Project Management Unit. (a) The Recipient shall maintain the Project Management Unit, throughout the implementation of the Project, with functions and resources satisfactory to the Association.
Project Management Unit. (a) The Recipient shall establish and thereafter maintain a Project management unit (“Project Management Unit” or “PMU”), throughout the implementation of the Project, with staff, functions and resources satisfactory to the Association.
Project Management Unit. 2. NEA shall establish a project management unit ("PMU"), which will be responsible for implementation of the Project, and the Loan Project, and such PMU shall oversee Project operations, including in particular disbursement, accounting, logistics management, reporting, monitoring, supervision, organization of research activities, and coordinating with, relevant government departments, and development partners.
Project Management Unit. The Recipient shall cause the Project Implementing Entity to establish and maintain, throughout the Project implementation period, a Project Management Unit (“PMU”) with composition, mandate, and resources satisfactory to the Association as detailed in the Project Operations Manual. To this end, the PMU shall:
Project Management Unit. 6. CHNG and Greengen shall cause HTICL to, and HTICL shall establish the PMU which shall be responsible for implementation of the Project, and such PMU shall oversee Project operations, including in particular disbursement, accounting, logistics management, reporting, monitoring, supervision, organization of research activities, and coordinating with relevant government departments, and development partners.
Project Management Unit. The Borrower shall:
Project Management Unit. The Borrower shall, until completion of the Project, maintain the Project Management Unit (PMU), on the basis of terms of reference satisfactory to the Bank, for the sole function of administration of the Project with the support of the Borrower’s Planning and Investment Department. The PMU shall have such staff and facilities as shall be required to perform its technical and administrative responsibilities under the Project, including a director and not less than two specialists (an engineer and a financial analyst) whose qualifications and experience shall be satisfactory to the Bank. The PMU shall be responsible for, inter alia: (a) the preparation of terms of reference, administration of proposal evaluation and award of contracts for consultants’ services and training; and (b) supervision of the work of consultants employed under the Project and the training provided under the Project. The PMU shall also be responsible for monitoring Project implementation and expenditures, preparing withdrawal applications and preparing and furnishing to the Bank reports on Project implementation.
Project Management Unit. The Recipient, through the MALF, shall maintain throughout Project implementation the Project Management Unit (“PMU”) within its structure, headed by the Project Coordinator, under terms of reference and staffed in number and with qualifications satisfactory to the Association, thereby ensuring that the PMU (acting as the National Coordination Unit), oversee and take all measures necessary for the suitable and timely implementation of Parts 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2, 3.1(b), 3.2, 3.3 and 4(ii) of the Project pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation: (i) in general, the coordination and management of the Financing and the carrying out of the procurement, monitoring, evaluation and reporting functions; and (ii) in particular, the assessment of impacts and systematic analysis of lessons learnt and the monitoring of the overall progress in implementing agricultural research activities undertaken within the INRAB. The Recipient, through the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, shall appoint and maintain the Project Coordinator to oversee daily implementation of Parts 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2, 3.1(b), 3.2, 3.3 and 4(ii) of the Project and to manage the PMU, which shall comprise any additional staff that may be necessary, particularly in the accounting and procurement areas, for the successful implementation of the Project. For such purposes, the Recipient shall, not later than three (3) months after the Effective Date, recruit for the PMU a Project Manager, one (1) assistant to the Project Manager, one (1) procurement assistant, one (1) additional accountant to handle Project activities, one (1) monitoring and evaluation assistant, and one (1) communications officer, all on the basis of terms of reference and with qualifications and experience satisfactory to the Association. Implementation Modalities
Project Management Unit. (PMU) A Project Management Unit (PMU) will be set up for the coordination and implementation of the operations as well as for the management of the advocacy and the communication activities. As a matter of principle the PMU will assume the responsibilities of “Swiss Intermediate Body” as stipulated in SBCP Framework Agreement and will be hosted at MES. The PMU will be contracted by SCO and report to the SCO and the MES. On all aspects pertinent to DEVETS, PMU will be supported by the Backstopping Team (See Control and Backstopping).
Project Management Unit. (a) No later than forty-five (45) days after the Effective Date, the Project Implementing Entity shall establish within SED a unit (the “Project Management Unit” or “PMU”) with terms of reference, composition and resources acceptable to the Association, including a qualified full-time director (the “Project Director”) and staff in adequate number, in each case with terms of reference, qualifications and experience satisfactory to the Association.