Wage Structure Sample Clauses
Wage Structure. The wage structure will consist of three (3) bands comprised of a series of progression steps within each band. Progression through steps will be time based subject to satisfactory performance and successful completion of training. The wage structure will eventually replace all existing wage schedules. All new employees hired must participate in skill broadening.
Wage Structure. Employees shall receive, for the first year of employment, 90% of the job rate for that job. In the second year of employment, employees shall receive 95% of the job rate for that job. In the third year of employment, employees shall receive 100% of the job rate for that job.
Wage Structure. Effective September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020 the wage structure depicted below will be in place for each of the job classification identified below. There are two methods by which employees will receive pay increases; anniversary date of hire and the annual increases in the pay table which go into effect on January 1 of each year, depicted below. Employees will move to the next step on the pay table on their anniversary date of hire under the appropriate year column for whatever the current year may be. All employees move to the next column representing the current year on January
1. All new employees, regardless of start date will enter these tables at Step 1 for the year in which they are hired, unless approved for an advanced step per Section 22.2 of this article. Maintenance
Wage Structure. 14.1 The wage rates set out in the Appendices attached hereto, except where otherwise provided for in this Agreement, are to cover disabilities associated with the work as described in Clause 3.1 of this Agreement. Apart from the disability rates and other allowances identified in this agreement, no other disability rates or allowances are payable.
14.2 Where Asbestos Eradication work and / or work involving application of Monolar is to be performed by the employee, an allowance will be paid in lieu of the required allowance as provided by Part 2, payment of: $1.67 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2006 $1.75 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2007 $1.83 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2008
14.3 A KVR / KVGR allowance will be paid when the employee is working within the KVR area (Longford) and / or KVGR (Long Island Point) of:
$1. 67 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2006 $1.75 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2007 $1.83 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2008
14.4 Where the nature of work requires employees to "Tog Up" to the same protective level as Asbestos Eradication work the following allowance will be paid:
$1. 67 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2006 $1.75/ hour from 5% from 1st July 2007 $1.83 / hour from 5% from 1st July 2008
14.5 Tools will be provided by the company for all classifications.
14.6 Electrician's licence allowance will be paid to all suitably qualified electrical tradespersons of :- $26.25 per week all purpose hour from 1st July 2006 $27.56 per week all purpose hour from 1st July 2007 $28.94 per week all purpose hour from 1st July 2008
Wage Structure. 1.2.1. Wage increases Pay scales Pay adjustments General increase of monthly wages for a full-time position Pay scales Wage-related items Wage and premises Committee Additional economic growth Wage guarantee due to wage developments
Wage Structure. Effective September 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019 the wage structure depicted below will be in place for each of the job classification identified below. There are two methods by which employees shall receive pay increases; anniversary date of hire and the annual increases in the pay table which go into effect on January 1 of each year depicted below. Employees shall move to the next step on the pay table on their anniversary date of hire under the appropriate year column for whatever the current year may be. All employees move to the next column representing the current year on January 1. All new employees, regardless of start date shall enter these tables at Step 1 for the year in which they are hired unless approved for an advanced step per Section 23.2 of this article. Maintenance Workers and Fleet Technicians shall transition from a 12-Step scale to an 8- Step Scale effective January 1, 2017 per the transition matrix located to the right of their respective pay scales. For example, a Maintenance Worker who is current at Step 5 on the 12 step scale shall move to Step 3 on the 8 Step Scale on January 1, 2017. Custodial Workers shall remain on an 8-Step scale. Maintenance Worker (Switch to 8 Steps) 2016 - 2017 Step Transition Annual Base Wage Rates Jan 1-Dec 31 MAINTENANCE WORKER 2016 2017 2018 2019 2016 2017 1 $42,050.29 $42,891.30 $43,749.12 $44,624.10 1 1 2 $43,427.43 $45,394.69 $46,302.58 $47,228.63 2 2 3 $44,849.68 $47,898.08 $48,856.04 $49,833.16 3 2 4 $46,318.52 $50,401.48 $51,409.51 $52,437.70 4 3 5 $47,835.45 $52,904.87 $53,962.97 $55,042.23 5 3 6 $49,402.06 $55,408.26 $56,516.43 $57,646.76 6 4 7 $51,019.98 $57,911.66 $59,069.89 $60,251.29 7 5 8 $52,690.88 $60,415.05 $61,623.35 $62,855.82 8 6 9 $54,416.50 9 6 10 $56,198.64 10 7 11 $58,080.46 11 8 12 $59,230.44 12 8 Fleet Technician I (Switch to 8 Steps) 2016 - 2017 Step Transition Annual Base Wage Rates Jan 1-Dec 31 Fleet Technician I 2016 2017 2018 2019 2016 2017 1 $43,516.81 $44,387.15 $45,274.89 $46,180.39 1 1 2 $44,941.99 $46,986.05 $47,925.77 $48,884.28 2 2 3 $46,413.84 $49,584.94 $50,576.64 $51,588.18 3 2 4 $47,933.89 $52,183.84 $53,227.52 $54,292.07 4 3 5 $49,503.71 $54,782.74 $55,878.40 $56,995.96 5 3 6 $51,124.96 $57,381.64 $58,529.27 $59,699.86 6 4 7 $52,799.30 $59,980.54 $61,180.15 $62,403.75 7 5 8 $54,528.46 $62,579.44 $63,831.03 $65,107.65 8 5 9 $56,314.27 9 6 10 $58,158.57 10 7 11 $60,161.20 11 8 12 $61,352.39 12 8 Custodial Worker Annual Base Wage Rates Jan 1-Dec 31 2016 2017 2018 ...
Wage Structure. 1.2.1. Wage increases Pay scales Previous pay scales will be replaced by new ones which are part of this agreement, see attachment. The pay scales enter into effect on 1 May 2015, 1 May 2016, 1 May 2017 and 1 May 2018. Starting wages apply to workers aged 20. The base wage increase on the entry into effect of this agreement is 7.2% for workers receiving a wage of ISK 300,000 or less and who began working for the employer before 1 February 2014. The base wage increase for workers receiving wages in excess of ISK 300,000 decreases proportionately in even stages from ISK 300,000 down to 3.2% for workers who earn ISK 750,000. Pay adjustment guarantees, therefore, are in accordance with the attachment which is an integral part of this agreement. Any other wage increases granted to the employee after 2 February 2014 are to be deducted from the base increase amount. Increases in wages and wage-related items according to this provision can never be less than 3.2%. Pay adjustments for workers who began working during the period between 1 February 2014 and 31 December 2014 In the case of workers who began work in the period from 1 February 2014 to the end of December 2014, their wages and wage related items increase by 3.2% as of the entry into effect of this agreement. When comparing wages, the benchmark shall be the fixed weekly or monthly wage in addition to fixed allowances or extra pay of any kind whatsoever, including fixed overtime. Pay adjustment guarantees do not apply to wage earners who work according to productivity-related pay structures where performance-based wages comprise the major part of the wages. Pay scales in the collective wage agreement increase especially, as provided for in the attachment. Wage-related items in the collective wage agreement increase by 7.2% unless otherwise negotiated. The base increase of wages on 1 May 2016 is 5.5% for an employee who has been employed by the same employer since 1 May 2015, a minimum of ISK 15,000 on top of monthly wages for daytime work. Any other wage increases granted to the employee during the period between 2 May 2015 to and including 30 April 2016 are to be deducted from the base increase amount. Pay adjustments for workers who began working during the period between 1 May 2015 and 31 December 2015 In the case of workers who began work in the period from 1 May 2015 to the end of December 2015, their wages and wage-related items increase by 3.2% as of 1 May 2016. When comparing wages, the benchmark s...
Wage Structure. A craft apprentice shall be paid the following percentages of his/her respective craft wage rate as set forth in the UCSD Skilled Crafts Agreement: First six months sixty percent (60%) Second six months sixty-five percent (65%) Third six months seventy percent (70%) Fourth six months seventy-five percent (75%) Fifth six months eighty percent (80%) Sixth six months eighty-five percent (85%) Seventh six months ninety percent (90%) Eighth six months ninety-five percent (95%) Upon completion of the program and approval by the JATC, an apprentice shall receive the respective journey level rate of pay. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to override any responsibility or authority granted to the JATC to accelerate or hold back the advancement of an apprentice as set forth in Article 5 of these standards.
Wage Structure. 1.2.1. Wage increases Pay scales Previous pay scales will be replaced by new ones which are part of this agreement; see attachment. The pay scales enter into effect on 1 May 2015, 1 January 2016, 1 May 2017 and 1 May 2018. Starting wages apply to workers aged 20. The base wage increase on the entry into effect of this agreement is 7.2% for workers receiving a wage of ISK 300,000 or less and who began working for the employer before 1 February 2014. The base wage increase for workers receiving wages in excess of ISK 300,000 decreased proportionately in that it decreases in even stages from ISK 300,000 down to 3.2% for workers who earn ISK 750,000. Pay adjustment guarantees, therefore, are in accordance with the attachment, which is an integral part of this Agreement. Any other wage increases granted to the employee after 2 February 2014 are to be deducted from the base increase amount. Increases in wages and wage-related items according to this provision can never be less than 3.2%. Pay adjustments for workers who began working during the period between 1 February 2014 and 31 December 2014 In the case of workers who began work in the period from 1 February 2014 to the end of December 2014, their wages and wage-related items increase by 3.2% as of the entry into effect of this agreement. When comparing wages, the benchmark shall be the fixed weekly or monthly wage in addition to fixed allowances or extra pay of any kind whatsoever, including fixed overtime. Pay adjustment guarantees do not apply to wage earners who work according to productivity-related pay structures where performance-based wages comprise the major part of the wages. Pay scales in the collective wage agreement increase especially, as provided for in the attachment. Wage-related items in the collective wage agreement increase by 7.2% unless otherwise negotiated. 1 January 2016: A 6.2% general wage increase, a minimum of ISK 15,000 on top of monthly wages for daytime work, including the increase of wage-related items other than December and holiday bonuses, cf. however the attached protocol. The employer may, however, deduct from the wage increase pursuant to Paragraph 1 any undeclared general wage increase for employees that was implemented between 1 May 2015 and 21 January 2016, provided that the employer provided the majority of employees with such a wage increase. However,