Professor Emeritus Sample Clauses
Professor Emeritus. Only the Principal or delegate can approve a Term Adjunct’s first appointment at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor.
Professor Emeritus. The term “Professor Emeritus” as used in this Agreement, shall mean any distinguished senior Faculty member no longer under a full-time contract, who meets the established criteria, and whose extraordinary service to the academic community is deemed worthy of recognition by the appropriate Xxxx.
Professor Emeritus. A professor retired from the Yuba Community College District. The title shall be Professor Emeritus of the “major discipline.”
Professor Emeritus. The position of Professor Emeritus is established as follows:
A. A faculty member who retires under SURS and terminates employment with the College may apply to become a Professor Emeritus. Applications for Professor Emeritus may be made no earlier than 60 days after a faculty member’s last day of employment and no later than the one year anniversary of his/her last date of employment.
B. Upon receipt of the application, the Vice President of Educational Affairs or designee may approve or disapprove the application. Participation in the program shall entitle the retiree to Professor Emeritus status for two (2) years or as otherwise mutually agreed-upon between the retiree and Vice President of Educational Affairs. Such years shall be consecutive. Professor Emeritus faculty may request an extension of their status on a year-to-year basis by submitting a written request to the Xxxx of his or her division by March 30 of the last year of the term. The Vice President or designee shall approve or deny the Professor Emeritus continuation request by May 1. The decision of the Vice President or designee is final. If the request is denied, the faculty member will not be eligible to teach in the summer term. Before disapproving an application or extension of Professor Emeritus status, the Vice President of Educational Affairs or designee will discuss with the Union President the reason(s) for the disapproval.
C. Subject to course availability, the Professor Emeritus may elect to teach a combination of courses which will not exceed 60% of a basic contractual assignment per semester. Such faculty who had been previously employed on the basis of a thirty-five (35) hour week may elect to work a maximum of 60% of the total number of hours required to fulfill the annual contract, which is a total of 336 hours during Spring or Fall semester. The Professor Emeritus shall not be employed at any other SURS eligible institution and the College shall have the right to limit the workload/earnings of Professor Emeritus faculty to ensure that the College does not incur any penalties from SURS relating to the employment of an annuitant. Employment of the Professor Emeritus in the summer term shall be at the discretion of the xxxx or designee and, if employed, the load shall not exceed eight (8) hours for the summer term.
D. With the Professor Emeritus status the faculty member retains an email account and voicemail account. This enables the professor to continue to utilize electroni...
Professor Emeritus. 1. All full-time faculty retiring from the College will be appointed as a Pro- fessor emeritus of elgin Community College unless the Board, solely and exclusively, decides not to do so. Decisions to deny Professor emeritus status shall not be arbitrary and capricious.
2. emeritus faculty members will be entitled to have their names listed in a section of the College catalog and to use the designation in any publica- tions or professional associations.
Professor Emeritus. Upon retirement or death with the rank of Professor, the Professor will obtain the rank of Professor Emeritus.
Professor Emeritus. In recognition of meritorious service, Oklahoma Baptist University may confer the rank of Professor Emeritus on members of the faculty who, at the time of their retirement from the University, have held a ranked faculty position at the rank of Assistant, Associate, and/or Professor for at least ten years. The President, in consultation with the faculty, will recommend to the Board of Trustees that the rank of Professor Emeritus be conferred on the faculty member. The rank is available only to faculty in full retirement. No compensation accrues by virtue of this rank, and the Professor Emeritus does not hold faculty voting rights.
Professor Emeritus. A tenured faculty member who elects to retire from the College under the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and who desires to continue a professional affiliation with the College may do so with Professor Emeritus status. Subject to an approval each semester by the appropriate Xxxx, course availability and Article 4.8 of this contract, a Professor Emeritus shall have priority of course assignment up to the current adjunct load limit(s) before adjunct faculty assignments are made. Approval may be withheld only with written documentation by the administration indicating an inability to teach courses desired. Such written documentation must include, but need not be limited to, one classroom observation by the xxxx with a minimum of three (3) working days’ notice to the professor. If two Professors Emeritus in the same department wish to select courses for a semester, the greater seniority at the time of retirement will determine the first choice of available work for which both are qualified. For hours 0-3.0, the rate of pay per contact hour shall be at the same rate as the current overload rate and/or summer rate for full-time faculty; hours over 3.0 shall not fall below the highest rate for adjunct faculty. In addition, the College shall provide an office for Professors Emeritus that is separate from that provided to adjunct faculty.
Professor Emeritus. On the resignation or retirement of a faculty member in good standing who has earned the esteem of his/her colleagues for academic and service contributions, the title professor emeritus may be awarded. The Faculty Council makes nominations to the Xxxx or Vice President for Academic Affairs who submits recommendations to the President of the College.
Professor Emeritus. A faculty member with no less than ten (10) years of full-time service at the University may be appointed by the President to the rank of Professor Emeritus. Emeritus faculty are entitled to standard retirement benefits as set forth in Article 32 (Retirement) Section 32.1.3 and other honors and/or benefits as recommended by the President.