Jury Duty and Witness Fees. Any employee called for Jury Duty or as a Witness will be allowed time off during the period of such duty. The employee's regular pay will be continued and any remuneration received for such duty will be remitted to the Chief Financial Officer. It shall be the responsibility of the Department Head or designate to ensure such payment.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. Employees summoned to jury duty and/or employees subpoenaed as a Crown witness shall be paid straight time wages amounting to the difference between the amount paid them for jury duty/witness fees and the amount they would have earned had they worked on such day. This does not apply if jury/witnessing occurs on the employee’s scheduled day off. Payment for witnessing will be a maximum of one (1) day and will not be paid, in any event, to an accused person if the accusation does not arise out of the performance of their regular duties and the subpoena has not been issued by the Crown.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. Any employee called for Jury Duty or as a Crown Witness will be allowed time-off during the period of such duty up to and including ten (10) working days. The employee's regular pay will be continued and any remuneration received for such duty will be remitted to the General Manager, Human Resources. In special circumstances, the Employer may extend payment on the above basis beyond the time limit imposed above.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. An employee who is called for jury duty, or is summoned to appear as a witness on behalf of any town, city, County, State or the Federal Government, shall be granted leave with pay upon presentation of the summons. When an employee has been granted leave for court attendance and is excused by proper court authority they shall report back to their official place of duty whenever there is an interruption in jury or witness duty. Failure to do so may cause loss of benefits and/or disciplinary action. Jury fees, witness fees, and mileage will be retained by the employee. An employee involved in personal litigation will be required to use annual leave. Leave with pay for court attendance shall not be granted when the employee is the defendant or is engaged in personal litigation.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. Regular Full-Time Employees and Temporary Full-Time Employees called for jury duty or subpoenaed as a witness shall be allowed time off during the period of such duty. The employee's regular pay shall be continued and any remunera- tion received for such duty shall be remitted to the Employer.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. The Company will pay full wages for all time lost and the employees will reimburse the Company for the amount they received from the Crown for jury duty and witness fee service.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. The Employer shall pay an employee who is required for jury service or as a Crown witness or otherwise subpoenaed to attend at court as a witness for each day of such service, the difference between his/her straight time hourly rate for the number of hours he/she normally works on his/her regular shift and the payment he/she received for jury service or as a witness as defined above. The employee will present proof of service and the amount of pay received.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. An employee summoned to Jury Duty or Witness Duty shall be paid wages amounting to the difference between the amount paid to them for Jury Duty or Witness service and the amount they would have earned had they worked on such dates. Employees on such duty shall furnish the Employer with such statements of earnings as the Courts may supply. Employees shall return to work within a reasonable amount of time. They shall not be required to report for work if they have served for three (3) hours or more in a given day. Total hours of Jury Duty or Witness Duty and actual work on the job in any one (1) day shall not exceed seven and one half (7½) hours for the purpose of establishing the basic work day. Any time worked in excess of the combined seven and one half (7½) hours shall be considered overtime and paid as such under this Collective Agreement.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. An employee who is called for jury duty, or is summoned to appear related to their job duties as a witness on behalf of any town, city, County, State or the Federal Government, shall be granted leave with pay upon presentation of the summons. When an employee has been granted leave for court attendance and is excused by proper court authority they shall report back to their official place of duty whenever there is an interruption in jury or witness duty. Failure to do so may cause loss of benefits and/or disciplinary action. Jury fees, witness fees, and mileage will be retained by the employee. An employee involved in personal or non-job related litigation will be required to use annual leave. Leave with pay for court attendance shall not be granted when the employee is the defendant or is engaged in personal or non-job related litigation.
Jury Duty and Witness Fees. Any employee called for Jury Duty or as a Witness will be during the period of such duty up to and includ- ing ten working days. The employee's regular pay will be continued and any remuneration received for such duty will be remitted to the Personnel Director. In special circumstances, the Corporation extend payment on the above basis beyond the time limit imposed above