Religious Holy Leave.
1. A Teacher may receive a total of three (3) days paid leave for Religious Holy Leave per School Year.
2. Teachers shall not absent themselves from duty without first securing permission from the School Division.
3. For the purposes of this Article, Religious Holy Leave shall be defined as major religious holy days observed by the Teacher and designated as a day of obligation by the Teacher’s religion and where observance requires an absence from work for all or part of the day. These days are for days not covered by Manitoba statutory holidays.
4. When Teachers are absent for observance of Religious Holy Leave days in excess of three (3) days per School Year, the days shall be without pay.
5. The following notification period will apply:
a) Teachers on staff requiring Religious Holy Leave during the School Year shall provide notice in writing on the prescribed form as soon as possible after the start of the School Year, however, not later than September 30th.
b) For Teachers requiring Religious Holy Leave prior to October 15th, ten (10) teaching days' notice in writing shall be given to the School Division. For Teachers requiring Religious Holy Leave October 15th or later, notice in writing of leave required for that School Year shall be given by September 30th.
c) For those Teachers commencing employment with the School Division at a time other than the start of the School Year and who require Religious Holy Leave, notice in writing, shall be given to the School Division within ten (10) working days of active employment.
6. Where the appropriate notice has not been given to the School Division, the School Division shall provide Religious Holy Leave and that leave will be granted without pay. The Division shall act reasonably and fairly having regard to all circumstances.
7. The Parties agree that this Article constitutes reasonable accommodation for Religious Holy Leave.
Religious Holy Leave. (a) Employees desiring to observe recognized religious holy days will be allowed up to three (3) days time off through one (1) of two (2) options:
1) time off in lieu of Easter Monday, Christmas Day or Boxing Day; or
2) mutually agreed to alternate arrangements such as vacation, accumulated time or leave without pay.
(b) Employees choosing to substitute religious holy days for Easter Monday, Christmas Day and/or Boxing Day will, where practical, be allowed to work in their regular job classification and work location and with their regular rate of pay for the time worked on these days. Where this is not practical, the employees may be redeployed to a position they are qualified for at a suitable work site. Redeployed employees will receive their regular rate of pay.
(c) Employees choosing alternate arrangements will, through discussions with the Division, establish a practical and mutually agreed upon approach necessary to substitute their chosen religious holy days, to a maximum of three (3) working days.
Religious Holy Leave. (a) Employees desiring to observe recognized religious holy days will be allowed up to three (3) days time off through one (1) of two (2) options:
(i) time off in lieu of Easter Monday, Christmas Day or Boxing Day; or
(ii) mutually agreed to alternate arrangements such as vacation, accumulated time or leave without pay.
(b) Employees choosing to substitute religious holy days for Easter Monday, Christmas Day and/or Boxing Day will, where practical, be allowed to work in their regular job classification and work location and at their regular rate of pay for the time worked on these days. Where this is not practical, the employees may be redeployed to a position they are qualified for at a suitable work site. Redeployed employees will receive their regular rate of pay.
(c) Employees choosing alternate arrangements will, through discussions with the Division, establish a practical and mutually agreed upon approach necessary to substitute their chosen religious holy days, to a maximum of three (3) days.
(d) Notification – Religious Holy Leave:
(i) Employees requiring religious holy days prior to October 15 shall provide the Division with ten (10) working days notice in writing.
(ii) Employees requiring religious holy days after October 15 shall provide notice of all leave required that school year by September 30.
(iii) Employees commencing employment with the Division at a time other than the start of the school year and who require religious holy days, shall provide the Division with written notice of their requirements within ten(10) working days of commencing active employment.
(e) For the purposes of this Article, religious holy days shall be interpreted as major religious holy days normally observed by the employee and designated as a day of obligation by the employee’s religion for which an employee must abstain from engaging in paid employment.
Religious Holy Leave a) A teacher under contract shall be given leave of absence up to a maximum of three
Religious Holy Leave. (a) Employees desiring to observe recognized religious holy leave will be allowed up to three
Religious Holy Leave. Teachers shall not absent themselves from duty for reasons of religious holy days without first securing permission from the Superintendent. All requests for such approval shall be made through the principal on the form prescribed.
(a) No deduction from salary shall be made when teachers are absent for observance of religious holy days, up to a maximum of three (3) days per school year.
(b) When teachers are absent for observance of religious holy days in excess of three (3) days per school year a teacher may receive regular salary less the rate for a substitute in the teacher's salary classification.
(c) The following notification period will apply:
(i) for teachers requiring religious holy leaves prior to October 15th, ten (10) working days' notice in writing shall be given to the Division, for teachers requiring religious holy days after October 15th, notice in writing of leave required for that school year shall be given by September 30th.
(ii) for those teachers commencing employment with the Division at a time other than the start of the school year and who require religious holy leave, notice in writing, shall be given to the Division within ten (10) working days of active employment.
(d) Where the appropriate notice has not been given to the Division, the Division shall provide religious holy days and that leave, at the Division's discretion, may be with pay or at regular salary less the rate for a substitute in the teacher's salary classification, or with one two-hundredths (1/200ths) salary deduction per day. The Division shall act reasonably and fairly having regard to all circumstances.
(e) Religious Holy Leave shall be extended to include individuals teaching in the Adult ESL Program.
Religious Holy Leave. (continued)
Religious Holy Leave. 1. A Teacher may receive a total of three (3) days paid leave for Religious Holy Leave per School Year.
2. Teachers shall not absent themselves from duty without first securing permission from the School Division.
3. For the purposes of this Article, Religious Holy Leave shall be defined as major religious holy days observed by the Teacher and designated as a day of obligation by the Teacher’s religion and where observance requires an absence from work for all or part of the day. These days are for days not covered by Manitoba statutory holidays.
Religious Holy Leave. 43:01 Employees desiring to observe recognized religious holy days will be allowed up to three (3) days time off through one (1) or two (2) options:
(i) Time off in lieu any of the holidays, exclusive of Remembrance Day, listed in Article 25 - Holidays; or
(ii) mutually agreed to alternate arrangements such as vacation, accumulated time or leave without pay.
43:02 Employees choosing to substitute religious holy days where practical, be allowed to work in their regular job classification and work location and with their regular rate of pay for the time worked on these days.
43:03 Employees choosing alternative arrangements will, through discussions with the Agency establish a practical approach to substitute their chosen religious holy days, to a maximum of three (3) working days.
Religious Holy Leave. Employees desiring to observe recognized religious holy leave will be allowed up to (3) three days time off through one of two options: