LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. 13.01 There shall be one (1) fifteen (15) minute refreshment break with pay during each half shift at times designated by the Employer. Employees shall be allowed to take their full fifteen
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. 18.01 An employee working eight (8) consecutive hours during a shift shall, subject to as hereinafter provided, be granted a meal period of thirty (30) minutes without pay.
18.02 There shall be a paid fifteen (15) minute rest period for every four
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. 13.01 There shall be one (1) fifteen (15) minute rest period with pay during each half shift at times designated by the Employer. Employees shall be allowed to take their full fifteen (15) minutes uninterrupted except in cases of emergency. Employees on short shifts of six (6) hours or less shall have one
(1) fifteen (15) minute rest period with pay during each shift, at times designated by the Employer.
13.02 Employees will be allowed to take a one half (½) hour uninterrupted lunch period. If it is interrupted by the Employer or through patient demand, the Employer agrees to allow the employee to take time off later in the shift and if the same cannot be arranged, to pay the employee for time lost at regular hourly rates. The provisions of Article 11.06 would not apply in these circumstances. This provision does not apply in the case of fire or emergency. In the case of a fire alarm, an employee whose lunch is disrupted shall be granted a five (5) minute extension.
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. 21.01 No employee shall be worked longer than four (4) hours without a half (½) hour off for the purpose of eating a meal. This shall be exclusive of rest breaks which must be given as follows:
21.02 Each employee shall receive an uninterrupted fifteen
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. 21.01 No employee shall be worked longer than four (4) hours, or such other period of time as the employees desire to agree to with the Employer, without a half (½) hour off for the purpose of eating a meal. This shall be exclusive of rest breaks which must be given as follows.
21.02 Each employee shall receive an uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute break in each half (½) of their daily shift. It is further agreed that the employee shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute coffee break after four (4) hours overtime, and again after seven (7) hours of overtime. The time for said breaks to be determined by Management. However, such shall not be scheduled earlier than one and one-half (1 ½) hours from the commencement of each half (½) of an employee's work shift. The lunch room shall be large enough and have adequate seating for all employees. If any employee's break is interrupted, he shall receive double time for the entire period of interruption plus his full break period at a later time.
21.03 When it becomes necessary to work overtime of two (2) working hours or more beyond his regular shift, the Employer shall see that each employee so worked shall receive a meal break of not more than one-half (½) hour at the discretion of the employee, with pay, and shall receive a meal allowance of $9.00. Payment of the meal allowance monies will be on the next cheque run.
21.04 Where any employee is required to work through his regular established lunch or meal period, such employee shall be paid at the rate of double time for the entire period of the normal lunch or meal break and in addition shall be allowed a period of time off, equal to the normal lunch or meal period with pay, to consume a meal.
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. ( a) No empl oyee shal l be wor ked l onger t han f i ve ( 5) hour s wi t hout a hal f ( ½) hour of f f or t he pur pose of eat i ng a meal . Thi s shal l be excl usi ve of r est br xxxx whi ch must be gi ven as f ol l ows. Ext ensi on of t he hal f - hour ( ½) l unch br eak onl y by mut ual consent and i n no ci r cumst ance t o be ext ended t o i ncr ease hour s of wor k above.
( b) Each empl oyee shal l r ecei ve an uni nt er r upt ed schedul ed f i f t een ( 15) mi nut e br eak i n each hal f of hi s dai l y shi ft. The ti me f or sai d br xxxx t o be det er mi xxx by Management . However , such shal l not be schedul ed ear l i xx x xxx one and one- hal f ( 1 1/ 2) hour s f r om t he commencement of each hal f of an empl oyee' s wor k shi ft. The l unch r oom shal l be l ar ge enough and have adequat e seat i ng f or al l empl oyees.
( c) When i t becomes necessar y t o wor k mor e t han t wo ( 2) wor ki ng hour s of over t i me beyond hi s r egul ar shi ft, t he Empl xxxx shal l see t hat each empl oyee so wor ked shal l r ecei ve a meal al l owance of seven dol l ar s ( $7. 00) t o be pai d at t he t i me of sai d over t i me and meal per i od. Sai d meal al l owance i s not payabl e when over t i me has been schedul ed and not i f i ed i n advance ( i . e. at l east pr evi ous day not i ce) .
( d) Wher e any empl oyee i s r equi r ed t o wor k t xx xxxx hi s r egul ar est abl i shed r est or meal per i od or i s i nt er r upt ed dur i ng same, such empl oyee shal l be pai d at t he r at e of doubl e t i me f or t he ent i r e per i od of t he nor mal r est or meal br eak and i n addi t i on shal l be al l owed a per i od of t i me off, equal t o t he nor mal r est or meal per i od, wi t h pay, t o consume a meal or have hi s br eak.
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. 13.01 There shall be one (1) fifteen (15) minute refreshment break with pay during each half shift at times designated by the Employer. Employees shall be allowed to take their full fifteen (15) minutes uninterrupted except in cases of emergency. Employees on short shifts of four (4) hours or less shall have one (1) fifteen (15) minute refreshment break with pay during such shifts at times designated by the Employer.
a. Non-registered staff will be allowed to take a one half (½) hour uninterrupted lunch period. If it is interrupted by the Employer or through patient demand, the Employer agrees to allow the employee to take time off later in the shift and if the same cannot be arranged, to pay the employee for time lost at regular hourly rates. The provisions of Article 11.05 would not apply in these circumstances. This provision does not apply in the case of fire or emergency. In the case of a fire alarm, an employee whose lunch is disrupted shall be granted a five (5) minute extension.
b. Registered staff will be allowed to take one half (½) hour unpaid uninterrupted lunch period. If it is interrupted by the Employer or through patient demands, the Employer agrees to allow the employee to take time off later in the shift and if the same cannot be arranged, to pay the employee for time lost at regular hourly rates. The provisions of Article 11.05 would not apply in these circumstances. This provision does not apply in the case of fire or emergency. In the case of a fire alarm, an employee whose lunch is disrupted shall be granted a five (5) minute extension.
13.03 When a registered staff member is not the sole employee on duty, she may opt to have her refreshment breaks and meal break in the Lakeview lunchroom.
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. (a) No employees shall be worked longer than four (4) hours or such other period of time as the employees desire to agree to with the Employer, without a half (1/2) hour off for the purpose of eating a meal. This shall be exclusive of rest breaks which must be given as follows.
(b) Each employee shall receive an uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute break in each half (1/2) of their daily shift. The time for said breaks to be determined by Management. However, such shall not be scheduled earlier than one and one-half (1 1/2) hours from the commencement of each half (1/2) of an employee's work shift. The lunch room shall be large enough and have adequate seating for all employees. If any employee's break is interrupted, he shall receive his full break period at a later time.
(c) When it becomes necessary to work overtime of over two (2) hours beyond his regular shift, the Employer shall see that each employee so worked shall receive a meal break of not more that one (1) hour at the discretion of the employees, without pay, but shall receive a meal allowance of $7.00 to be paid at the time of said overtime and meal period.
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. (a) No employee shall be worked longer than five (5) hours during his regular shift without a minimum half (½) hour off for the purpose of eating a meal. This shall be exclusive of rest breaks which must be given as follows.
(b) Each employee shall receive an uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute break in each half (½) of their daily shift. The time for said breaks to be determined by Management. However, such shall not be scheduled earlier than one and one-half (1½) hours from the commencement of each half of an employee's work shift. Shipping department and office employees who are required to work more than one (1) hour overtime but not more than two (2) hours overtime shall be entitled to a ten minute paid break. Employees who are working away from the Plant may have their breaks scheduled one (1) hour from the commencement of each half of the employee's work shift.
(c) When it becomes necessary to work overtime of more than two
LUNCH AND REST PERIOD. (a) No employee shall be worked longer than five (5) hours during his normal shift without a minimum one-half (½) hour off for the purpose of eating a meal. This shall be exclusive of rest breaks which will be given as follows.
(b) Each employee shall receive an uninterrupted fifteen (15) minute break in each half (½) of their daily shift. The time for said breaks to be determined by Management. However, such shall not be scheduled earlier than one and one-half (1½) hours from the commencement of each half of an employee's work shift.
(c) 1. When it becomes necessary to work overtime of more than two (2) working hours beyond his regular shift, the Employer shall see that each employee so worked shall receive a meal break of thirty (30) minutes, without pay, but shall receive a meal allowance, effective August 15, 2002, of ten dollars ($10.00) substantiated by a receipt.