00 - SENIORITY. 11:01 Seniority for Employees is defined as the length of continuous service in the employ of the Employer within the Bargaining Unit. Seniority for Part Time Employees shall be by number of hours worked exclusive of overtime within the Bargaining Unit. Seniority shall operate on a Bargaining Unit wide basis.
(a) The right of the Employees to fair and just consideration for vacancies in light of their length of continuous service and their qualifications;
(b) The right of the public to be served by qualified persons. Therefore, the Parties agree that: In promotions, demotions, transfers, lay-offs and recalls, the following factors shall be considered:
(a) Length of continuous service (seniority);
(b) Efficiency, knowledge, and ability of the Employee, and the qualifications as contained in the job descriptions. When factor (b) is relatively equal in the judgment of the Employer, which judgment shall not be exercised in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner, factor (a) shall govern.
11:01 (1)(a) Should circumstances require a reduction of Employees, Temporary Employees, Probationary Employees and Casual/Seasonal Part Time Employees in the Bargaining Unit shall be released first. If a further reduction of Employees is required, Regular Part Time Employees shall be laid off first, and then commencing with those Permanent Full Time Employees with the least seniority. Regular Part Time Employees cannot use this provision to change their Employment status from Part Time to Full Time.
11:01 (1)(b) A Regular Part Time Employee shall be deemed laid off under this Agreement when their reduction in scheduled hours over twelve (12) consecutive weeks is equal to or greater than twenty-five (25%) percent. Other hours (i.e. call-ins) shall not be considered in determining if a layoff of Regular Part Time Employees has occurred.
11:01 (1)(c) Seniority for all Seasonal Part Time and Temporary Employees shall be maintained unless there is a break in service in excess of two (2) years.
00 - SENIORITY. 10.01 Except as otherwise provided in this article, seniority shall be defined as the length of an Employee's compensated service with the University (excluding service as a Temporary employee) excluding overtime since the most recent date of hiring.
10.02 Employees of the University who transfer from outside the Bargaining Unit into positions in the Bargaining Unit shall not retain previously earned seniority for the purpose of determining lay-offs under Article 11.03 unless such seniority had been earned as a member of the Bargaining Unit or in a position excluded from the Bargaining Unit because of the confidential nature of the work and which is classified in accordance with Article 27.00 – Job Evaluation, or in a position which is included in the Bargaining Unit as a result of the Union seeking inclusion of their position in the Bargaining Unit.
(a) An Employee who proceeds on an approved leave of absence without pay shall retain the seniority acquired up to and including the last day of work provided that the period of absence does not exceed twelve (12) months. Seniority shall not accumulate during the period of such absence. Approved leaves of absence of up to ten (10) working days per year shall not affect an Employee's seniority.
(b) An Employee shall continue to accumulate seniority throughout the term of an approved pregnancy leave.
(c) An Employee who is laid off (excluding sessional lay-offs) shall retain the seniority acquired up to and including one month beyond the last day of work provided that the period of lay-off does not exceed eighteen (18)
00 - SENIORITY. For the purposes of applying and interpreting article 5-4.00, seniority shall only be calculated in accordance with the provisions of clauses 5-3.02, 5-3.03, 5-3.06, 5-3.07, and 5-3.
00 - SENIORITY. Seniority, as referred to in the Agreement, shall mean length of service, without interruption, in the employ of the Corporation and shall be on a bargaining unit wide basis.
00 - SENIORITY. 12.01 On the date of completion of his probationary employment, an employee's seniority shall date back to the day on which his employment began and thereafter shall accrue as provided herein.
12.02 Subject to Section 12.03 and 13.05, an employee's seniority shall pertain solely to his classification - the classifications which the parties have hereto agreed upon for this purpose are listed in Appendix "A" of this Agreement.
(a) Should an employee be permanently transferred from one classification to another classification, his seniority shall continue to pertain to his old classification for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after which, if the transfer remains in effect, his seniority shall pertain to his new classification.
(b) Employees temporarily transferred to a higher classification shall not accrue seniority in that classification for the temporary period but shall receive the rate of pay for such classification. Employees temporarily transferred to a lower classification shall continue to accrue seniority in their own classification and receive their normal rate of pay. Such employees shall retain any accrued seniority in any previous classification. For the purpose of this Article a temporary transfer shall not exceed sixty (60) calendar days.
00 - SENIORITY. 7:01 Seniority as referred to in this Agreement shall mean length of continuous and unbroken service with the Employer and will accumulate retroactively to the date of hire, upon completion of a probationary period of:
1) for Full-Time Employees, ninety (90) days worked but may be extended to one hundred and twenty (120) days worked, with mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. It is understood that the days worked will include designated holidays.
2) for Part-Time Employees, a period of six (6) consecutive months, but may be extended to nine (9) consecutive months with written notice to the Employee and the Union.
3) The probationary period will exclude absences for which Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits are received.
4) Seniority will not accumulate for periods of unpaid leave of more than three hundred and sixty-five (365) calendar days.
7:02 Seniority for Part-Time Employees will be calculated based on the Employee's normal work week (excluding overtime) as follows:
00 - SENIORITY. 12.01 On the day following the completion of his probationary employment an employee shall have three (3) months seniority and thereafter shall accrue seniority as provided herein.
00 - SENIORITY. 9.01 Seniority shall, for the purpose of this Agreement, unless specified otherwise, be defined as an employee's length of continuous full-time service since his last date of hire within the Corrections Sergeant Division. Employees shall not be credited with their seniority until their probationary period has been completed. Seniority shall apply where expressly required by a provision of the Agreement.
9.02 An employee shall lose his seniority and no longer be an employee if:
1) He voluntarily terminates his employment, except as stated in Section 9.01;
2) He is absent from work without valid reason;
3) He is discharged for just cause;
4) He has been laid off for a period exceeding eighteen (18) months;
5) He does not notify the Employer of his intention to return to work within three calendar days after notification of recall from layoff is mailed, by certified mail, to his last address known to Employer, or he does not return to work within fourteen
00 - SENIORITY. 10.01 Except as otherwise provided in this article, seniority shall be defined as the length of an Employee's compensated service with the University (excluding service as a Temporary Employee) excluding overtime since the most recent date of hiring.
00 - SENIORITY. 13:01 Seniority shall commence at the commencement date of employment after the Employee has been in the employ of the Employer for one hundred and sixty-eight (168) working hours, and seniority shall be defined as Company Seniority.