RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. 84 Broker is hereby granted the authority to advertise this listing on the Internet. Broker is additionally permitted to file this 85 listing with any Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or similar service(s) of which Broker is a member. Seller understands 86 and agrees that by placing the listing on the MLS or these similar services, the listing may be included in a searchable 87 database provided by the MLS or similar service which can be viewed on other agents’ websites. Seller also agrees that 88 the listing may also appear on publicly accessible websites sponsored by and/or affiliated with the MLS, the local 89 association of Realtors®, or similar listing services and those who lawfully receive listing information from said entities.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. 128 Broker is hereby granted the authority to advertise this listing on the Internet. Broker is additionally permitted to file this 129 listing with any Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or similar service(s) of which Broker is a member. Seller understands 130 and agrees that by placing the listing on the MLS or these similar services, the listing may be included in a searchable 131 database provided by the MLS or similar service which can be viewed on other agents’ websites. Seller also agrees that 132 the listing may also appear on publicly accessible websites sponsored by and/or affiliated with the MLS, the local 133 association of Realtors®, or similar listing services and those who lawfully receive listing information from said entities. 134 Broker shall provide timely notice to MLS of status changes, shall use best efforts to produce a Buyer, and may divide 135 compensation with other real estate licensees for cooperation in connection with the sale or lease of the Property. Broker _______________________________ 136 shall offer a cooperative compensation to any agent who is a member participant of any MLS in which Property is listed 137 in the amount of 3 % of Selling Price/monthly rental amount or $ to a ________ 138 Selling Agent or Facilitator (an agent who is representing the interests of and/or is working with the Buyer/Tenant) who is 139 the procuring cause of the transaction. Broker may offer a cooperative compensation to an agent who is not a member 140 participant of the MLS(es) in which the Property is listed. In the event that Broker elects to offer a cooperating ___________________________________________ 141 compensation to an agent who is not a member participant in the MLS(es) in which the Property is listed, it will be in the _______ _____________________ 142 amount of % of Selling Price/monthly rental amount or $ to a Selling Agent or 143 Facilitator (an agent who is representing the interests of and/or is working with the Buyer) who is the procuring cause of 144 the transaction. In this event, Broker shall notify Seller in writing that a cooperative compensation is being offered to that 145 nonmember participant agent. Seller will assist Broker in any reasonable way in selling Property and will refer to Broker 146 all inquiries regarding this Property during the term of the Agreement, and any extensions or renewals thereof, and 147 authorizes Broker to provide final sales information to the MLS for the purpose of compiling comparable ...
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. Broker is hereby granted the authority to advertise this listing on the Internet. Broker is additionally permitted to file this listing with any Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or similar service(s) of which Broker is a member. Seller understands and agrees that by placing the listing on the MLS or these similar services, the listing may be included in a searchable database provided by the MLS or similar service which can be viewed on other agents’ websites. Seller also agrees that the listing may also appear on publicly accessible websites sponsored by and/or affiliated with the MLS, the local association of Realtors®, or similar listing services and those who lawfully receive listing information from said entities. Broker shall provide timely notice to MLS of status changes, shall use best efforts to produce a Buyer, and may divide compensation with other real estate licensees for cooperation in connection with the sale or lease of the Property. Seller will assist Broker in any reasonable way in selling Property and will refer to Broker all inquiries regarding this Property during the term of the Agreement, and any extensions or renewals thereof, and authorizes Broker to provide final sales information to the MLS for the purpose of compiling comparable sales data reports. Broker is authorized to place a real estate sign and lock box on the Property and to remove all other real estate signs; to disseminate the Multiple Listing Profile Sheet; to exhibit said Property to any prospective Buyer; and to have photographs/videos taken, and/or audio recorded for the creation of any advertising materials of said Property to be used and distributed in promoting the sale and to use same to advertise the Property on the Internet or other broadcast media; and to do such advertising as Broker deems appropriate. Seller shall allow the Property to be shown at all reasonable hours and otherwise cooperate with Broker. Seller agrees that Broker is authorized to receive on behalf of Seller all notices, offers, and other documents incidental to the offering and sale of the Property which is covered by this Agreement. Seller agrees that such receipt by Broker may be deemed to be receipt by Seller if such documents so provide or if the law so requires. Seller agrees to keep Broker informed of Seller's whereabouts in order for Broker to promptly forward all such notices, offers and other information to Seller.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. The Recipient The Recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that the Action is carried out in accordance with Annex 1 and the terms and conditions of this Agreement Forward to DW the data needed to draw up the reports, including originals or copies of financial supporting documents, such as bank statements, contracts, invoices, and timesheets, as well as other information or documents required for reports communicated to the EC and the BMZ Forward to DW any information needed in the event of audits, checks, monitoring or evaluation Undertake to disburse the funds in line with the budget allocated as described in Annex 2. Inform DW as soon as changes in the Action and Budget are forseeable and necessary. Grant access to DW to all project-related documents at any time Remain solely responsible towards DW for the correct use of the financial support. Deutsche Welle: DW shall Be the only intermediary for all communications between the Parties, as well as the BMZ. Monitor that the Action is implemented in accordance with this Contract and ensure the coordination with all parties involved in the implementation of the Action Be responsible for supplying all documents and information to the EC which may be required under this Agreement, in particular in relation to the narrative and financial reports. Be responsible for obtaining, verifying and consolidating all documents required before passing it to the EU and the BMZ. Inform EU and the BMZ of any event likely to affect or delay the implementation of the Action. Ensure that the appropriate payments are made to the Recipient without unjustified delay.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. Điều III : Trách nhiệm và Quyền lợi của các bên Bên A: Sẵn sàng mặt bằng, điện, nước… để Công ty cổ phần thi công xây lắp. Đảm bảo chắc chắn việc ký Hợp đồng hợp tác này là duy nhất. Chịu trách nhiệm về Đơn vị tư vấn khảo sát thiết kế bản vẽ thi công Dự án nếu Công ty cổ phần chọn Đơn vị mà Bên A giới thiệu và bồi thường cho bên B số tiền mà bên B đã mua cổ phần ban đầu khi dự án không được cấp phép hoạt động. Được hưởng tất cả các quyền lợi về cổ phần ưu đãi nêu tại điểm 5, Điều I. Bên B: Đảm bảo công nghệ, kỹ thuật tiên tiến của máy móc thiết bị cung cấp cho Dự án; đồng thời tuân thủ hoàn toàn các quy định tiêu chuẩn kỹ thuật của Việt Nam về máy móc thiết bị này. Đảm bảo tài chính và cung cấp thiết bị, kinh phí xây lắp để hòa điện Quốc gia sơm nhất có thể. Được hưởng tất cả các quyền lợi về cổ phần nêu tại điểm 5, Điều I.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. 33 The listing agent warrants they have received written permission from the Seller to enter into a co-listing agreement and 34 Seller has authorized the co-listing broker to advertise the property for sale. Instructions or changes to the listing remain 35 at the sole discretion of the listing broker.
(1) Develop and implement a fundraising campaign, including a fundraising budget, to raise one million dollars ($1,000,000) by June 30, 2018, for costs relating to the HNA Project, contingent upon the state providing one million dollars ($1,000,000) through a combination of cash and in-kind services towards the HNA Project in the same timeframe;
(2) Use its best efforts in this fundraising campaign to raise the one million ($1,000,000) but makes no guarantee or warranty that it will meet this goal;
(3) Keep DCA, MIAC, and BOR informed of all campaign activities and progress, including providing DCA, MIAC, and BOR with copies of campaign material referring to the HNA Project; and
(4) Provide DCA, MIAC and BOR with monthly financial reports for the HNA Project once the design, fabrication, installation and gallery renovations have begun.
B. The DCA or the MIAC, as appropriate under state law shall:
(1) Provide a total of one million dollars ($1,000,000), through a combination of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in cash and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in in-kind services, for costs related to the HNA Project by June 30, 2018, contingent upon the Foundation providing one million dollars ($1,000,000) for costs related to the HNA Project in the same time frame;
(2) Assign staff to the planning of the HNA Project;
(3) Commit staff until the HNA Project is completed;
(4) Provide the Foundation access to MIAC for the fundraising campaign upon reasonable advance notice provided by the Foundation;
(5) Review, collaborate on, and approve substantive campaign materials relating to DCA and MIAC; and
(6) Provide the Foundation and the BOR with regular updates of the HNA Project's status.
C. The parties agree:
(1) This Agreement is in addition to and does not replace in whole or in part existing agreements between the parties, including the prior commitment by the Foundation to raise a separate three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for the purposes of the HNA Project as matching funds required by the Legislature to match state funding of $300,000 in funds provided by the state Legislature;
(2) To the maximum extent authorized under New Mexico law, DCA shall keep all parties reasonably apprised of the procurement schedule;
(3) In accordance with the procedure in this paragraph, the Foundation will pay or cause to be paid up to one million dollars ($1,000,000) for HNA Project invoices from vendors. Vendors will submit all HN...
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. Executor shall: provide the Customer with timely manner in accordance with the list of services set forth in the application, notify Customers the Executor under this Agreement; the Services under subparagraph 1.1.1, paragraph 1.1 of this Agreement shall be made within 24 (twenty four) hours in the case of international air flights and within 3 (three) hours for flights within the Republic of Kazakhstan, after receiving the request under paragraph 1.2. of this Agreement. Terms of services provided for in subparagraphs 1.1.2.-1.1.9., paragraph 1.1 of this Agreement, shall be provided by the Executor within the term agreed between the Parties; provide to the Customer detailed information concerning the Services, including information about the optimum route, tickets, hotels, and any other information relating to the execution of this Agreement and in accordance with the request of the Customer.; convey the results of the Services provided under this Agreement to the Customer, upon the Customer’s request; immediately notify the Customer of all circumstances, besides those depending on the Customer, which threaten the timing and quality of the Services, and agree with the Customer a period to resolve such circumstances; give a quotation to the Customer with respect to the prices prior to performing any Services; before confirmation of a request, the Executor shall send to the Customer information regarding the terms of refusal and/or termination of one of the Services and/or the request as a whole, as well as the penalties amount, in written form; submit to the Customer bills for payment of services rendered and invoices of rending services; Inform the Company of any changes of rates and services provision by any Primary Supplier in due time, by sending a written notice. After any such changes payments and services provision shall be made on new terms following a common agreement by both Parties. Customer shall: fully to pay for the services of the Executor in a timely manner, as prescribed by section 3 of this Agreement; to provide the Executor with the request by e-mail: and/or by fax addressed to the consultant assigned by the Executor; In case of refusal or termination of Services, reserved and paid under a request, the Customer shall immediately send to the Executor a written notification. Repayment for terminated Services is made under the regulations of the Primary Supplier subject to the penalties upon the Customer that have been brought to his notice ...
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. 4.1. At the request of the Company to diligently, based on the Contractor’s best knowledge and skills, render the services outlined in Article 1 of the present Agreement.
4.2. At the request and in accordance with the Customer requirements, the Contractor shall promptly notify, either in writing or in oral, the Customer on the status of the services rendered under the present Agreement.
4.3. The Contractor shall keep strictly confidential and shall not disclose, or cause or permit to be disclosed, to any person or entity, any information about the conditions of the present Agreement.
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES. 1. Responsibilities and rights of the Vendor:
3.1.1. The Vendor undertakes to provide the Purchaser with the goods of proper quality, corresponding to certificates, other technical documentation and sanitary standards and regulations, in case it is available in the Vendor's warehouses, with respect to the Purchaser's order presented, not later than 72 hours after the moment of order reception.
3.1.2. The Vendor undertakes to provide data on novelties and remainders in the warehouses through e - mail every month.
3.1.3. The Vendor undertakes to perform exchange of inferior goods and also the goods not corresponding to the Purchaser's request within 5 (five) days since the moment of reception of evidence on such goods from the Purchaser. As inferior goods, one should consider the goods with obvious or concealed defects and also the goods returned by the third persons in connection with presence of defects therein, which appeared through the Vendor's fault and were not stipulated for by him while delivering.
3.1.4. In case of lacking of the goods in the Vendor's warehouses, the Vendor undertakes to inform the Purchaser within 24 hours on the probable delivery date.
3.1.5. The Vendor undertakes to compile documentation accompanying the goods.
3.1.6. The Vendor undertakes to provide quality guarantee for the goods within the limits of manufacturer's guaranties.