PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this Contract.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this Contract.
a. Contractor will assist a minimum of 100 eligible Participant households by providing Emergency Shelter Operations Services. As some Participants will not have needs for the maximum assistance to secure permanent housing and achieve housing stability, the total number of households served will likely increase.
b. Of the Participants enrolled in the Program during the reporting period, 100% of Participants will have an Individualized Housing and Service Plan within thirty (30) calendar days of program enrollment.
c. Of the Participants enrolled in the Program during the reporting period, 90% of Participants will be connected to the CES within 30 days of program enrollment. Connected to the CES at minimum includes a program enrollment; however, the goal is to get Participants in the community queue as fast as possible.
d. Of the Participants enrolled in the Program, at minimum 30% will exit to a permanent housing destination.
e. At minimum, 15% of Participants will have a higher income than at program entry due to employment and or mainstream benefits.
f. Program must maintain a bed occupancy/utilization of 95% of higher through the term of the CONTRACT.
g. On an annual basis, at minimum, the Program must solicit Participant feedback to assess program operation changes to better support and meet the needs of Participants and evaluate how to best meet the above outlined performance outcomes. Methods for receiving Participant feedback can include exit interviews, surveys, focus groups and meetings.
2. County in coordination with Contractor will conduct on-site or virtual visits or desk monitoring to ensure programmatic compliance at least once during the contract term. Monitoring visits may include, but are not limited to:
a. Review of Client file documentation
b. Review of eligible activity and cost requirements established by federal and/or state program guidelines
c. Review of policies and procedures and consistent adherence to Program practices d. HMIS data entry completion e. Interviews with Program staff f. Compliance with the Standards of Care
3. County shall monitor the performance of Contractor against the goals, outcomes, milestones and performance standards required herein. Substandard performance, as determined by County, will constitute non-compliance with this Contract for which County may immediately terminate the Contract. If action to correct such substandard perfo...
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. A. Grantee Monitoring and Notification. Grantee shall inform HHSC in writing within seven (7) calendar days from when the certain conditions occur including, but not limited to:
1. Problems, delays, or adverse conditions which materially impair Xxxxxxx’s ability to meet the objectives or timelines under the Grant Agreement;
2. Legal or financial difficulties (e.g., lawsuit, IRS involvement) that involve Grantee or could affect Xxxxxxx’s ability to perform services the program;
3. Change in location or physical location for work under the Grant Agreement; or
4. Any other condition that may impede or hinder Grantee from fulfilling the requirements outlined under the Grant Agreement.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this contract, and ensure a shelter flow that prioritizes participant housing goals and exits to permanent housing.
a. Occupancy: Contractor will maintain an average occupancy of 95% or above.
b. Of the Participants enrolled in the program during the reporting period, 90% of participants will be connected to the CES within 30 days of program enrollment. Connected to the CES at minimum includes a program enrollment; however, the goal is to get program participants in the community queue within 10 days of shelter entry or as fast as possible.
c. Exits to permanent housing: A minimum of 30% of all participants exit to a permanent housing destination upon shelter program exit.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this Contract.
a. CONTRACTOR will assist a minimum of 200 eligible Participants by providing Rapid Rehousing Services. As some Participants will not have needs for the maximum assistance to secure permanent housing and achieve housing stability, the total number of households served will likely increase.
b. COUNTY in coordination with the CONTRACTOR will conduct on-site or virtual visits or desk monitoring to ensure programmatic compliance at least once during the contract term. Monitoring visits may include, but are not limited to:
i. Review of client file documentation
ii. Review of eligible activity and cost requirements established by HUD
iii. Review of policies and procedures and consistent adherence to PROGRAM practices iv. HMIS data entry completion v. Interviews with program staff
c. CONTRACTOR will meet the following expenditure milestones in support of the guidance provided by the State and Federal Government in the utilization of ESG-CV Funding.
i. 20 % of total contract expended by July 31, 2021. ii. 40% of total contract expended by September 30, 2021. iii. 60% of total contract expended by November 30, 2021. iv. 80% of total contract expended by January 31, 2022.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this Contract.
a. Contractor will assist a minimum of 60 eligible Participant households comprised of 200 persons by providing Emergency Shelter Operations and Services during Period One and Two. Contractor will assist a minimum of 30 eligible Participant households comprised of 100 persons by providing Emergency Shelter Operations and Services during Period Three. As some Participants will not have needs for the maximum assistance to secure permanent housing and achieve housing stability, the total number of households served will likely increase.
b. Of the Participants enrolled in the program during the reporting period, 100% of Participants will have an Individualized Housing and Service Plan within thirty (30) calendar days of program enrollment. The Housing and Service Plan will be tracked using HMIS via services and/or an assessment.
c. Of the Participants enrolled in the program during the reporting period, 90% of participants will be connected to the CES within 30 days of program enrollment. Connected to the CES at minimum includes a program enrollment; however, the goal is to get program participants in the community queue as fast as possible.
d. Of the Participants enrolled in the Program, at minimum 30% will exit to a permanent housing destination.
e. At minimum, 15% of Participants will have a higher income than at program entry due to employment and or mainstream benefits.
f. Program must maintain a bed occupancy/utilization of 90% of higher through the term of the Contract.
g. On an annual basis, at minimum, the Program must solicit participant feedback to assess program operation changes to better support and meet the needs of participants, and evaluate how to best meet the above outlined performance outcomes. Methods for receiving participant feedback can include exit interviews, surveys, focus groups and program meetings.
2. County in coordination with Contractor will conduct on-site or virtual visits or desk monitoring to ensure programmatic compliance at least once during the contract term. Monitoring visits may include, but are not limited to:
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 7 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this Contract.
8 a. CONTRACTOR will assist a minimum of 2,066 eligible households by providing a 9 maximum of $10,000 in financial assistance to address rental arrears and past due utilities. As some 10 households will not have documented need for the maximum assistance, the total number of households 11 served will likely increase.
12 b. CONTRACTOR will make first contact with households within three (3) business days 13 of received referral from the virtual access point.
14 c. CONTRACTOR complete eligibility verification process within five (5) business days 15 of first meeting with household.
16 d. CONTRACTOR make payment to the landlord and/or utility company within fourteen 17 (14) days of financial assistance determination. The CONTRACTOR will remain in communication 18 with the Participants and make notifications in regards to the status of the financial payment to the 19 landlord and/or utility company. Additionally, the CONTRACTOR will obtain receipt from landlord 20 and/or utility company confirming payment of arrears.
21 2. The COUNTY shall monitor the performance of CONTRACTOR against the goals, 22 outcomes, milestones and performance standards required herein, as determined by COUNTY, will 23 constitute non-compliance with this Contract for which COUNTY may immediately terminate the 24 Contract. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the CONTRACTOR within 25 the time period specified by COUNTY, payment(s) will be denied in accordance with the provisions 26 contained in the Contract.
27 3. COUNTY shall periodically evaluate the CONTRACTOR’S progress in complying with 28 the terms of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully during such monitoring. COUNTY 29 shall report the findings of each monitoring to Operator.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this Contract.
a. CONTRACTOR will assist a minimum of 54 eligible Participant households by providing EHV Housing Search Assistance and Housing Stabilization Services. As some Participants will not have needs for the maximum assistance to secure permanent housing and achieve housing stability, the total number of households served will likely increase.
b. At minimum, 50 percent of the total number of expected Participants will secure permanent rental housing within 90 days of EHV issuance.
c. At minimum 95 percent of the total number of expected Participants will secure permanent rental housing within 120 days of EHV issuance.
d. At minimum, 95 percent of households will remain in permanent housing at Program exit.
e. Of participants who exit to a permanent destination, 95% will maintain permanent housing for more than six (6) months from the date of their program exit.
2. COUNTY in coordination with the CONTRACTOR will conduct on-site or virtual visits or desk monitoring to ensure programmatic compliance at least once during the contract term. Monitoring visits may include, but are not limited to:
a. Review of client file documentation
b. Review of eligible activity and cost requirements established by HUD
c. Review of policies and procedures and consistent adherence to PROGRAM practices
d. HMIS data entry completion
e. Interviews with program staff
3. The COUNTY shall monitor the performance of CONTRACTOR against the goals, outcomes, milestones and performance standards required herein, as determined by COUNTY, will constitute non-compliance with this Contract for which COUNTY may immediately terminate the Contract. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the CONTRACTOR within the time period specified by COUNTY, payment(s) will be denied in accordance with the provisions contained in the Contract.
4. COUNTY shall periodically evaluate the CONTRACTOR’S progress in complying with the terms of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully during such monitoring. COUNTY shall report the findings of each monitoring to Operator.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this contract, and ensure a shelter flow that prioritizes participant housing goals and exits to permanent housing.
a. Occupancy: Contractor will maintain an average occupancy of 95% or above.
b. Exits to permanent housing: A minimum of 20% of all participants exit to a permanent housing destination upon shelter program exit.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND MONITORING. 1. The following performance measures will be a requirement of this contract.
a. Complete an annual evaluation to ensure compliance and effectiveness of CES for Families.
b. Distribute protocols and conduct an assessor training at least once a year which may be conducted in-person, a live or recorded online sessions or a self-administered training, to participating staff at organizations that serve as access points or otherwise conduct assessments.
c. Ten percent of Program participants will be prevented from experiencing homelessness or diverted from experiencing ongoing homelessness with resources available outside of CES for Families.
d. Average length of time between Program start date and date of housing move in date will be less than 90 days, with the goal of reducing length of time year over year by two (2) percent.
e. Increase permanent housing outcomes by three (3) percent, year over year as tracked by the Program and through the collaborative efforts of the Contractor.
f. Track progress and efforts made to achieve function zero for TAY, Veterans and families experiencing chronic homelessness.
2. County shall monitor the performance of Contractor against the goals, outcomes, milestones, and performance standards required herein including the Standards of Care. Substandard performance, as determined by County, will constitute non-compliance with this Contract for which County may immediately terminate the Contract. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by Contractor within the time specified by County, payment(s) will be denied in accordance with the provisions contained in the Contract. County shall periodically evaluate Contractor’s progress in complying with the terms of this Contract. Contractor shall cooperate fully during such monitoring. County shall report the findings of each monitoring to Contractor.