Space Utilization Sample Clauses

Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Toronto have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? YES Please provide one or more example(s) in the spaces provided below of a promising practice that Toronto used during 2009-10 to develop and maintain results for international activities. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Toronto’s academic space utilization planning process: The responsibility for space allocation, policies and regulations resides within the jurisdiction of the University’s Vice President and Xxxxxxx. The Office of the Assistant Vice President, Campus and Facilities Planning closely monitors, evaluates and recommends the allocation of facilities on all three campuses. Space allocation decisions are made to support, build upon and enhance the teaching and research activities of the University. The Room Reservation System is an online booking system for classroom space that is “centrally controlled” rather than by the department or faculty with which the space is geographically associated. This allows for greater efficiency in the use of classroom space because a department only has to carry the costs for a room to the extent to which they use it (as opposed to shouldering the costs of a room because it resides within a building for which only one department is responsible). For example, the department may only use a given room for 40% of the time, while other academic units may use the room for 60% of the time. This ensures that academic space is utilized to its full extent. During the planning phase of all major capital projects of $500,000 and above, academic divisions are required to complete a Project Planning Report that includes a space standards evaluation in which a utilization analysis of academic space is conducted using the COU space standards and the university's own space requirements methodology. This evaluation also includes a rationale for the project as it relates to academic planning priorities and a range of space and building considerations. Divisions are required to submit this evaluation to governance. • If yes, please provide one or more example in the spaces provided below of a promising practice that Toronto used during 2009- 10 to assess and optim...
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Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did St. Clair College have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? Yes • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Xx. Clair College's academic space utilization planning process: St. Clair College, utilizing the Academic Interface (AI), a software program that supports Academic Planning, has the ability to project, plan and optimize space. The AI allows administration to review annual enrolment projections on a program and/or course section basis to determine direct faculty costs, develop preliminary faculty workloads, determine part time needs and project space utilization/requirements. • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that St. Clair College used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. This space analysis determines projected room utilization based on specified room types (labs, shops, multimedia, etc.) and section sizes to determine space requirements and usage for a specific year/term. This tool has been successfully used for approximately 10 years to guide the College with its academic planning, including space analysis, necessary renovations and purchases.
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did OCAD University have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? Yes • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform OCAD University's academic space utilization planning process: OCAD University has upgraded and expanded its use of TPHi-Infosilem course management software to centralize space allocation decisions and optimize space utilization. • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that OCAD University used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. OCAD University has established a Curriculum Space Management Committee to oversee and advise on effective space usage in support of learning.
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Ryerson have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Xxxxxxx’x academic space utilization planning process: YES The University uses space efficiently, with a large number of evening enrolments and Spring/Summer enrolments that generate usage during typically “off-peak” periods. (In 2009-10, there were over 29,000 registrations in the Spring/Summer terms, and over 42,000 evening registrations during the Fall and Winter combined.) Currently, Ryerson has only 56% of the total space required by the COU Building Blocks space standards, and only 62% of Teaching, Research and Academic Support space. The University carefully monitors space utilization of classrooms, labs and studios. Classrooms are booked centrally and good utilization is being achieved. A numbers of factors have been found to affect utilization, including the age and condition of physical plant and lab equipment, as well as course-specific needs such as set-up and breakdown requirements. The University is implementing strategies for improving utilization, including reconfiguration of labs to enable more multi-purpose use of facilities, as well as scheduling refinements. As a part of its on-going efforts to improve utilization, Ryerson has set aside $1.4 million in the current fiscal year for a program to increase lab utilization. Where possible, underutilized labs are being renovated and converted to uses with more pressing needs. • If yes, please provide one or more example in the spaces provided below of a promising practice that Ryerson used during 2009- 10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. Please see above.
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Xxxxxx Xxxxx have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? YES • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Xxxxxx Xxxxx’x academic space utilization planning process: GBC uses a number of interrelated processes. An accurate room inventory (including capacities and whether the scheduling of the room is under control of the Registrar or a dedicated divisional owner) is maintained in the Student Information System. Medium term projections are made and updated to identify gross space requirements of planned enrolments. Scheduled space utilization by term is calculated for classrooms and labs and totalled for each building and campus. Underutilized rooms are analysed annually for refurbishment/upgrade requirements. Space utilization by program in each term is calculated and program-level costs for space used are reported by term. Space- usage analysis is brought into the periodic college-wide Program Portfolio Analysis reviews, and space efficiency of programs is one of the metrics that is considered when planning portfolio adjustments (expansion and contraction). • If yes, please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that Xxxxxx Xxxxx used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. GBC operates on a decentralised model of program planning, in which the divisions do the forward planning of programming and enrolment. Over the past three years, work has progressed to define and integrate costs for space utilization by each program into the financial reporting system, to bring a clear cost signal to the responsible managers. Until this year, this costing has been done on a “shadow cost” basis; in 2009- 10, work is underway to assess the learning to date and identify the optimum way to weave space costing into our budgeting and control processes. Also in 2009-10, the college completed a five-year Portfolio Mix Strategy development process that included in-depth analysis of our programs’ space efficiency, including analysis of the delivery capacity locked up in the space currently used by the least efficient programs. Goals are being set for conversion of some of this space to higher-efficiency us...
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Sheridan College have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? Yes • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Sheridan College's academic space utilization planning process: As part of Xxxxxxxx’x Space Utilization planning process, space simulations are conducted on a regular basis. In these simulations, our scheduling team will be presented with a variety of scenarios ranging from an increase in enrolment at specific campus location to modifying scheduling patterns, or adjusting the program mix or intake for a particular school. The results are analyzed and presented back for review and consideration. • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that Sheridan College used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. In recognition of ongoing physical space constraints, along with the desire of students to utilize technology, Sheridan is adjusting course delivery to include ’hybrid’ (a combination of in-class and online) courses and more online course offerings. These changes in delivery will help to eliminate physical space constraints while at the same time meeting the learning flexibility needs of the students. In order to fully utilize the busy Xxxxx campus in Brampton from 8am to 10pm daily, Sheridan piloted 'teenager' timetables for full time students in Architectural Technician/Technology and Mechanical and Electromechanical Technician/Technology programs. These timetables allow students to take classes between 2pm and 10pm. Late shift timetables can allow two sets of students to attend classes and labs on campus each day, 8am to 3pm and 3pm to 10pm. Student feedback has been mixed with upper semester students being more receptive than first semester, timetables with only one or two evening classes preferred, and 4-day timetables (which reduce commuting carbon contributions) as the top priority, easier to achieve with more hours available in each day.
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Durham have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? YES • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Xxxxxx’x academic space utilization planning process: The space utilization planning process was undertaken in 2009‐10 by the VP, Finance and CFO along with facilities and scheduling. The process began with an analysis of the present capacity and space utilization rate based on scheduling practices, taking into account the needs of college partners that use space on the campuses. The results of the analysis revealed space deficiencies in a number of areas. The generally accepted target classroom utilization rate is 65%, and Durham College daytime rates are as high as 78%. In addition, half of all classroom sizes at Durham College have utilization rates higher than the target of 70%. Space capacity and utilization rates were then compared to enrolment goals to identify the gaps. It was recognized that Durham College would require an additional 47,000 square feet of classroom space to meet future enrolment needs.. Two XXX projects currently underway will create new space that will meet the enrolment needs based on the college’s usual scheduled day. The availability of new space is expected to keep pace with enrolment growth to 2015. ka • If yes, please provide one or more example in the space provided below of a promising practice that Durham used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. One of the XXX projects that began in 2009‐10 is the construction of a new student services building. Once construction is complete and service areas move into the new building, vacated space in the Xxxxxx Xxxxxx building will be refurbished to create additional classrooms and student life/study space. This important strategy will address an ongoing need for student space as identified in past KPI student satisfaction results. It is expected that, once complete, the refurbishments and additional space will increase student satisfaction.
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Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Trent University have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? Yes • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Trent University's academic space utilization planning process: In 2009-10 the senior administration at the university undertook a strategic review of operations. One of the outcomes of this is that space planning was included in the mandate of the Xxxxxxx'x Planning Group (PPG), comprised of key vice presidents and directors. A sub-committee of the PPG reviews all space requests and plans and assesses them. Recommendations are made to the PPG and included as part of an integrated planning process. This ensures that academic space planning is aligned with the approved academic priorities. • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that Trent University used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. The grand opening of Bagnani Hall at Traill College (Trent's downtown college) took place in March 2010. A living memorial to the contribution and philanthropy of Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, the new Bagnani Hall houses a lecture forum designed to seat 85 and serves as a lecture facility for Trent students as well as a facility for community cultural events. Provincial funding allowed Trent to expand it's health sciences by building Module C and moving Trent's nursing department into the new space which includes a new nursing centre learning lab. Trent renovated existing space for environmental sciences which allowed for the creation of a new Biomaterials Research Program let by Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, a pioneer in this emerging field.
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did Xxxxxx have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? YES • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform Xxxxxx’s academic space utilization planning process: Seneca utilizes Infosilem software to assist in classroom scheduling. Staff are trained to provide effective parameters that would maximize space usage. Manual adjustments are made to further optimize space utilization. Prior to each academic semester, a formal analysis of the overall classroom utilization helps modify the input parameters for the subsequent cycle. • If yes, please provide one or more example in the space provided below of a promising practice that Xxxxxx used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. Xxxxxx has an explicit policy to grow our summer enrolment in full-time post-secondary. Our enrolment in the summer semester has grown by 30% in the last two years to 7,466, a number larger than many colleges’ fall enrolment. Combined with our continuing education enrolment during all three semesters, by far the largest of any college in Ontario, we are using our classrooms and labs at a utilization rate that we believe are unmatched by any other major post-secondary institution. In fact, the standard usage of the fall enrolment figure as a proxy for a college’s enrolment serves to undervalue the utilization rate in those institutions who run larger summer semester activities as part of their full-time PSE activity. The space planning process was a particular challenge in 2009-10 at three of Seneca’s four main campuses due to exceptional enrolment growth and renovation complexities.
Space Utilization. In 2009-10, did University of Ontario Institute of Technology have a Space Utilization planning process in place to assess and optimize academic space utilization? Yes • If yes, please indicate in the space below the methodology used to inform University of Ontario Institute of Technology's academic space utilization planning process: As a relatively new, start-up institution, UOIT aligns our space planning with our 5 year Business Plan and campus Master Plan. UOIT continues to collect data in regards to space utilization in order to help forecast space decisions that will accommodate short term requirements with long term goals in mind. • Please provide one or more examples in the space provided below of a promising practice that University of Ontario Institute of Technology used during 2009-10 to assess and optimize academic space utilization. A promising practice could be a strategy, initiative or program viewed by the institution to be an innovative practice, success story and/or key accomplishment that the institution would like to highlight. Prior to course load, the Director of Academic Planning manually reviews utilization by class sizes to determine if certain section sizes may need to be revised/altered.
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