Research and Design Sample Clauses
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Manager/Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. Conduct a Kickoff meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results, and project needs. This meeting shall include a complete walk thru of the project area with City Staff. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. Review existing maps, drawings, plans and reports on file at City of Laramie relating to the proposed work. Engineer must contact City Engineering for the information regarding this task.
4. Conduct field and geotechnical investigations as necessary or as directed by the City Project Engineer. This plan shall be included in the Engineer’s proposal.
i. Geotechnical information and subsequent design will be in accordance with the City of Laramie Pavement Study 2nd Edition (May 2017.) A copy of the pavement study may be obtained from the City Engineer.
ii. For these City projects, the pavement sections listed in the current Pavement Study are to be considered the minimum section. The detailed analysis conducted for each project location may indicate the need for a heavier section.
5. The Engineer shall research all land ownership and it shall be shown on the plans by the 60% design review.
6. Identify all easements, access agreements and permits that will be required.
i. Provide easement/access descriptions and exhibits to the City by the 60% design submittal.
ii. The City will be responsible for negotiating easements with landowners
7. Utilize potholing for design purposes to uncover existing and/or potential conflicts within each project area.
i. GPS coordinates shall be obtained by Engineer and shown on the plan set by the 60% stage.
ii. The Engineer must create a potholing plan for the project and reference to potholing approach shall be submitted with the proposal.
8. Investigate and identify alternate means and methods for constructing the project.
9. Make recommendations concerning means and methods for constructing the project.
10. The Engineer must research the location of all private utilities in the area of the project such as but not limited to Rocky Mountain Power, Black Hills Energy, CenturyLink, Charter Communications, University of Wyoming, and Union Pacific Railroad. The design should avoid conflicts with utilities. If a conflict is unavoidable the E...
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual. Project management will be done through the City of Laramie’s EADOC project management software.
2. Conduct a Kick Off meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results and project needs. This meeting shall include a complete walk thru of the project area with City Staff. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. Review existing maps, drawings, plans and reports on file at City of Laramie relating to the proposed work. Engineer must contact City Engineering for the information regarding this task.
4. Conduct field and geotechnical investigations as necessary or as directed by the City Project Engineer. This plan shall be included in the Engineer’s proposal.
i. Geotechnical information and subsequent design will be in accordance with the City of Laramie Pavement Study (2010.) A copy of the pavement study may be obtained from the City Engineer.
ii. For these City projects, the pavement sections listed in the current Pavement Study are to be considered the minimum section. The detailed analysis conducted for each project location may indicate the need for a heavier section.
5. The Engineer shall research all land ownership and it shall be shown on the plans by the 50% design review.
6. Identify any and all easements, access agreements and permits that will be required.
i. Provide easement/access descriptions and exhibits to the City
ii. The City will be responsible for negotiating easements with landowners
7. Utilize potholing for design purposes to uncover existing and/or potential conflicts within each project area.
i. GPS coordinates shall be obtained by Engineer and shown on the plan set by the 50% stage.
ii. The Engineer must create a potholing plan for the project and shall to be submitted with the proposal.
8. Investigate and identify alternate means and methods for constructing the project.
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. Conduct a Kick Off meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results and project needs. This meeting shall include a complete walk thru of the project area with City Staff. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. Review existing maps, drawings, plans and reports on file at City of Laramie relating to the proposed work. Engineer must contact City Engineering for the information regarding this task.
4. Investigate and identify alternate means and methods for constructing the project.
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. Conduct a Kick Off meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results and project needs. This meeting shall include a complete walk thru of the project area with City Staff. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. Make recommendations concerning means and methods for constructing the project.
4. The Engineer must research the location of all private utilities in the area of the project such as but not limited to Rocky Mountain Power, Source Gas, CenturyLink, Charter Communications, University of Wyoming, and Union Pacific Railroad. The design should avoid conflicts with utilities. If a conflict is unavoidable the Engineer shall design and coordinate a solution. Plans shall be submitted to the private utilities for review during the design of the project. All correspondence with the private utilities must be documented and provided to the City. The project will not be bid until documentation is provided.
5. All survey data shall be tied to Coast and Geodetic Survey BM (B66) 1948 GPS’S in 1992 NAD 1983, NAVD 1988, GEOID 03.
6. Conduct field surveying as needed, or as directed by the Project Engineer, to prepare the construction plans.
7. Develop solutions to any issues and needs raised by other agencies or entities.
8. Plans and specifications must be consistent with the current City of Laramie Project Manual. Contact City Engineer for latest version.
9. City of Laramie measurement and payment will be understood and complied with in its entirety by Engineer.
10. Bid Schedules and quantities will conform to measurement and payment section in the special provision section of the current Project Manual. Deviations from the standard list shall be submitted to the City Engineering Department for review and approval. The Engineer shall highlight in the submittal any changes. The Engineer shall provide the City Engineer a list of changes made to the Project Manual before the project can be bid.
11. Provide quantity lists for each bid item tied to a location on the plan sheets. Example: one ADA ramp on SE corner of X & Y Streets.
12. Prepare cost estimates for the project at the 60% and 90% and final design level.
13. Plan sets shall be submitted to the City for review at the 30%, 60%, 90% a...
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project in accordance to Wyoming Public Works Standard Specifications, City of Laramie Supplementary Specifications and the City of Laramie Standard Details.
2. Conduct a Kick-Off meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results, and project needs. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. The Engineer shall review existing maps, drawings, plans and reports on file at City of Laramie relating to the proposed work. Engineer must contact City Engineering for information regarding this task.
4. Conduct field investigations as necessary or as directed by the City Project Engineer. A preliminary plan shall be included in the Engineer’s proposal. Geotechnical and pavement information and subsequent design will be in accordance with the City of Laramie Pavement Study 2nd Edition (May 2017.) A copy of the pavement study may be obtained from the City Engineer.
5. The Engineer shall research all land ownership and it shall be shown on the plans by the 60% design review.
6. Identify all easements, access agreements and permits that will be required.
i. Provide easement/access descriptions and exhibits to the City
7. Utilize potholing for design purposes to uncover existing and/or potential conflicts within each project area.
i. GPS coordinates shall be obtained by Engineer and shown on the plan set by the 60% stage.
ii. The Engineer must create and submit a potholing plan with the proposal.
8. The Engineer will investigate and identify alternate means and methods for constructing the project.
9. The Engineer will make recommendations concerning means and methods for constructing the project.
10. The Engineer must research the location of all private utilities in the area of the project such as but not limited to Rocky Mountain Power, Source Gas, CenturyLink, Charter Communications, and Blue Peak. The design should avoid conflicts with utilities. If a conflict is unavoidable the Engineer shall design and coordinate a solution. Plans shall be submitted to the private utilities for review during the design of the project. All correspondence with the private utilities must be documented and provided to the City. The project will not be bid until documentation is provided.
11. All survey data shall be tied to Coast and Geodetic Survey BM (B66) 1948 GPS’S in 1992 NAD 1983, NAVD 1988, GEOID 03. If the City-wide Survey network goes li...
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. Conduct a kickoff meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results and project needs. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. Review existing known survey monuments around the City of Laramie, and provide the City of Laramie with best practice recommendations for implementing a Control Network based on existing conditions and future growth, as well as integration with the future 2022 datum. This will include, but not limited to:
i. Optimum spacing between points using a proposed modified grid
ii. Feasibility of using existing marks and determining the order/class
iii. Determine the number and type of new marks to install and type of leveling required for the control network
iv. Recommendations of best means and methods for implementing the Control Network
v. Recommend the best ways to integrate the Control Network throughout municipal operations.
4. The Engineer shall research all land ownership for proposed control stations for the network and shall be shown on the plans by the 50% design review.
5. Investigate and identify alternate means and methods for implementing the Control network.
6. All survey data shall be tied to Coast and Geodetic Survey BM (B66) 1948 GPS’S in 1992 NAD 1983, NAVD 1988, GEOID 03.
7. Engage with other agencies or entities to develop solutions to any issues and needs raised.
8. Engineer shall prepare exhibits of the 50% plans for a public meeting. Engineer will be responsible to document all comments, concerns and issues. The Engineer will conduct the meeting with City of Laramie serving a support role.
9. Public Notices shall be issued following the 50% design review. Notifications shall follow the City of Laramie notification policy.
10. Progress and review meetings shall be held at the 30%, 50%, 100% and final design or as needed for the project. The Engineer shall be responsible for writing down all comments made at review meetings and provide all the comments back to the City in the meeting minutes.
11. Engineer shall be responsible for errors and will be expected to pay for correcting design errors.
12. City review does not absolve the Engineer of any errors.
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. Conduct a Kick Off meeting with City Staff. This meeting is expected to have the majority landowner, or representative, in attendance. As a result of this meeting the engineer will have direction on the final alignment and easement boundaries. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
3. Review existing maps, drawings, plans and reports on file at City of Laramie relating to the proposed work. Engineer must contact City Engineering for the information regarding this task.
4. Conduct field and geotechnical investigations as necessary or as directed by the City Project Engineer.
5. The Engineer shall research all land ownership and it shall be shown on the plans by the 60% design review.
6. Identify all easements, access agreements and permits that will be required.
i. Provide easement/access descriptions and exhibits created by a licensed land surveyor.
ii. The City will be responsible for negotiating easements with landowners
i. GPS coordinates shall be obtained by Engineer and shown on the plan set by the 60% stage.
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. The design will include:
i. Abandonment of the existing Xxxx Xxx pressure reducing valve (PRV).
ii. Design of a new location and above ground housing structure to relocate the PRV and its communication system equipment.
iii. Ensuring a line-of-sight radio path for the communications equipment remains to allow for full communications functionality.
iv. Upgrading and/or replacing all PRV and communication system equipment.
3. Conduct a kickoff meeting with City Staff. This meeting will discuss the project scope, foreseeable issues, possible alternatives, desired results, and project needs. This meeting shall include a complete walkthrough of the project area with City Staff. The Engineer must provide a meeting agenda and notes of the meeting.
4. Review existing maps, drawings, plans and reports on file at City of Laramie relating to the proposed work. Engineer must contact City Engineering for information regarding this task.
5. The Engineer shall research all land ownership and it shall be shown on the plans by the 60% design review.
6. Identify all permits that will be required.
7. Investigate and identify alternate means and methods for constructing the project.
8. Make recommendations concerning means and methods for constructing the project.
9. The Engineer must research the location of all private utilities in the area of the project such as but not limited to Rocky Mountain Power, Black Hills Energy, CenturyLink, Charter Communications, University of Wyoming, and Union Pacific Railroad. The design should avoid conflicts with utilities. If a conflict is unavoidable the Engineer shall design and coordinate a solution. Plans shall be submitted to the private utilities for review during the design of the project. All correspondence with the private utilities must be documented and provided to the City. The project will not be bid until documentation is provided.
10. All survey data shall be tied to Coast and Geodetic Survey BM (B66) 1948 GPS’S in 1992 NAD 1983, NAVD 1988, GEOID 03.
11. Conduct field surveying as needed.
12. A minimum of two benchmarks must be provided on the drawings. Additional benchmarks may be required for larger projects or as directed by the City Project Engineer.
13. Develop solutions to any issues and needs raised by other agencies or entities.
14. Plans and specif...
Research and Design. The Wood Team has developed a design strategy to meet the project goals, resolve the key design considerations mentioned above, and meet WDEQ requirements. A kickoff meeting will be conducted with City staff as soon as possible following project award to discuss the preliminary layout presented in this proposal, potential alternatives, schedule, and project goals. Xxxx will provide a meeting agenda prior to the meeting and meeting minutes following the meeting.
Research and Design. 1. The Engineer shall design the project as directed by the City Project Engineer. The design shall at a minimum include a complete set of plans and a project manual.
2. The design will include:
i. Determination of a location to construct the new West Laramie wastewater main lift station.
ii. A new wastewater lift station including at a minimum the following features:
1. One bar screen with an overflow channel 2. One washer compactor
3. Pumping system that utilizes vacuum priming or other methods to minimize pump depth and improve serviceability
4. Automated public sewage dump station
5. Integrated communications (SCADA) equipment with existing system for full communications functionality
6. Overall increased pumping capacity to accommodate future development
7. Integration into the exiting backup generator system or addition of a new backup generator system
8. Bypass pump connections