Regular Contracts. A. All teachers employed by the Board shall be issued written contracts in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. Such contracts shall include the following information:
1. Name of teacher.
2. Name of the school district and board of education employing said teacher.
3. Type of contract, limited or continuing. If limited, the number of years contract is to be in effect.
4. Basis of determining compensation (i.e., classroom teacher B.A. degree - 5 years experience).
5. Provision for signature and date of signature of the teacher being contracted.
6. Number of days in teacher contract year (183).
B. The salary basis of determining compensation and the number of days in the teacher contract year for members on continuing contract or during the term of a multi-year limited contract shall be set forth in the annual salary notice.
Regular Contracts. All bargaining unit members shall be issued written contracts in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and the provisions of this Agreement. The Association recognizes the Board's right to adopt a policy unilaterally making every new teacher's employment conditional upon Board receipt of a Bureau of Criminal Identification record check. The Board may adopt such a policy to implement the provision of Section 109.57 (F) of the Ohio Revised Code. The Association agrees it will not file a grievance, unfair labor practice charge or otherwise challenge the establishment of such a policy. Bargaining unit members' regular contracts shall be of two (2) types, limited and continuing. Normally, limited contracts shall be offered in the following sequence; first contract one (1) year, second contract one (1) year, third contract three (3) years, fourth and succeeding contracts five (5) years. If the Superintendent intends to recommend to the Board an interruption of the normal sequence of contracts, the bargaining unit member shall be offered an opportunity to have a conference with the Superintendent prior to Board action and to be given the reasons for the recommended variation. At the end of such interruption of the normal sequence, the Superintendent and Board may elect again to deviate from the normal sequence (following the procedure that appears in the immediately preceding sentence), but in no event will a third successive interruption of the normal sequence occur. After such interruption(s) of the normal sequence, the member's next limited contract, if the member is rehired, will be the contract that would have been granted prior to the interruption(s) in the next sequential order. Continuing contracts shall be offered by the Board in accordance with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code except that: to be eligible all bargaining unit members must have served five (5) years in the District. The District shall not be required to offer a continuing contract to any bargaining unit member during the life of a multi-year contract. Contracts shall include the following information:
1. Name of bargaining unit member.
2. Name of school District and Board of Education employing the bargaining unit member.
3. Type of contract, limited or continuing. If limited, the number of years the contract is to be in effect.
4. Annual compensation to be paid when the contract is signed, with stipulation that any change would be based on Board-adopted salary schedule.
5. A statem...
Regular Contracts. Regular contracts are as follows:
Regular Contracts. 1. All employees shall be issued written regular contracts in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. Such contracts shall include the following information.
a. Name of teacher.
b. Name of the school district employing said teacher.
c. Type of contract—limited or continuing.
d. Agreed upon compensation to be paid for the first year of the contract (percentage of full-time contract if applicable).
e. If a limited contract, term of contract.
f. Agreed upon step and classification of the initial salary paid.
g. Provision for signature and date of signing by the teacher, Board President, and Treasurer.
Regular Contracts. All contracts issued to a certificated employee(s) by the Board shall be in writing and signed by officers as provided by law.
a. New employees shall receive one-year probationary contracts for the first two years of employment. These contracts expire automatically and without notice. This subsection supersedes O.R.C. sections 3319.11 and 3319.111.
b. If re-employed and evaluations are satisfactory, the third and subsequent contract issued to such employee shall be a two (2) to five (5) year limited contract.
Regular Contracts. 1. Individual contracts are between the Member and the Board but will be subject to the provisions of the Master Agreement.
Regular Contracts. All contracts with certificated/licensed personnel employed by the Board shall be in writing and signed by officers as provided by law. All employees new to the Genoa Area Local School District shall be awarded a limited contract for not more than one (1) year. If reemployed, the term of the second limited contract shall be for one (1) year. If reemployed, the term of the next two (2) succeeding limited contracts shall be for two (2) years. If reemployed, succeeding limited contracts shall be for five (5) years. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph and superseding the provisions of Ohio Revised Code 3319.11, a one (1) year probationary limited contract may be issued at the end of any contract period if, in the opinion of the Superintendent, the employee has certain deficiencies. Written reasons and prescriptions for the professional improvement of the teacher shall be given to the employee by the Superintendent during a conference with the Superintendent. If the employee is recommended for further employment, the above contract sequence shall be resumed at the point at which it was interrupted.
Regular Contracts. 1. Contracts are by and between the individual and the Board.
2. Teachers new to the District except those participating in the RESA program shall be granted one (1) year limited contracts for the first three (3) years of employment with the District unless the teacher becomes a continuing contract teacher.
3. If re-employed after the first three (3) years of employment with the District, the fourth and subsequent contracts issued to such teacher shall be limited contracts for a period of three
Regular Contracts. Teachers covered hereunder shall be issued written regular contracts in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. Such contracts shall include the following information:
1. Name of teacher.
2. Name of the school district and board of education employing said teacher.
3. Type of contract limited or continuing.
4. Agreed upon step and classification of the Salary Schedule.
5. First and last days of work for the next school year.
6. Provision for signature and date of signing by the teacher, Board President and Treasurer. Tentative building, subject or grade level assignments will be made if possible by June 1st but no later than the end of the second full week in July.
Regular Contracts. All teachers employed by the Board shall be issued written contracts in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code (Section 3319.08). Such contracts shall include the following information:
1. Name of teacher.
2. Name of the school district and board employing said teacher. All teachers assigned additional responsibilities and granted additional compensation for such responsibilities shall be given a written contract that is in addition to their regular contract in keeping with the Ohio Revised
a) Name of said teacher.
b) Name of the school district and board of education for which responsibilities shall be performed.
c) Number of years contract is to be in force.
d) Statement of additional responsibility(ies) and compensation to be provided for each.
e) Dates within which compensation is being provided for said responsibility.
f) Basis by which compensation will be paid.
g) Total additional duty compensation.
h) Provision for signature of the Board President and Treasurer of the Board.
i) Provision for signature and date by the teacher.
3. All teachers who do not qualify for a continuing contract shall, when employed and if reemployed, receive contracts in the following sequence: