Shift Interval Sample Clauses

Shift Interval. There shall be an interval of not less than ten (10) hours between shifts for all employees. An employee who is not allowed a ten (10) hour interval between shifts shall be paid at the rate of time and one half (1½) for time worked prior to the expiry of the ten (10) hour interval.
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Shift Interval. At least ten (10) hours shall elapse between the termination of the shift of an employee and the commencement of his next shift.
Shift Interval. A t least ten (10) hours shall elapse between the termination of the shift of any em­ ployee and the commencement of his next shift.
Shift Interval. 6(b) 4 SC H ED U LE D TO W O R K A H O L ID A Y ............... ..... 6(c) 4 H O L ID A Y EVE............................ .................... ..... 6(d) 4 M E A L PERIO D ...... ......................................... ..... 6(e) 4 RELIEF ......................................................... ..... 6(f) 4 W O R K S C H E D U L E A N D P R E M I U M R A T E S D A ILY G U A R A N T EE ..................... SHO RT H O U R P R E M IU M ................................. EM PLO YEES O N LAST SHIFT ................ N IG H T P R E M IU M .................. 8(d) 6 R E G U L A T IO N S ......................................................... 17(h) 10 B U SIN ESS EXPENSE ................................................. .17 (i) 10 6 4 L IM IT A T IO N .................... I7(i) 10 EM PLO YER A C C E P T A N C E ..................... .17{k) 10 STANDARD PROVISIONS D IS C H A R G E S A N D LAY O FFS (Discharges)............ . 3(a) 2 T E R M IN A T IO N ........................................... 3(b) 2 3(d) 2 ------6(i) W O R K P E R F O R M A N C E (Discharge and Union Notice) 3(c) 2 SEN IO R IT Y (Rights).................................................... P R EM IU M D A Y (Between 12:01 a.m. and Midnight) 6(k) G EN ER A L P R O V ISIO N S .4 P R O H IB IT IO N O F O VERTIM E (Premium Day)......... 6(1) S_AF_E_T_Y RULES.. 4(a) SEPARATE EM PLO YER S.............................. .......... . 6(m) M IL IT A R Y S E R V IC E ............. - 4(b) H O L I D A Y S (N o work on three holidays) 9(a) Holiday workamount of pay 9 ( a - l) Holidays falling on Sunday 9(a-2) Holidays in same week 9(a-3) B O N D IN G ........................... 4(c) F LO O R C O V E R IN G (Check Stands) 4(d) U N IF O R M S ........................................... 4(e) T O O LS A N D E Q U IP M E N T 4(f) PA YD A Y A N D D E D U C T IO N S .......................... ..........— 4 (g) Eligibility for holiday pay.......... ......... ....._ 9(a-4) H O L ID A Y W E E K 9(b) OTHER H O L ID A Y O B SE R V A N C E 9(c) H O U R S , O V E R T I M E A N D S U N D A Y P R E M I U M P A Y . 5 B A SIC W O R K D A Y A N D W EEK (Lunch H our) 5(a) O VERTIM E RATES FO R D AY S IN C A L E N D A R W EEK A N D H O L ID A Y W E EK S 5(b) B O A RD A N D R O O M U N IO N BU SINESS C L A IM L IM IT .... ......
Shift Interval. There shall be an interval of not less than ten (10) hours between shifts for all employees. An employee who is not allowed ten (10) hour intervals between shifts shall be paid the rate of time and one half (1 ½ X) for time worked prior to the expiry of the ten (10) hour interval. The hours which an employee works prior to the expiry of the ten (10) hour interval will be included in determining the basic workday for the purpose of calculating overtime. (Example: An employee’s shift ends at 10:00 p.m. and they start the next day at 6:00 a.m. working through to 5:00 p.m. with an hour for lunch (ten (10) hours worked). That employee is entitled to pay as follows: the first two (2) hours at time and one half (1 ½ X), the next six (6) hours at regular time and the last two (2) hours at time and one half (1 ½ X) because these hours exceed eight (8) in one (1) day).
Shift Interval. In the event of a same-day, short notice call-in, the senior employee who is not scheduled to work on that day shall be given the first opportunity to accept the relief shift. If he cannot be contacted or if he chooses not to accept the relief shift then it shall be offered to the next most senior employee who is not scheduled to work on that day.
Shift Interval. The employee w i l l be given ten ( 10) hours o f f duty between scheduled s h i f t s . (EXPLANATION: Present language provides 8 hours o f f duty between s h i f t s . ) M. p f s t promos- . ; C UMUu11 vi* o«> in a work day sh a ll re ceive two (2 ) p aid , u n in terru p xxx , f i f t e e n (15 ) minute •rest p erio d s; one in the f i r s t p art o f the work day and the other in the second p art o f the work day. Employees working ten (10 ) or more hours in a work day s h a ll receive a th ird (3 rd) p aid, u n in terru p xxx , f i f t e e n (15 ) minute re s t period .
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Shift Interval. There shall be an interval of not less than ten (10) hours between shifts for all employees. An employee who is not allowed ten (10) hour intervals between shifts shall be paid the rate of time and one half (1 ½ X) for time worked prior to the expiry of the ten (10) hour interval. The hours which an employee works prior to the expiry of the ten (10) hour interval will be included in determining the basic workday for the purpose of calculating overtime. (Example: An employee’s shift ends at 10:00 PM and they start the next day at 6:00 AM working through to 5:00 PM with an hour for lunch (ten (10) hours worked). That employee is entitled to pay as follows: the first two
Shift Interval. Except in bona fide emergencies, the minimum time off between shifts shall be twelve (12) hours and employees called to work sooner than twelve (12) hours from the end of their last work period shall be paid one and one- half (I½) times the employee's regular straight-time hourly rate for all work performed up to the time said twelve (12) hour period between shifts shall have elapsed.
Shift Interval. C16. The employee will be given ten (10) hours off duty between scheduled shifts. (Open Discussion)
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