Quality Assurance Provisions. Quality assurance provisions in section 4 of attachment F documentation shall be replaced in their entirety by Attachment 1 of this appendix except:
Quality Assurance Provisions. 3.3.1 The Contractor is responsible for the quality of the SLAD system and shall certify and maintain objective quality evidence that the SLAD system offered meets this specification document, and that the SLAD conforms to the producer's own drawing specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices. The Contractor shall provide documentation that explains their plan on how and where the davits will be tested. Details on facilities and equipment used for testing should be provided. The vendor shall provide a Production Report including a Quality Assurance Plan detailing the methods used to ensure production of a quality product (CDRL A014). The vendor shall specify the terms and conditions of the SLAD system warranty. The contractor shall submit a Production Report (CDRL A014) detailing the execution and quality of production prior to first delivery and thereafter as may be otherwise provided for under the provisions of the contract. The vendor shall submit a Monthly Production Report (CDRL A014). Report shall include hardware, tolerance, and calibration checks as well as material inspection of parts ordered.
Quality Assurance Provisions. In cases where design tests are specified herein, documentation may be provided indicating that such tests have previously been satisfactorily completed and additional tests will not be required. Subject equipment to all tests as specified in the Special Provision entitled "Testing" to determine conformance with all the applicable requirements. The Representative reserves the right to witness all tests or to designate another to witness. The results of each test will be compared with the requirements specified herein. Failure to conform to requirements for any test will be subject to rejection by the Representative. Rejected equipment may be offered again for retest provided all non- compliances have been corrected and retested by the Contractor. Final inspection and acceptance of equipment will be made after delivery and successful completion of final system acceptance tests.
Quality Assurance Provisions. (a) Supplier shall supply Products and/or Services and associated records in accordance with an appropriate quality system that conforms with the following criteria (e.g. regulations, standards): _______________
(b) Supplier shall not subcontract any part of its obligations as defined in this agreement unless prior written agreement is made with the Purchaser.
(c) Supplier shall allow Purchaser to perform scheduled quality system audits including the review of applicable documents. These audits will be performed at the supplier’s facility when appropriate.
(d) Supplier shall allow Purchaser regulatory authorities to perform quality system audits at the Supplier’s facility, including the review of applicable documents. This includes audits that may not be scheduled in advance. To facilitate these unannounced audits, the Supplier shall inform Purchaser of work schedules associated with the Purchaser’s Products/Services.
(e) Product shall be processed and inspected by trained personnel according to Purchaser’s specifications.
(f) Product manufacturing/testing processes shall be validated by Supplier when requested by Purchaser, and in cooperation with Purchaser. Supplier shall thereafter perform those processes according to the validated process parameters.
(g) Products shall inspected and accepted/rejected using appropriate methods, calibrated measuring equipment, and statistically valid sampling plans.
(h) Products shall be traceable to the materials and processes used, and the dates of manufacture.
Quality Assurance Provisions. 5.1 Upon request from the state, supplier shall provide test data showing compliance to requirements in section 3 of this bid specification.
5.2 Upon request from the state, supplier shall provide traceability on all deliveries (back to refinery) within five (5) business days.
5.3 The State of California, at its discretion, may request a sample of the delivered fuel at the time of delivery prior to transferring fuel to a site storage tank. The sample may be tested for compliance to this specification. The state reserves the right to reject non-compliant fuel. If the test analysis of sampled fuel indicates non-compliance, the supplier shall be responsible for all costs related to the test analysis, removal, and disposal of non-compliant fuel from affected site storage tanks. If site storage tanks are contaminated by a delivery of non-compliant fuel, the existing fuel shall be replaced.
5.4 The supplier shall take measures to prevent contamination of fuel by ensuring all vessels used to transport fuel are clean prior to transporting new fuel to the state. Without limiting any other obligation or liability under the Contract, the Contractor and its subcontractors, at its sole cost and expense, prior to commencing work, shall secure and keep in force during the entire term of the Contract or longer, as may be specified below, the following insurance coverage, limits, and endorsements. If the Contractor maintains higher limits than the minimums shown below, RTD requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the Contractor. Under the Contract, the Contractor and its subcontractors are bound to the provisions stated herein. MINIMUM SCOPE AND LIMIT OF INSURANCE ☒ Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance Services Office (ISO) Form CG 00 01 12 07 or equivalent covering CGL on an “occurrence” basis, including, but not limited to: Premises Liability; Products-Completed Operations, Contractual Liability; Personal and Advertising injury. $1,000,000.00 per occurrence If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. ☒ Automobile Liability ISO Form Number CA 00 01 or equivalent covering any auto (Code 1), or if Contractor has no owned autos, hired, (Code 8) and non-owned autos (Code 9). Personal Automobile Liability is acceptable for individual Contractors with no transportation or hauling r...
Quality Assurance Provisions. Each purchase order issued by the Buyer shall contain Quality Assurance Provisions (QAPs) relevant to the product purchased. Seller shall comply with these QAPs. Should the Seller fail to conform to the Buyer’s quality requirements, then Buyer may reject the Goods and seek all applicable rights and remedies.
Quality Assurance Provisions. Internal Review An internal review procedures plan and schedule must be developed for each task. As a minimum, the following documents must be subject to the internal review process: Construction drawings (architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and civil). Construction specifications. Construction cost estimate (s) (which must provide all basic cost data for development of the project cost estimate). Design Data Summary Handbook. Mechanical/Electrical Systems Instruction Book. Standard Facility Designs and Studies
Quality Assurance Provisions. The work will be performed in accordance with PRINCIPIA internal quality procedure, which complies with ISO 9001 (Ed 2008). The quality system has been certified by DNV-GL under the reference No. 82242-2010-AQ-FRA-COFRAC-Rev.2 since June 2004 and valid until Sept- 2018.
Quality Assurance Provisions. The parties agree to adhere to the following quality assurance requirements:
Quality Assurance Provisions. 23 Section 14.01. Product Conformance.................................................................23 Section 14.02. Starting Materials..................................................................24 Section 14.03. Manufacturing.......................................................................24 Section 14.04. Finished Product Testing............................................................24 Section 14.05. Manufacturing & Packaging Batch Record & Sample Requirements........................24 Section 14.06. Storage and Transport...............................................................24 Section 14.07. Validation..........................................................................25 Section 14.08. Stability...........................................................................25 Section 14.09. Waste Material......................................................................25 Section 14.10. Adverse Drug Event Reporting and Phase IV Surveillance..............................25