SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. The Board, when issuing limited teaching contracts, shall act in accordance with the following sequence:
a. First contract one (1) year limited contract
b. Second contract one (1) year limited contract
c. Third contract one (1) year limited contract
d. Fourth contract and subsequent years two (2) year limited contract unless eligible for a continuing contract The Board may hire a bargaining unit member who holds a continuing contract (or tenure) in another public school district on a two-year limited contract.
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. Any teacher on or eligible to receive a multi-year contract shall only be offered a contract of lesser duration based on reason(s) that have been identified in the evaluation process between the employee and his/her evaluator(s). Any such lesser-duration contracts shall be accompanied by an agreed Plan of Improvement, developed in conjunction by the evaluating administrator, the teacher, and other appropriate representatives.
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. For Certificated and Classified (employed after January 1, 2012) Upon initial employment, a bargaining unit employee's contract of employment shall be for a term of not more than one (1) year with an automatic nonrenewal at the end of the year; if an employee is hired with a starting date on or after December 1st for the remainder of the year and is reemployed, the next contract shall be for a term of one (1) year. If reemployed at the conclusion of a full one (1) year contract or at the conclusion of an initial partial year contract with a starting date prior to December 1st, the subsequent contracts shall be in the following sequence: Certificated Employees Classified Employees
1. Second contract – 1 year limited, 1. Second contract – 2 year limited, automatic nonrenewal except as specified below
2. Third contract – 3 year limited, 2. Third contract – 2 year limited except as specified below except as specified below
3. Subsequent contracts – 5 year limited, 3. Fourth contract – 2 year limited, except as specified below except as specified below
4. Fifth contract -continuing except as specified below At any point prior to the awarding of a continuing contract, the Board shall have the option to issue a one (1) year limited contract. This option is only available one (1) time. If the Board reemploys the employee at the conclusion of that contract, the employee will receive the next regularly scheduled multi-year contract or, if eligible, a continuing contract. Except as otherwise stated above, the contracts of certificated employees are governed by Sections 3319.11, 3319.08 and 3319.16 of the ORC, and the contracts of classified employees are governed by Sections 3319.081 and 3319.083 of the ORC.
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. 1. New Teachers No new teacher may be employed on more than a one-year contract unless:
a. He/she had already taught at least one (1) year on a continuing contract in another school system.
b. He/she is returning after a leave of absence or after a period of no teaching or teaching in another school system and had been eligible for more than a one-year contract when he/she left Monroeville.
c. Credit on the teacher salary schedule will be given up to five (5) years for previous teaching experience in a duly accredited school as defined in ORC 3317.13 upon employment. Additional credit not to exceed five (5) years for military experience or alternative civilian service required by the Selective Service System will be given upon initial employment. Additional experience credit may be granted by the Superintendent.
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS a. The Board, when issuing and continuing contracts, shall act in accordance with the following sequence2: 1st contract 1 year contract 2nd contract 1 year contract 3rd contract 1 year contract 4th contract 3 year contract 5th contract 5 year contract
b. When considering bargaining unit members for their fifth (5th) and succeeding contracts, the Board may non-renew a bargaining unit member only for just cause.
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. 18.1. Limited contracts in the district shall be for the following periods, provided that any professional staff member beginning employment during a school year shall commence such sequence, if rehired, the following school year: First Contract 1 year Second Contract 1 year Third Contract 1 year Fourth Contract 1 year Fifth Contract and thereafter 3 years
18.2. The administration retains the ability to intercede before or during the first year of a multi- year limited contract if the professional staff member has been rated Ineffective in some standards or has below expected student growth via the evaluation process. An administrator and the professional staff member shall cooperatively develop an Improvement plan, and the professional staff member may be placed on a 1 year limited contract. If the professional staff member has not made satisfactory progress, it may be recommended, as an alternative to nonrenewal, that a second 1 year limited contract be offered. If satisfactory progress is made on the 1 year limited contract, a multi-year contract shall again be offered.
18.3. Notwithstanding anything otherwise to the contrary in Ohio law, which otherwise contrary provisions shall be superseded hereby, for unit members who were certificated and/or licensed prior to January 1, 2011, the following shall apply: Nothing herein shall deny a teacher the right to be issued a continuing contract in keeping with the Ohio Revised Code, except that, in order to be considered for a continuing contract:
1. A unit member shall have a professional, permanent, or life certificate or license;
2. If holding a professional license, a unit member shall have had either a master’s degree at the time of initially receiving a teacher’s certificate or an educator license and have completed 6 semester hours of graduate coursework in his/her area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of his/her teacher’s certificate or license per state rules or shall have completed 30 semester hours of course work in the area of licensure or in an area related to the teaching field since the initial issuance of such certificate or license, per state rules;
3. A unit member shall have taught at least three years of the last five in the District or have attained continuing contract status elsewhere and have served two years in the District; and
4. A unit member has had on file with the Executive Director of Human Resources no later than September 15th o...
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. The sequence of contracts for individual teachers shall be as follows:
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS. Teachers employed by the Lakewood Board of Education shall be offered a regular limited contract in the following manner:
1. Upon initial employment a one (1) year contract shall be issued by the Board, except with prior notification to the Association President.
2. The second contract issued by the Board normally will be for two (2) years. If a second one (1) year contract is issued, it shall be accompanied by written reasons for issuance along with a cooperatively developed plan for improvement.
3. After the two (2) year contract, each successive contract issued by the Board will be for five (5) years.
4. Continuing contracts shall be granted by the Board in keeping with RC 3319.
SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTS a. Upon employment, certified staff members shall be granted:
1. One (1) year limited contract for three consecutive years.
2. A single two (2) year limited contract.
3. Three (3) year limited contracts thereafter (if not eligible for continuing contract).
4. A staff member may be awarded a one (1) year limited probationary contract, either at the conclusion of a one (1) year limited contract or at the conclusion of the contract year for a staff member holding a multi- year limited contract.