Military Leave With Pay Sample Clauses
Military Leave With Pay. Any employee who shall be a member of the National Guard, the Naval Militia or any other component of the militia of the state, now or hereafter organized or constituted under state or federal law, or who shall be a member of the Officers Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve or any other reserve component of the military or naval force of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under federal law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from employment without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave or other benefits for all the time when such employee is engaged with such organization or component in training or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a total of fifteen (15) days in any calendar year and further provided that such leave shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee 1) returns to his/her position immediately upon being relieved from such military or naval service and not later than the expiration of time herein limited for such leave; or 2) is prevented from so returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to such employee’s own fault; or 3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. Any employee who is a member of the armed forces or National Guard and who is called to active duty may be eligible for pay continuation pursuant to the requirements of M.S. 471.975.
Military Leave With Pay. (1) Employees shall be entitled to military leave with pay not to exceed twenty-one (21) working days during each year, beginning October 1st and ending the following September 30th, in order to report for active duty, when called, or to take part in active training duty in such manner and at such time as they may be ordered to active duty or active training duty in the Washington National Guard or of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps reserve of the United States or of any organized reserve or armed forces of the United States.
(2) Such leave shall be in addition to any vacation and sick leave to which an employee is entitled and shall not result in any reduction of benefits, performance ratings, privileges or pay.
(3) During military leave with pay, the RN shall receive the RN’s regular rate of pay.
(4) Employees required to appear during working hours for a physical examination to determine physical fitness for military service shall receive full pay for the time required to complete the examination.
Military Leave With Pay. 1. State employees who are members of the Ohio National Guard, the Ohio Defense Corps, the Ohio Naval Militia, or members of other reserve components of the armed services of the United States are entitled to a military leave of absence from their duties without loss of pay, for such time as they are in the military service on field training or active duty. The maximum number of hours for which payment can be made in any one calendar year for mandatory annual training or active duty is one hundred seventy-six (176) hours.
Military Leave With Pay. 1. In accordance with State and/or Federal regulations, NJIT shall grant a qualifying employee, who is a member of the U.S. military reserves or a member of the organized militia of another State, a leave of absence for up to 30 working days in any calendar year without loss of pay or benefits for Federal Active Duty Service. NJIT shall grant a qualifying employee who is a member of the New Jersey State organized militia a leave of absence for up to 90 working days in any calendar year without loss of pay or benefits for Federal Active Duty Service.
2. Should the employee be called to active duty service for a national or state emergency or foreign conflict which exceeds the 30 or 90 working days described in A above, NJIT shall grant a leave of absence through the end of that calendar year without loss of benefits and shall pay the employee the difference between their applicable NJIT base salary and their military “base pay” provided the employee provides proof of military service and “base pay”. This is often referred to as Differential Pay and is not currently mandated by Federal or State regulations.
3. If a qualifying employee is eligible for a Military Leave with pay or a Military Leave with differential pay as described above, he/she continue to accrue vacation, personal, and sick leave. Qualifying employees eligible for Military Leave with pay or Military Leave with differential pay shall be entitled to all health and welfare benefits.
Military Leave With Pay. Employees whose appointment is for six (6) months or more shall, while on active duty or during periods of camps of instruction or field maneuvers as members of the Hawai`i national guard, air national guard, naval militia, organized reserves, including the officers' reserve corps and the enlisted reserve corps, under call of the President of the United States or the governor of the State, be placed on leave with pay status for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) working days in any calendar year, except as provided in subparagraph A.
Military Leave With Pay. The County shall grant military leave with pay to the extent required by state and federal law.
Military Leave With Pay. Pursuant to applicable Minnesota statutes, eligible employees shall be granted leaves of absence with pay during periods not to exceed fifteen (15) working days in any calendar year to fulfill service obligations.
Military Leave With Pay. (USM Policy VII-7.23) Military Leave for employees covered by this MOU is governed by USM Policy on Military Leave VII-7.23 (approved by the Board of Regents, February 28, 1992; amended December 6, 2002; Amended October 17, 2003) and is subject to all the terms and conditions set forth therein. An employee is entitled to Military Training Leave with pay for military training purposes for a period of not more than fifteen (15) workdays (pro-rated for part time employees) in any calendar year. Military Training Leave applies to employees who are members of the organized militia or the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard Reserves.
Military Leave With Pay. (USM Policy VII-7.23)
Military Leave With Pay. A. Military Leave for employees covered by this MOU is governed by USM Policy VII -