Flexible Schedule a) Repair, renovation and maintenance work for institutional and commercial buildings on which construction is finished: When the client’s re- quirements are such that the entire job cannot be performed within the standard work week, the employer may, further to an agreement with the majority union group, modify the work schedule according to the following terms and conditions:
i. The work week shall not exceed 40 hours with a daily limit of up to 10 hours sched- uled within the planned work week from Monday to Sunday. The work week shall not exceed 5 consecu- tive working days.
ii. The starting and ending time of the working day are determined when the agreement is reached.
iii. Every period of 4 consecutive 10-hour working days shall be followed by 3 compulsory consecutive rest days.
iv. Only employees who have agreed to such a schedule shall be assigned to this work schedule. Employees who so refuse shall not be subject to a reprimand.
v. Hours worked outside the standard working hours set forth under Division XX shall be subject to the change-in-work-schedule premium.
vi. All terms and conditions stipulated under the collective agreement that do not contravene this Article shall apply to employees assigned to the work schedule so established.
vii. The majority union group shall, within a short and reasonable time period not exceeding 4 working days following receipt of the request, or within 24 hours in urgent situations, approve or refuse such request, failing which, the modification sought is considered to be accepted. In the event of a refusal, the majority union group shall convey an explanation of its decision in writing to the employer and a copy of such shall be conveyed to the sector- based employers’ association. The union concerned and the Commission shall be notified promptly of such agree- ment.
Flexible Schedule. On occasion, teachers may need to work at times outside the regular work day to conduct their professional business. By mutual agreement between the affected teacher and the building administrator, scheduling can be independent of regular school hours.
Flexible Schedule. Servicing work:
a) Standard work week: The standard work week is 40 hours from Monday to Friday.
b) Standard work day: Daily working hours shall be a maximum of 10 consecutive hours from Monday to Friday.
c) Schedule: Daily working hours are scheduled between 6:30 and 20:00;
with a 1 2 hour or 1 hour lunch break without pay in the middle of the work day.
Flexible Schedule. Telework days may fluctuate weekly and will be mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee. Telework days permitted each week: Hours of work permitted each week: The supervisor must approve use of sick leave, vacation, comp time, or other types of leave in advance. Overtime must be approved in advance by the supervisor. (Describe the telework tasks, duties, and expectations – please use an attachment if more space is needed) The university is not responsible for lost or damaged private property. The state may pursue recovery from the employee for university-owned property deliberately or negligently damaged or destroyed while in the teleworker’s care, custody, or control. In the event of university- owned equipment failure, the teleworker must immediately notify their supervisor and may be assigned to another project and/or work location. The employee shall surrender all state- owned equipment and data documents immediately upon request.
Flexible Schedule. Where there is mutual agreement between an employer and her/his manager based on an employee-initiated request, Overtime under Article 7.4 will be based solely on time worked beyond forty (40) hours in the normal work period. This provision is intended to respond to the individual visiting nurses who desire greater flexibility in managing their workday while satisfying the Employer’s legal obligation around the required payment of overtime compensation.
Flexible Schedule. Construction work on institu- tional and commercial buildings: Under the special circumstances described in Paragraph c), an em- ployer may increase the number of daily working hours if it employs eight (8) employees or less on a job site, for the purpose of finishing or completing a work sequence outside the standard work day.
a) The work day may be 10 hours, with a weekly limit of 40 hours, scheduled from Monday to Friday.
b) The starting times for the work day are as specified under Article 20.02 3).
c) This subsection shall apply insofar as the work requires demobilizing for the purpose of remo- bilizing on the same job site or demobilizing for the purpose of another job site. Moreover, this subsection shall not result in daily hours in- creases being permitted on a regular basis.
d) This article shall not apply to crane operators (crane rental).
Flexible Schedule. Employees of the County may work a flexible work schedule. A flexible work schedule is a work schedule which varies the number of hours worked on a daily basis, but not necessarily each day, or a work schedule in which starting and stopping times vary on a daily basis, but not necessarily each day, but which does not exceed forty (40) hours in a workweek and is agreed upon in advance by the employees and the supervisor. All flexible work schedules must be approved in advance. An employee of the County may request a flexible work schedule by submitting a request in writing to his/her immediate supervisor. This request shall outline the proposed schedule. No employee shall be arbitrarily denied the opportunity of working a flexible schedule. Special consideration may be given to an employee who demonstrates an unusual hardship. All requests for flexible schedules are subject to change based on the changing needs of the department and subsequent requests to work a flexible work schedule.
Flexible Schedule. A. The following Teachers may be assigned a flexible schedule that may include a flexible workday (i.e., hours outside the standard student day), and/or a flexible work calendar (i.e., varies from the approved school calendar):
1. Teachers hired after 7/1/14;
2. Teachers whose positions are funded partially or fully using grant funds; or,
3. Teachers who were so notified upon hire;
4. Teachers working in positions that traditionally require before or after school instruction (e.g., choral/instrumental music teachers); or
5. Teachers who volunteer for a flexible schedule
B. When practicable and appropriate, volunteers will be sought when scheduling flexible work day/calendar before flexible assignments are made. In the event involuntary flexible work day/calendar assignments are deemed necessary by the principal, the teacher shall be notified of flexible work day/calendar arrangement prior to the issuance of contracts for the corresponding school year. Flexible work days shall not involve split days unless agreed to by the teacher.
Flexible Schedule. Employee schedules can be flexed within a work week to allow for variations in work, scheduling longer hours on a work day and shorter hours on another work day to keep that work week’s hours to a maximum of forty (40) hours or changing scheduled days off in advance of the work week. This does not invoke Report
Flexible Schedule. College employees may utilize a Flexible schedule as may be allowed from time to time by the College President. During such time as a Flexible Schedule may be in effect each department of the College must maintain adequate staffing at all times so as to continue the operations of the College.