Policy History Sample Clauses
Policy History. 29 Adopted on: July 1, 2000
Policy History. Adopted on: April 26, 1999 Reviewed on: Revised on: January 20, 2020 The use of xxxxx cash funds shall be authorized for specific purchases only. Those purchases will include individual purchases of supplies and materials under the amount of $50, postage, delivery charges, and freight. Individual personal reimbursements which exceed $50 should not be made from xxxxx cash funds. Xxxxx cash accounts will be maintained as cash on hand, with the total dollar amount of the xxxxx cash account limited to $200 for the elementary school, school offices and departments. Moneys not specifically designated as xxxxx cash will not be comingled with the xxxxx cash fund. At the conclusion of each school year, the xxxxx cash fund must be closed out and the xxxxx cash vouchers and cash on hand kept in the business office. The District business office is responsible for establishing procedures for use and management of xxxxx cash funds. Adopted on: April 26, 1999 Reviewed on: Revised on: January 20, 2020 The District will establish one (1) or more days in each month as fixed paydays for payment of wages in accord with the current collective bargaining agreement or District practice. Employees may choose to have their salaries paid in full upon the last pay date following completion of their assignments or may annualize their pay. Employees who choose to receive payment of wages beyond the period in which the wages were earned (deferred payment) will be subject to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) penalties, unless they provide a written election of such deferral prior to (the first (1st) duty day) (July 1) of the year of deferral. Forms for such deferral shall be made available. Any change to the election must be made prior to the first (1st) duty day of the fiscal year of the deferment. When a District employee quits, is laid off, or is discharged, wages owed will be paid on the next regular payday for the pay period in which the employee left employment or within fifteen (15) days from the date of separation of employment, whichever occurs first. Cross Reference: 5500 Payment of Wages upon Termination Legal Reference: § 409A, Internal Revenue Code, Deferred Compensation Adopted on: April 26, 1999 Reviewed on: Revised on: January 20, 2020 By my signature I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the School District’s policy on deferred wages. Furthermore, by my signature on this form, I am electing to defer payment of my wages on an annualized basis consisting of pa...
Policy History. Version Date Description Approved By
1.0 1/1 2013 Initial policy release TBD
Policy History. 8 1. This Policy was adopted by the Board of Retirement on March 20, 2017, with an effective
Policy History. Adopted 1-19-83; Amended 4-18-91; Amended 11-18-92; Amended 4-16-13; Formerly 6Hx28:07-20
Policy History. 13 Adopted on: May 2016
Policy History. Original Approval Date: August 23, 2010
Policy History. Adopted on: April 26, 1999 Reviewed on: Revised on: January 20, 2020 The District will reimburse employees and trustees for travel expenses while traveling outside the District and engaged in official District business. District employees who are not exempted by another policy will be reimbursed according to the current federal levels pursuant to Federal law. All travel expenses must be reported on the established travel expense and approved by the employee’s supervisor and the Superintendent. The District business office is responsible for development of procedures and forms to be used in connection with travel expense claims and reimbursements. Legal Reference: § 2-18-501, MCA Meals, lodging, and transportation of persons in state service § 2-18-502, MCA Computation of meal allowance § 2-18-503, MCA Mileage – allowance XXX.xxx Adopted on: April 26, 1999 Reviewed on: Revised on: January 20, 2020 The Board of Trustees permits the use of District credit cards by certain school officials and Board members to pay for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of work-related duties for the District. A list of those individuals that will be issued a District credit card will be maintained in the business office and reported to the Board each year at its meeting in May. All credit cards will be preapproved by the Board and will be in the name of the District. The District shall establish a credit line not to exceed $5,000 for each card issued and an aggregate credit limit of $25,000 for all cards issued to the District. Credit cards may only be used for legitimate District business expenditures. The use of credit cards is not intended to circumvent the District’s policy on purchasing. Users must take proper care of District credit cards and take all reasonable precautions against damage, loss, or theft. Any damage, loss, or theft must immediately be reported to the business office and to the appropriate financial institution. Failure to take proper care of credit cards or failure to report damage, loss, or theft may subject the employee to financial liability. Purchases that are unauthorized, illegal, represent a conflict of interest, are personal in nature, or violate the intent of this policy may result in credit card revocation and discipline of the employee. Users must submit detailed documentation, including itemized receipts for commodities, services, travel, and/or other actual and necessary expenses which have been incurred in connection ...
Policy History. DocuSign Envelope ID: 25828C84-BEA0-47E9-86F5-4616B8207CE7
Policy History. A. The Board adopted this policy on November 18, 1999.
B. The Board reviewed and adopted this policy, with revisions, on August 15, 2002.
C. The Board reviewed and adopted this policy, with revisions, on August 16, 2007.
D. The Board reviewed and adopted this policy, without revisions, on August 20, 2009.
E. The Board reviewed and adopted this policy, with revisions, on June 17, 2010.
F. The Board reviewed and adopted this policy, without revisions, on April 19, 2012.
G. The Board reviewed and adopted this policy, with revisions, on September 19, 2013.