Method and Time of Salary Payment. Regular teachers shall have the following options for receiving their paychecks: Option A: Twenty-six (26) equal biweekly installments, starting no later than the second week of the school year. Option B: Twenty-six (26) equal biweekly installments, starting no later then the second week of the school year, with a final lump sum payment in June of all installments remaining unpaid at the close of the school year. Option C: Twenty-two (22) equal biweekly installments, starting no later than the second week of the school year. Each teacher shall be required to choose one of the above options for each succeeding year on June l5, or on the date of hire. The choice made shall be irrevocable for the year of choice. Payroll deduction arrangements to cover summer leave obligations shall be standardized by the District for each group of optionees. The BOARD shall have the right to fix the day of the week paychecks shall be distributed to coincide with the requirements of the city's payroll processing system. Paychecks shall be distributed to personnel in individual envelopes. The District may institute delivery of direct deposit slips by electronic means, subject to requirements of state law. If a teacher leaves or dies during the school year, the teacher or the teacher's estate shall be entitled to a prorated share of the teacher's contract salary based on the period of service in days in relation to the number of days schools are in session during the school year, minus the compensation already paid.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. Teachers shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis commencing on the first Friday after school opens. Bi-weekly pay shall be computed based on twenty-six (26) equal installments and shall be payable in twenty-two (22) bi-weekly payments or 22 payments and a final payment in June, equaling four (4) bi-weekly installments or twenty-six (26) equal installments. The annual salary of a teacher working less than full-time shall be pro-rated based on their FTE percentage.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. 1. Appropriate payroll deductions will be made for federal and state taxes for any and all payroll deductions required by law.
2. If a payday falls on a holiday or weekend, then payment will be made the preceding workday.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. Teachers shall receive their pay on Fridays and may elect one of the following methods for payment. In the absence of an election, teachers shall be paid under method (1) below:
1. Salary prorated over 52 weeks with 26 equal payments; or
2. Salary prorated over 52 weeks with 21 equal payments and one five-payment sum to be made at the end of the school year; or
3. Salary prorated over 42 weeks with 21 equal payments.
4. Once any of the above choices has been elected that method of payment will remain in effect until written notification by the teacher of the new election for the following school year by July 1. In the case of new teachers hired after July 1, the election shall be made within five (5) days after the date of hire.
5. Teachers may have their paychecks directly deposited in their personal banks by submitting the appropriate direct deposit materials and authorizations to the school district.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. All employees who are members of the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement shall have their salaries paid in twenty-one (21) equal bi-weekly installments, based upon time records submitted pursuant to Section C, below. All employees will be required to enroll in the payroll direct deposit program offered by the District. If an employee leaves or dies during the school year, he/she or his/her estate shall be entitled to any compensation earned, but not yet paid to the employee. Effective with the start of the 2013-2014 school year, all employees may elect to have their salaries deferred and paid in twenty-six (26) equal bi-weekly installments. Such voluntary election shall made be no later than May 20th of each year for the following school-year, or within two (2) weeks of an employee’s date of hire, using the Paraprofessional Payroll Deferral Form mutually agreed to by the parties. Once an employee has voluntarily elected to have their salary deferred and paid in twenty-six (26) equal bi-weekly installments, such election shall remain in effect for the remainder of the school-year for which such election has been made, and will continue thereafter from year to year, until deferral is stopped by the member, using the Paraprofessional Payroll Deferral Form mutually agreed to by the Parties and attached hereto at Appendix B. All payroll deductions shall be deducted from an employee’s payroll based on the equal number of bi-weekly installments elected by the employee.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. The annual salary of a teacher on a one hundred eighty seven day contract shall be computed on the basis of twenty six (26) bi-weekly installments commencing no later than the second week of school and shall be payable in twenty one (21) bi-weekly payments and a final payment in June, equaling five (5) bi-weekly installments. A teacher, upon written request, may have the annual salary computed and paid on the basis of twenty-one (21) nearly equal payments. This election must be made in writing at least one week prior to the first day of work for the school year to which the election applies (e.g. prior to the first day on which the employee must report to school for the school year). The election, once made, is irrevocable for that school year. Late submissions cannot and will not be accepted in order to comply with IRS Code 409(A). In the event that a timely election is not made, payments to the employee will default to the regular bi-weekly pay period schedule for the applicable school year published by the school district/SAU by which the employee is employed. In the event of the voluntary separation from service, retirement, or death of an employee who has made such an election, all deferred amounts of compensation due will be paid to the employee at the end of the pay period in which the event occurs. In the event of an involuntary separation from service, all deferred amounts of compensation due will be paid to the employee in accordance with the laws of the State of New Hampshire. If a normally scheduled payday falls during a vacation, checks will be issued on the last school day prior to vacation.
Method and Time of Salary Payment a. Salaries of members of the Leadership Team bargaining unit who work less than 211 days per year shall be paid in twenty-six (26) or twenty-one
Method and Time of Salary Payment. Salaries shall be paid in forty-two (42) weekly installments, starting with the second week of the school year in September, and continuing until the payment of the forty-second installment. All installments shall be paid before June 30th. If a bargaining unit member leaves or dies during the school year, he or his estate shall be entitled to a prorated share based on his period of service in relation to the number of days schools are in session during the school year, minus the compensation already paid. The annual salary including career increments, differentials, and advanced degrees shall be divided by 180 and multiplied by the appropriate number of days.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. Salaries of teachers shall be paid in forty-two (42) weekly installments, starting with the second week of the school year in September, and continuing until the payment of the forty-second installment. All installments shall be paid before June 30. If a teacher leaves or dies during the school year, he or his estate shall be entitled to a prorated share based on his period of service in relation to the number of days schools are in session during the school year, minus the compensation already paid. The annual salary including career increments, differentials, and advance degrees shall be divided by 180 and multiplied by the appropriate number of days.
Method and Time of Salary Payment. 1. The first paycheck of the school year will be issued on the Friday of the first district bi-weekly payroll after the teachers’ regular work year begins.
2. If a teacher leaves or dies during the school year, he, or his estate, shall be entitled to a prorated share of his full salary based on his period of service in relation to the number of days school is in session during the school year, minus the compensation already paid.
3. Itinerant teachers and specialists may designate a school at which their payroll advices will be delivered or they may have their payroll advices held at the Payroll Department.
4. The employer reserves the right to pay all members of the bargaining unit through direct deposit. If the employer exercises this right the employer will give the affected employees and the Union two (2) weeks’ notice. Employees will be required to complete documentation and provide the employer with necessary account information to arrange for direct deposit. In the event that an employee does not have a bank account the employer reserves the right to pay the employee by crediting a debit card with the employee’s pay earned during the pay period
5. The parties agree to give employees the option to receive their annual base pay over a 26 pay period cycle (in place of the standard 22 pay period cycle). Employees will automatically be placed on the 22 pay period cycle. Employees must obtain and complete “Unit A Paycheck Options Form” which is available at the Payroll Department within Central Office if they wish to change to the 26 pay period cycle. This form must be completed and returned to the Payroll Department by July 31 in order to activate this change. In the event of a year with 27 pay periods, the S.E.A. will have the option to request that the district distribute their members annual pay over 23 and 27 pay period cycles in order to avoid teachers not receiving a paycheck during one of the pay periods.
a. The following deductions are the only deductions which can be taken from the four (4) summer paychecks.
(1) Federal Income Tax Withholding
(2) State Income Tax Withholding
(4) Massachusetts Teacher Retirement