MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Major holidays are designated for scheduling purposes, only. Major holidays are defined as the two (2) day holiday period for Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1. The University will guarantee each member of the bargaining unit the opportunity to take one (1) of those two (2) day periods off regardless of the dates on which the University celebrates those holidays. Operational needs permitting, the University will endeavor to grant one (1) additional two (2) day period off. Straight time holiday pay eligibility shall be determined by the official University holiday schedule. This provision does not apply to employees who are employed to cover only weekend or only holiday schedules.
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Major holidays are defined as Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. The University will guarantee each member of the unit one (1) of the named major holidays off regardless of the date(s) on which the University celebrates those holidays. Holiday pay eligibility shall be determined by the official University holiday schedule. In the event the University fails to provide an employee with one of the named major holidays off during a contract year, the University shall pay the employee at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2x) for the third major holiday worked. This provision shall not apply if an employee volunteers to work a third named holiday within a contract year.
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Major Holidays are defined as Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Major holidays shall be equitably rotated.
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Major holidays are designated for scheduling purposes only. Major holidays are defined as the two (2) day holiday-periods for Thanksgiving, December 25, and January 1. The University will guarantee each member of the bargaining unit the opportunity to take one
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. The “regular hourly rate” for all hours worked during any shift which begins on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day (the “Major Holidays”) is 1.5 times the employee’s hourly rate in effect for work days other than such holidays. The additional compensation payable for working on a Major Holiday shall be payable in cash. Compensation for overtime worked on a Major Holiday is subject to the provisions of Section 20.03, Subd. 9.
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Employees shall be compensated at the overtime rate for all hours worked during any shift which begins on all Holidays recognized in Section 12.1. The parties hereby agree that an employee’s “regular hourly rate” on each of the qualifying holidays is
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Double time the employee’s usual hourly rate will be paid for hours worked on the following holidays: New Year’s Day Labor Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Fourth of July Christmas Day An employee who works on any one of the remaining holidays listed in Section 1 above will be paid one and one-half (1 ½) times his or her usual rate of pay for the time worked or may elect to accrue comp time in lieu of payment for any holiday listed in 20.1. In order to receive holiday pay, the employee must work the last scheduled day before and the next scheduled day after the holiday, unless the employee uses a vacation day, personal day, or sick day (with approved doctor’s note) or comp day on either of those days.
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. If the employee works on the holiday, then they would have the option of receiving double time and one-half for all hours worked on that day. In lieu of holiday pay, they would receive straight time for the day plus another day off (paid at straight time) which must be taken thirty
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. New Year's Day Labor Day Washington's Birthday Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Day Independence Day
MAJOR HOLIDAYS. Major holidays are Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. Each Employee shall be scheduled to receive at least one of the three major holidays off. The schedule shall be adhered to provided that patient/client needs are met. The maximum amount of holiday credit will remain eight