Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance Sample Clauses

Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT able to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based upon the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date The parties, during the negotiations of the bargaining Agreement on the dates below, reached the following understandings regarding the interpretation and implementation of their contract. A. Administrative Status on Seniority List, Article XII.6.C. (1994-1997) The parties have modified the seniority definition effective with the 1994-97 bargaining Agreement. The following provisions apply to the implementation of the seniority provisions. 1. These provisions shall apply prospectively only. 2. All District administrators shall retain current seniority as of July 1, 1994. 3. All future administrators shall not acquire seniority unless they have been employed in the bargaining unit. However, administrators with teacher tenure in the District shall have placement rights in the unit over probationary teachers. 4. An administrator on unpaid leave or layoff for three years will lose bargaining unit seniority. B. Insurance and Subcontracting (1994-1997) The parties acknowledge that the District may be required by applicable state law to bid health insurance in order to receive or maintain a full foundation grant. In that event, the District will bid the health insurance benefits as stated in this Agreement, equal to or better than existing carrier and program, but the District will not be obligated to provide such benefits via the carrier(s) stated in this Agreement. However, the District will bargain with the Association concerning the implementation of any change in carrier(s) as the result of such bid. C. Working Conditions (1998) for Elementary Specials Teachers 1. Teaching Loads The elementary specials teachers’ (music, physical education and art) work loads shall be 45 to 48 thirty (30) minute sections of instruction per week and 42 to 44 thirty (30) minute sections of instruction per week for those on a cart. Those elementary special teache...
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended.
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT above to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based on the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date The Rockford Board of Education (“Board”) and the Rockford Education Support Personnel Association, MEA/NEA (“Association”) in arriving at a labor contract for 1988-1991 have reached a number of agreements and understanding regarding the application of the contract. These understandings and agreements are as follows:
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and. therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT able to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. Based upon the above information, it is recommended that the IEPC be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date 1. Medically Fragile Student will be identified through the IEPC process. 2. Prior to any bargaining unit member performing health care related services to students required by an IEPC, written authorization signed by a licensed physician and the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be received by the District and available to the bargaining unit member. Such authorization should include specific health care related procedures that are to be performed, the underlying condition calling for such services and the specific conditions under which the services are to be proved. 3. Any bargaining unit member who has a medical fragile student assigned to him her will be trained by licensed medical personnel in conjunction with the child's parent to handle the student's special health care needs. 4. The District agrees to supply the bargaining unit member with the necessary communication equipment to allow direct communication with appropriate licensed medical personnel (i.e. portable phone, etc.). 5. Any bargaining unit member working with any school student is covered as an agent for the school under the Boards' liability policy in the amount of $3,000,000. The insurance shall specifically cover personal liability for the employee(s) providing such services. The Association will be provided a copy of the policy and any applicable riders annually upon request. 6. The employee shall not be required to provide any supplies or equipment necessary for the services to medically fragile students. 7. If the preceding six steps are not followed, the bargaining unit member has the right to refuse to perform the health care procedures requested. The employee shall promptly in person, a responsible if he/she cannot perform the required procedures. Such notice should be as far in advance as possible.
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT above to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based on the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING‌ The Rockford Board of Education (“Board”) and the Rockford Education Support Personnel Association, MEA/NEA (“Association”) in arriving at a labor contract for 1988-1991 have reached a number of agreements and understanding regarding the application of the contract. These understandings and agreements are as follows:
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT able to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. Based upon the above information, it is recommended that the IEPC be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. 1. Medically Fragile Student will be identified through the IEPC process. 2. Prior to any bargaining unit member performing health care related services to students required by an IEPC, written authorization signed by a licensed physician and the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be received by the Distract and available to the bargaining unit member. Such authorization should include specific health care related procedures that are to be performed, the underlying condition calling for such services and the specific conditions under which the services are to be proved. 3. Any bargaining unit member who has a medical fragile student assigned to him/her will be trained by licensed medical personnel in conjunction with the child’s parent to handle the student’s special health care needs.
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT above to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based on the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date APPENDIX C‌
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT above to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based on the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date The Rockford Board of Education (“Board”) and the Rockford Education Support Personnel Association, MEA/NEA (“Association”) in arriving at a labor contract for 1988-1991 have reached a number of agreements and understanding regarding the application of the contract. These understandings and agreements are as follows: X. Xxxxxxxxx Savings Provision The Board and the Association understand and agree that all Custodial/Maintenance employees, Cooks and Bus Mechanics employed (date of hire) prior to July 1, 1988, shall retain these rights specifically agreed to in the previous Agreement as follows: 1. A terminal leave payment of one-half (1/2) of the total accumulated sick leave at the time of retirement will be paid upon retirement to employees hired prior to July 1, 1988, provided written notice is given three (3) months prior to time of retirement. The employee must have ten (10) years of continuous service and meet the minimum requirement of the State of Michigan retirement system to qualify. 2. Beginning with the 1974-75 contract, onlythose employees who are full-time (7 hours per day or more year-round or school year) will be eligible for terminal leave pay. Alleligible employees hired before July 1, 1988, will be covered under the provision as stated in Section A. B. Team Drivers – Business Days and Sick Leave Accumulation (2/2/2004) Business Day: An employee’s business day is based on his/her standard hours. Within an employee’s standard daily hours, he/she may work more hours in either the a.m. or p.m. As a result, when an employee uses half business days, he/she may not use all of the standard daily hours. Therefore, when business days are used, the total number of standard daily hours may be used in a current year regardless of how many days that may be considered. When team drivers use a full business day, he/she shall receive his/her...
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT above to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based on the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date AUGUST 22-23-24-25-26 (Monday-Friday) NEW TEACHER TRAINING (8:00 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.) 29-30-31 (Monday-Wednesday) NEW TEACHER ORIENTATION SEPTEMBER 1 (Thursday) ALL STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY/PLC (1.0) (No School for ALL Students) 2 (Friday) NO SCHOOL FOR STAFF 5 (Monday) LABOR DAY (No School for ALL Students and Staff) 6 (Tuesday) FIRST STUDENT DAY OCTOBER 18 and 20 (Tuesday and Thursday) SECONDARY (6-8) PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days 19 and 20 (Wednesday-Thursday) SECONDARY (9-12) PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days NOVEMBER 9 and 10 (Wednesday-Thursday) ELEMENTARY PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days 11 (Friday) NO SCHOOL 21 and 22 (Monday-Tuesday) SECONDARY (9-12) EXAMS End of 1st Trimester 23-24-25 (Wednesday-Friday) THANKSGIVING VACATION (No School for ALL Students and Staff) DECEMBER 16 (Friday) LAST WORK DAY PRECEDING CHRISTMAS VACATION DECEMBER 17 (Saturday) JANUARY 2 (thru Monday) CHRISTMAS VACATION JANUARY 3 (Tuesday) SCHOOL RESUMES 25 and 26 (Wednesday-Thursday) SECONDARY (9-12) PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days 27 (Friday) ½ DAY FOR ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF End of 1st Semester for grades 6-8 FEBRUARY 24 (Friday) MID-WINTER BREAK FEB/MARCH 28 and 1 (Tuesday and Thursday) SECONDARY (6-8) PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days 29 and 1 (Wednesday-Thursday) SECONDARY (9-12) EXAMS End of 2nd Trimester MARCH 2 (Friday) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY/PLC (1.0) (No School for ALL Students) 6-7-8 (Tues-Wed-Thurs) SECONDARY (9-12) MICHIGAN MERIT EXAM (MME)/DISTRICT TESTING 7 and 8 (Wednesday-Thursday) ELEMENTARY (Dk-5) PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days 9 (Friday) NO SCHOOL 30 (Friday) NO SCHOOL - SPRING BREAK BEGINS APRIL 9 (Monday) SCHOOL RESUMES 25 and 26 (Wednesday-Thursday) SECONDARY (9-12) PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES – Full School Days MAY 25 (Friday) NO SCHOOL 28 (Mond...
Recommendations for Transportation and School Attendance. (1) Based upon the above information and identified procedures, this student is able to be safely transported to and from and attend school and, therefore, transportation and school attendance is recommended. (2) Based upon the above information and procedures, this student is NOT above to be safely transported to and from school and, therefore, transportation is not recommended. (3) Based on the above information, it is recommended that the Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) be convened to determine appropriate school and support services. Signature of Physician Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date A. Health Insurance program from January 1, 2006 through June 30, 2010, may be eligible for reimbursement of a portion of out-of-pocket Drug Card costs ($10/$20) (see amounts in Article XVI.B.