Witness Fee Sample Clauses
Witness Fee. Any witness fee or other compensation received by a Bargaining Unit Member being summoned to jury duty or as a witness will be retained by the Bargaining Unit member. An employee who is a witness shall not be charged for personal leave and the time will count as time on the job. Time spent as a litigant shall be charged as personal time.
Witness Fee. Members appearing in court during scheduled hours must collect the witness fee and remit said witness fee to the City. Members seeking payment for court appearances while off duty and seeking compensation as unscheduled overtime for actual time required to be in court are required to collect the witness fee and remit said witness fee to the City. If the member wishes to retain the witness fee and waive the court time payment for unscheduled overtime hours, he or she may exercise this option.
Witness Fee. It shall be considered time worked when an employee is subpoenaed to appear before a court, public body, or commission on behalf of the County or when appearing as a witness for the County. Employees performing said services on behalf of the County should be paid for hours worked with a minimum of two (2) hours at straight time. Any compensation paid to the employee by said court, public body, or commission shall be surrendered to the County. • 10.1
Witness Fee. An employee who is paid a witness fee shall pay that fee over to ECSO if he has received his regular salary from ECSO for time spent as a witness.
Witness Fee. A. If the employee who is absent in response to a subpoena or other legal document compelling attendance for a civil or criminal trial, administrative hearing, or deposition shall have deducted from his/her salary the amount of any witness fee or other compensation for serving as a witness or deponent, exclusive of any reimbursement paid specifically for expenses incurred by reason of testifying as a witness or deponent. In other words, for each day of service as a witness or deponent which otherwise would have been a workday, part‐time or full‐time employees will be paid their regular compensation per diem minus any witness fees. Witness duty shall not be charged to the employee’s sick leave or persona leave. In order to be eligible for witness duty pay, the employee must notify the principal, Supervisor or Superintendent in writing in advance of the upcoming witness duty. A certificate signed by the classified staff member and stating the amount received, if any, for serving as a witness or deponent must be submitted by the classified employee to the Treasurer within fifteen (15) days of the date the testimony was taken.
B. If the employee is absent in response to a subpoena or other legal document compelling attendance in a proceeding in which the employee or union is an adverse party to the Board of Education, any individual Board member, or administrator, the employee will be granted unpaid of leave for all days of such compelled attendance. However, if the employee or union prevails in the proceeding, the Board will reimburse their pay for such compelled attendance.
Witness Fee amount of the conduct money will be deducted from the employee’s next pay cheque.
Witness Fee. (COLLECTOR Personal appearence-up to 4 hours) CALL
Witness Fee. In the event that any shift of the Uniform Division would fall below Minimum shift strength due to an officer being in court, emergency extra duty will be called in as follows: If court falls in the first four (4) hours (06:30 – prior to 10:30) (14:30 – prior to 18:30) (22:30 – prior to 02:30) of the shift, the City shall refer to the police officers working the shift immediately preceding to fill the Minimum shift strength. If court starts in the second four hours of the shift, (10:30 – 14:30) (18:30 – 22:30) (02:30 – 06:30) the City shall refer to the police officers working shift succeeding to fill the Minimum shift strength. In the event that no police officer accepts the overtime the City shall refer to Article VII, Section 2. The above agreement pertains only to times when emergency overtime is needed due to officers being in court. It does not change any other provisions in this Agreement.
Witness Fee. An employee required to appear in court a, - - on behalf of the Crown or the employer will be granted a leave of absence without loss of basic pay or shift premium for the time required to attend at court provided that the employee must: advise the immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit immediately after being notified of the requirement to attend at court; provide a copy of the subpoena and conduct money to the immediate superior outside the bargaining unit as proof of attendance in court. The employee will be compensated for each day of absence from work on the basis of the employee’s regular base rate of pay and premium for the number of scheduled normal hours the employee would otherwise have worked exclusive of overtime and any other form of premium pay and the amount of the conduct money will be deducted from the employee’s next pay cheque.
Witness Fee. 27.1 An employee required to appear in court as a witness will be granted a leave of absence without loss of basic pay or shift premium for the time required to attend at court up to a maximum of three scheduled working days, provided that the employee must:
a) advise the immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit immediately after being notified of the requirement to attend at court: