template Call Off Terms. This Call Off Schedule is likely to be relevant in the context of procuring Services rather than Goods only, with emphasis on ongoing Services. Switch to “Not Used” if not required; or retain and refine the parts relevant to your requirements if procuring through further competition]
INVOCATION OF THE BCDR PLAN. 7.1 The Supplier shall notify HSBC immediately upon becoming aware of the occurrence of a Disaster or upon becoming aware that a Disaster is reasonably likely to occur. 7.2 HSBC may require the Supplier to invoke the BCDR Plan when HSBC becomes aware of a Disaster or becomes aware that a Disaster is reasonably likely to occur. 7.3 Subject to paragraph 8.4 of this Schedule 15 (Disaster Recovery), in the event that a Disaster occurs or is reasonably likely to occur, each party's BCDR Representative (to the extent that either representative is not available, a suitable alternative approved by HSBC) shall promptly assess the situation and agree whether the BCDR Plan should be invoked. To the extent that the parties are unable to agree, then HSBC's decision as to (i) whether a Disaster has occurred or is reasonably likely to occur, and (ii) whether the BCDR Plan is to be invoked, shall be final, and the Supplier shall immediately follow such directions. INTERNAL 7.4 If, due to the nature of the Disaster, it is impracticable or impossible for the Supplier to obtain HSBC approval before invoking the BCDR Plan (including where such approval would cause a delay in the invocation of the BCDR Plan that could pose a threat to HSBC or its business), the Supplier shall invoke the BCDR without HSBC's approval provided that HSBC shall be notified of the invocation as soon as possible. 7.5 The Supplier shall use its Best Endeavours to ensure that HSBC is involved in all key decisions concerning the application of the BCDR Plan and the restoration of the Services, and shall keep HSBC notified at all times of the progress and application of the BCDR Plan.
INVOCATION OF THE BCDR PLAN. In the event of a complete loss of service or in the event of a Disaster, the Service Provider shall immediately invoke the BCDR Plan (and shall inform the Purchaser promptly of such invocation along with the anticipated maximum period of outage). In all other instances the Service Provider shall invoke or test the BCDR Plan only with the prior written consent of the Purchaser. THIS SCHEDULE COMPRISES SCHEDULE 18 TO THE FOREGOING SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN [THE SCOTTISH MINISTERS ACTING THROUGH [ ] [AMEND AS APPROPRIATE]] AND [NAME OF SERVICE PROVIDER] SUPPLY CHAIN TRANSPARENCY AND PROTECTIONS Guidance notes: Depending on the nature of the concession and the extent to which the Service Provider is relying on an extended supply chain, it may be appropriate to include this Schedule. However, this Schedule may not be applicable to the specific services in which case the Schedule can be removed. Where a less robust approach to supply chain transparency is required, clause 55.2 may be adequate. Knowledge of the supply chain The Service Provider will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the suppliers operating in its supply chain (the “Service Provider’s Suppliers”) prepare and maintain a written supplier code of conduct or supplier policy that addresses the following. child labour, forced labour, working hours, wages, discrimination, health and safety, freedom of association, collective bargaining, disciplinary practices, humane treatment of workers, training, engagement with NGOs, and worker grievance procedures. The Service Provider will provide the Purchaser with a copy of the Service Provider’s suppliers codes of conduct or supplier policies on request. The Service Provider will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Service Provider’s Suppliers prepare and maintain appropriate policies and procedures to identify, manage and mitigate labour and human rights risks in their supply chains relevant to this Contract (the “Service Provider Supply Chain”). Supply chain working conditions The Service Provider will submit an annual written report to the Purchaser outlining the Service Provider’s objectives, targets and specific actions for monitoring and improving labour standards and working conditions within the Service Provider Supply Chain. The Service Provider will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all Goods supplied under this Contract are produced in accordance with all International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions that have been...
INVOCATION OF THE BCDR PLAN. In the event of a complete loss of service or in the event of a Disaster, the Service Provider shall immediately invoke the BCDR Plan (and shall inform the Purchaser promptly of such invocation along with the anticipated maximum period of outage). In all other instances the Service Provider shall invoke or test the BCDR Plan only with the prior written consent of the Purchaser. THIS SCHEDULE COMPRISES SCHEDULE 18 TO THE FOREGOING SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN [THE SCOTTISH MINISTERS ACTING THROUGH [ ] [AMEND AS APPROPRIATE]] AND [NAME OF SERVICE PROVIDER] SUPPLY CHAIN TRANSPARENCY AND PROTECTIONS Guidance notes: Depending on the nature of the Services and the extent to which the Service Provider is relying on an extended supply chain, it may be appropriate to include this Schedule. However, this Schedule may not be applicable to the specific services in which case the Schedule can be removed. Where a less robust approach to supply chain transparency is required, clause 55.2 may be adequate.


  • Incorporation of the Plan All terms, conditions and restrictions of the Plan are incorporated herein and made part hereof as if stated herein. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions of the Plan and this Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Plan shall govern. Unless otherwise indicated herein, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Plan.

  • Termination of the Plan Any other provi- sion of this plan to the contrary notwith- standing, no benefit will be paid for charges incurred by a participant or former par- ticipant after the termination of this plan.

  • Reorganization of the Company The existence of this Award Agreement shall not affect in any way the right or power of the Company or its stockholders to make or authorize any or all adjustments, recapitalizations, reorganizations or other changes in the Company’s capital structure or its business; any merger or consolidation of the Company; any issue of bonds, debentures, preferred or prior preference stock ahead of or affecting the Restricted Stock or the rights thereof; the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, or any sale or transfer of all or any part of its assets or business, or any other corporate act or proceeding, whether of a similar character or otherwise.

  • Amendment, Suspension or Termination of the Plan By accepting this Award, Participant expressly warrants that he or she has received an Award of Restricted Stock Units under the Plan, and has received, read and understood a description of the Plan. Participant understands that the Plan is discretionary in nature and may be amended, suspended or terminated by the Company at any time.

  • RECOGNITION OF THE UNION 1. The BCPSEA recognizes the BCTF as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the negotiation and administration of all terms and conditions of employment of all employees within the bargaining unit for which the BCTF is established as the bargaining agent pursuant to PELRA and subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement.

  • Implementation of the Agreement Regulations of this Agreement relating to investments who investors of one Contracting Party realized before or after the entry into force of this Agreement, with what shall apply from the moment of its entry into force, provided that such investments conducted in accordance with the laws of that Party Contracting.

  • Administration of the Bank a. The Committee maintains records of employees participating, receives requests, verifies validity, approves, and communicates actions to members and to the District. b. Decisions will be final and made in writing to the applicant within ten (10) working days of the application to the Committee. c. All requests and actions by the Committee will be confidential. d. The District will keep records and notify the Committee monthly of new members and days remaining in the Bank. e. If the Catastrophic Leave Program is discontinued, the Committee will continue to administer Catastrophic Leave days until the days in the Bank are exhausted. f. In order to protect someone from being charged an extra day when not necessary, the Committee shall set the maximum number of days in the bank after the first year of experience. If the number of days accumulated exceeds the maximum number of days, no contributions will be assessed except for new members wishing to join the bank.

  • Dissolution and Termination of the Company 20 Section 12.1. Dissolution.................................................20 Section 12.2. Liquidation.................................................20 Section 12.3. Time for Liquidation, etc...................................21 Section 12.4. Claims of the Members.......................................21

  • Provision of the Service Okta provides the Service to Customer under the Agreement. In connection with the Service, the parties anticipate that Okta may Process Customer Data that contains Personal Data relating to Data Subjects.

  • Amendment and Termination of the Plan The Board may, by resolution, at any time, amend or terminate the Plan. The power to amend or terminate the Plan shall include the power to direct the Trustee to return to the Parent all or any part of the assets of the Trust, including shares of Common Stock held in the Plan Share Reserve, as well as shares of Common Stock and other assets subject to Plan Share Awards which have not yet been earned by the Participants to whom they have been awarded. However, the termination of the Trust shall not affect a Participant's right to earn Plan Share Awards and to the distribution of Common Stock relating thereto, including earnings thereon, in accordance with the terms of this Plan and the grant by the Committee or the Board. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no action of the Board may increase (other than as provided in Section 9.01 hereof) the maximum number of Plan Shares permitted to be awarded under the Plan as specified at Section 5.03, materially increase the benefits accruing to Participants under the Plan or materially modify the requirements for eligibility for participation in the Plan unless such action of the Board shall be subject to ratification by the stockholders of the Parent.