Emergency Services Leave (a) An Employee who engages in a voluntary emergency management activity is entitled to be absent without loss of pay from his or her employment for a total of 5 days per annum commencing at the start of each calendar year. For the avoidance of doubt, any days not utilised by the Employee by the end of the calendar year, do not carry over into the subsequent year. (b) Voluntary emergency management activity has the meaning provided by the FWA.
Xxxxx’s leave 22.2.1 In normal circumstances an employee is not entitled to take carer's leave where another person has taken simultaneous leave to care for the same person. 22.2.2 The employee must, if required by the Employer, establish by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration, the illness of the person concerned and that the illness is such as to require care by another. 22.2.3 The employee must where practicable, give the Employer notice prior to the absence of the intention to take leave, the name of the person requiring care and their relationship to the employee, the reason for taking such leave and the estimated length of absence. If it is not practicable for the employee to give prior notice of absence, the employee must notify the Employer by telephone of such absence at the first opportunity on the day of the absence. 22.2.4 The same considerations in quantum of carer’s leave applicable to part time Employees may be extended to eligible casuals but on an unpaid basis
Long Service Leave (1) Subject to subclause (3) of this clause, an employee who has completed ten years’ continuous service with the employer shall be entitled to (a) up to 31 December 2006, ten weeks’ long service leave (b) from 1 January 2007, thirteen weeks’ long service leave (c) For each subsequent period of ten years’ service an employee shall be entitled to an additional thirteen weeks’ long service leave. (2) An employee who has accrued a minimum entitlement of ten weeks’ long service leave shall be entitled to take such leave. (3) Employees are entitled to take long service leave in minimum periods of one week. (4) In calculating an employee’s entitlement under this clause, continuous service with the employer prior to the 1st day of January 1997 shall be taken into account in the following manner: (a) In the case of an employee who has already accrued an entitlement to long service leave with the employer prior to the 1st day of January, 1997, the employee shall continue to accrue subsequent entitlements to long service leave in accordance with the provisions of subclause (1) of this clause. (b) In the case of an employee who, at the 1st day of January 1997, had not accrued an entitlement to long service leave, the employee’s entitlement shall be calculated on the following basis: For any period of continuous employment prior to the 1st day of January 1997, an amount calculated on the basis of 13 weeks’ long service leave on full pay for each 15 years of continuous service, in accordance with the relevant award. (c) In the case of employees who have worked less than full-time during the accrual period, long service leave shall be paid at the rate of the average of hours worked over the accrual period. (5) The expression “continuous service” includes any period during which the employee is absent on full pay from their duties, but does not include: (a) Any period exceeding two weeks during which the employee is absent on leave without pay. In the case of leave without pay which exceeds eight weeks in a continuous period, the entire period of that leave is excised in full; (b) Any service of an employee who resigns or is dismissed, other than service prior to such resignation or prior to the date of any offence in respect of which they are dismissed by the employer, when that prior service has actually entitled the employee to long service leave under this clause. (6) Any entitlement to annual leave that falls due during the period of long service leave shall be recognised as extra leave and not included in the long service leave. (7) Any public holiday which occurs during the period an employee is on long service leave shall be treated as part of the long service leave and extra days in lieu thereof shall not be granted. (8) Where an employee has become entitled to a period of long service leave in accordance with this clause, the employee shall commence such leave as soon as possible after the accrual date, or in a manner mutually agreed between the employer and employee. (9) Payment for long service leave shall be made; (a) in full before the employee goes on leave, or (b) by the normal fortnightly payment intervals; (c) or by agreement between the employee and the employer. (10) Where an employee has completed at least 7 years’ service but less than 10 years’ service and employment is terminated- (a) by their death; (b) in any circumstances, other than serious misconduct, the amount of leave shall be such proportion to the number of completed years of such service bears to 10 years. (11) In the case to which subclause (8) of this clause applies and in any case in which the employment of the employee who has become entitled to leave hereunder is terminated before such leave is taken or fully taken the employer shall, upon termination of employment otherwise than by death, pay to the employee and upon termination by death, pay to the personal representative of the employee upon request by the personal representative, a sum equivalent to the amount which would have been payable in respect of the period of leave to which they are entitled or deemed to have been entitled and which would have been taken but for termination. Such payment shall be deemed to have satisfied the obligation of the employer in respect of leave hereunder. (12) Where an employee is ill during a period of long service leave and produces at the time, or as soon as practicable thereafter, medical evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person that as a result of illness or injury the employee was confined to their place of residence or a medical facility for a period of at least fourteen (14) consecutive days, the employer shall grant sick leave for the period the employee was so confined and reinstate long service leave equivalent to the period of confinement.
Education services 1.1 Catholic education is intrinsic to the mission of the Church. It is one means by which the Church fulfils its role in assisting people to discover and embrace the fullness of life in Xxxxxx. Catholic schools offer a broad, comprehensive curriculum imbued with an authentic Catholic understanding of Xxxxxx and his teaching, as well as a lived appreciation of membership of the Catholic Church. Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) governs the operation of MACS schools and owns, governs and operates the School. 1.2 Parents and guardians, as the first educators of their children, enter into a partnership with the Catholic school to promote and support their child’s education. Parents and guardians must assume a responsibility for maintaining this partnership by supporting the school in the provision of education to their children within the scope of School's registration and furthering the spiritual and academic life of their children.
Community Service Leave Community service leave is provided for in the NES.
Pregnancy and Maternity Services This plan covers physician services and the services of a licensed midwife for prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care. The first office visit to diagnose a pregnancy is not included in prenatal services. This plan covers hospital services for mother and newborn child for at least forty-eight
General Services JHSS shall be responsible for administering and/or performing the customary services of a transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent; acting as service agent in connection with dividend and distribution functions; and for performing shareholder account and administrative agent functions in connection with the issuance, transfer and redemption or repurchase (including coordination with the Custodian) of Shares of each Fund, as more fully described in Schedule 1 - Duties of JHSS attached hereto and made part hereof, and in accordance with the terms of the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of the Fund, applicable laws and the procedures established from time to time between the Fund and JHSS.
Transportation Services i) In the event that transportation services for a student served by CONTRACTOR pursuant to an Individual Services Agreement are to be provided by a party other than CONTRACTOR or the LEA or its transportation providers, such services shall be reflected in a separate agreement signed by the parties hereto, and provided to the LEA and SELPA Director by the CONTRACTOR. Except as provided below, CONTRACTOR shall compensate the transportation provider directly for such services, and shall charge the LEA for such services at the actual and reasonable rates billed by the transportation provider, plus a ten percent (.
Medical Services Plan Regular Full-Time and Temporary Full-Time Employees shall be entitled to be covered under the Medical Services Plan commencing the first day of the calendar month following the date of employment. The City shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums required by the plan.
Autism Services This plan covers the following services for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. • Applied behavior analysis when provided and/or supervised by an individual licensed by the state in which the service is rendered. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the amount that you pay. • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy services when rendered as part of the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. A benefit limit will not apply to these services. • Psychological and psychiatric services, and prescription drugs are also covered. See Behavioral Health Services and Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies for additional information. Coverage for autism spectrum disorders does not affect any obligation of a school district, a state or other governmental entity to provide services to an individual under an individualized family service plan, an individualized education program, or similar services required under state or federal law. Services related to autism that are furnished by school personnel are not covered under this plan.