Step 2 - Grievance. A. If the complainant is not satisfied with the written response received from the Xxxx within ten (10) working days of the receipt of such written response he/she may forward a written grievance to the Executive Director, Human Resources.
B. On receipt of the formal written grievance, the Executive Director, Human Resources or his/her designate shall schedule a meeting with the complainant to review the complaint, determine the areas of disagreement or dissatisfaction with the communication and the remedy sought by the complainant.
C. The Executive Director, Human Resources or his/her designate shall then schedule a meeting with the investigating manager(s) and review all documentation, report(s) and evidence upon which the Xxxx'x decision was made, and if warranted conduct his/her investigation of the alleged incident(s). The Executive Director, Human Resources or his/her designate shall complete his/her investigation within thirty (30) working days of receipt of the grievance.
D. At the completion of the investigation, the Executive Director, Human Resources or his/her designate, shall within ten (10) working days schedule a meeting with the complainant and shall communicate the results of the investigation including conclusions reached and disposition of the grievance.
E. The Executive Director, Human Resources or his/her designate shall then further communicate his/her decision in writing to the complainant within ten (10) working days of the scheduled meeting referred to above.
Step 2 - Grievance. (a) Any grievance not resolved in the step 1 grievance procedure may be appealed by the employee/xxxxxxx filing a written grievance with the Assistant General Manager within ten (10) working days after receipt of the step 1 written answer. The step 2 grievance shall be in writing and shall describe the grievance and the remedy requested as well as any relevant information relating to the grievance that the employee/xxxxxxx wishes the Assistant General Manager to consider.
(b) The Assistant General Manager shall meet with the employee/xxxxxxx within ten
Step 2 - Grievance. If the matter cannot be resolved after being raised and discussed informally as above, then the Union/employee may submit a formal written complaint to Vice on behalf of the employee, group of employees and/or the Union within five (5) working days from the decision in 14.02 above . This complaint is called a Grievance. The Grievance should provide sufficient details to allow Vice to understand the issue being raised and the resolution being sought.
Step 2 - Grievance. If the grievance affects a group of employees with more than one manager, the employees may choose to forego Steps 1 and 2 and proceed directly to Step 3, Advanced Grievance, within the prescribed time lines.
1. ( If Employee chooses to skip Step 1: Pre-Grievance) A grievance may be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the Employee or the Union knows or by reasonable diligence should have known of the alleged grievance. A written notice shall be filed with the manager, or program manager if that manager is involved, which includes a statement of the grievance, the relevant facts, the specific contract provisions in question, the remedy sought, the signature and date of the person submitting the grievance.
Step 2 - Grievance. Within ten working days of the expiration of Step 1, the Association may file the grievance in writing with the appropriate Executive Officer. Within ten working days of the grievance being filed at Step 2, the Member, the appropriate Executive Officer, and one representative from each of Human Resources and the Association and will meet and attempt to resolve the difference. This step will not continue beyond ten working days from the date of the first meeting. When the resolution of the grievance is not accomplished with the expiration of Step 2, the Association may elect to resolve the dispute through grievance arbitration, as set forth in Article 5.0 (Grievance Arbitration).
Step 2 - Grievance. (a) If the grievance has not been resolved at Step 1, it shall be referred to Step 2 to the attention of the Employer’s Vice President Human Resources or designate within seven (7) working days from the deadline for the Employer to provide a Step 1 decision (see Article 12.03(c) above), whether the Employer has provided a decision or not.
(b) The parties shall meet to discuss the grievance within five (5) working days of the date of the referral to Step 2.
(c) The Employer shall give the grievor its decision in writing, with a copy to the Society, within five (5) working days from the Step 2 meeting date (paragraph (b) above).
(d) If no Step 2 meeting is held, or if the grievor or the Society do not agree with the Employer’s Step 2 decision, the grievance may then proceed to arbitration within seven (7) working days following the date the Employer’s Step 2 decision was due (paragraph (c) above).
Step 2 - Grievance. Disputes not resolved at the first step shall be moved to Step 2 for settlement by the Employer and the Union within thirty calendar days of either party’s knowledge of the grievance. Such grievance shall be reduced to writing and include the alleged contract violation and remedy sought. The Employer shall provide a written response to the Union within fifteen (15) calendar days from the Step 2 grievance meeting.
Step 2 - Grievance. If the complaint is not resolved at Step 1 it shall be forwarded, in writing, on a grievance form, by the Grievor or the Union Xxxxxxx to the Director of Human Resources within five (5) working days of the receipt of the reply at Step 1. The Director of Human Resources or designate shall meet with the Grievor and Xxxxxxx within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the grievance. The Director of Human Resources or designate shall, within five (5) working days of such meeting, render his/her reply in writing.
Step 2 - Grievance. If the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision given at Step 1, or if no decision is received within 7 days, and the grievant decides to advance the grievance, the grievant and/or Union representative, if any, shall present the Step 2 grievance to the next level supervisor within 10 days after receipt of the decision given at Step 1, or within 10 days after the deadline for the supervisor to issue a written decision, if none was issued. Upon receipt of the Step 2 grievance, the next level supervisor (or designee) will meet with the grievant and/or the grievant's Union representative, if any, discuss the grievance, and issue a written decision within 7 days.
Step 2 - Grievance. If the grievant is dissatisfied with the decision given on the Step 1 Grievance, the grievance will be presented to the next higher appropriate management official. The procedure is as follows:
(1) The grievance will be presented in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after the date the decision was received by the Employee at the Step 1 level. It should include the information required for a Step 1 Grievance, as well as, a copy of the written decision rendered by Xxxxxxxx, if received.
(2) The Parties meet to discuss the pertinent issues involved in the grievance and attempt to reach a settlement satisfactory to the Parties.
(3) Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the presented Step 2 grievance, a written decision will be issued by the next higher appropriate management official. Included within such a decision shall be a statement indicating the grievant's right to submit a grievance to Step 3.