Additional Leave Provisions. 1. All benefits to which a covered employee is entitled at the time his/her leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave, shall be restored to him/her upon his/her return, and he/she shall then be assigned within the scope of his/her certification.
2. All extensions, renewals, or modifications of leaves shall be applied for in writing and, if granted, be in writing. Such extensions or renewals shall be acted upon by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools.
3. If an individual is requested by the Superintendent of Schools to attend a function on behalf of the Board or system, such time will not be charged to the individual's professional leave.
4. The Superintendent of Schools may make recommendations for the extension of any of the above leaves and upon approval of the Board, grant such extensions.
Additional Leave Provisions. The parties recognize that federal, state, or local laws may require the Employer to provide leave in additional circumstances to those described in this Agreement. Currently, such circumstances include FMLA leave for a qualifying exigency arising out of the participation of a specified family member in active duty, FMLA leave to care for an injured service member, military spouse leave, and leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. When such circumstances arise, the nurse shall request the leave in accordance with Employer policies. For such leaves, domestic partners shall be treated in the same manner as spouses. The nurse shall use accrued annual and sick leave before taking unpaid leave, unless the law permits the nurse a choice.
Additional Leave Provisions. Employees may be granted a leave of absence with pay or without pay by the Police Chief, with the written approval of the Director of Personnel and the City Manager, for the purpose of attending family obligations in his/her “immediate family” when applied for in writing, stating the purpose or reasons for such leave on forms provided by the Personnel Department. The term “
Additional Leave Provisions. Management and Confidential employees shall be subject to the same provisions as stated in the current Memorandum of Understanding with SEIU Local 1021 as follows:
Additional Leave Provisions a. Any employee who is providing in-person services to students will first have access to a minimum of ten additional days of COVID-19 Leave under the following conditions:
i. If required to isolate due to potential exposure to COVID-19 and it is not feasible to switch back to remote services, or
ii. If required to quarantine due to confirmed COVID-19 exposure, whether asymptomatic or symptomatic.
iii. If necessary following vaccination for recovery purposes if reactions impact health conditions.
b. Any employee who has reason to believe that a confirmed COVID-19 exposure originated while providing in-person services shall also have the option of filing a workers’ compensation claim. If approved, the days following the third day may be supplemented with the leave above to retain the equivalent of full pay while eligible for workers’ compensation.
Additional Leave Provisions. Any employee who is providing in-person services will first have access to a minimum of ten (10) additional days of COVID-19 Leave under the following conditions:
a. If required to isolate due to potential exposure to COVID-19 and it is not feasible to switch back to remote services
b. If required to quarantine due to confirmed COVID-19 exposure, whether asymptomatic or symptomatic
c. If necessary, following vaccination for recovery purposes if reactions impact health conditions. Any employee who has reason to believe that a confirmed COVID-19 exposure originated while providing in-person services shall also have the option of filing a workers’ compensation claim. If approved, the days following the third day may be supplemented with the leave above to retain the equivalent of full pay while eligible for workers' compensation.
Additional Leave Provisions. The parties recognize that federal, state, or local laws may require the Employer to provide leave in additional circumstances to those described in this Agreement. Currently, such circumstances include FMLA leave for a qualifying exigency arising out of the participation of a specified family member in active duty, FMLA leave to care for an injured service member, military spouse leave, and leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. When such circumstances arise, the nurse shall request the leave in accordance with Employer policies. Where permitted by law, the nurse shall use accrued annual and sick leave before taking unpaid leave.
Additional Leave Provisions. All existing leave provisions in the collective bargaining agreement and additional state and federal provisions shall apply if an employee is unable to work remotely. In addition, employees will have access to additional leave provided by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
Additional Leave Provisions. In the event the County Executive closes the County offices for an entire day, or any portion thereof, because of extreme inclement weather, other emergencies producing hazardous conditions, or for any other reason which may prevent County employees from reporting to work or which may require early release from work, those employees required by the Fire/EMS Department to perform duties during the period that the County offices are closed will be entitled to receive one (1) hour of compensatory time for each hour worked each day during the emergency (not to exceed ten (10) hours per employee per twenty-four (24) hour period), in addition to any pay to which they are entitled for that period.
Additional Leave Provisions. The Employer and the Union desire to obtain the approval of the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission, hereinafter called the for the maternity leave provisions of the Collective Working Agreement, hereinafter called the "Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Plan" or "SUB Plan". The Employer and the Union hereby covenant and agree as follows: The objective of the Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Plan" or Plan" is to supplementthe Employment Insurance benefits received by Employees of the Public Library for temporary unemployment caused by leave. The Employees covered by the SUB Plan are all regular permanent Full-Time and permanent Part-Time Employees, Local Employees of the Public Library to whom the terms of the Collective Working Agreement apply. Employees must apply and be in receipt of employment insurance benefits before the SUB Plan benefits become payable. Employees do not have a right to SUB Plan payments except for supplementation of Employment Insurance benefits for the unemployment period as specified in the SUB Plan. The combined weekly level of Employment Insurance benefits, SUB Plan benefits and other earnings will not exceed of the Employee's normal weekly earnings. The SUB Plan will commence January and will continue for the term of this Collective Working Agreement. The SUB Plan is financed the Employer's general revenues. A separate record of Plan payments will be maintained by the Employer. The Employee must provide the Employer with proof that she is receiving Employment Insurance benefits. The Employer will use Employment and Immigration Canada Benefit Statements to verify that Employees are receiving Employment Insurance benefits or other earnings. Payments in respect of guaranteed annual remuneration or in respect of deferred remuneration or severance pay benefits will not be reduced or increased by payments received under the SUB Plan. subject to (57 (13) of the Regulations.) A male Employee receive one (1) day Special Leave with pay on the birth of a child.